blob: afad8600bae044b967a753eacbf0dc773134a37f [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Local users" sub-menu of "Access control".
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Suite Setup Launch Browser And Login OpenBMC GUI
Suite Teardown Close Browser
Test Setup Test Setup Execution
Test Tags Obmc_Gui_Local_Users
*** Variables ***
${xpath_select_user} //input[contains(@class,"bmc-table__checkbox-input")]
${xpath_edit_user} //button[@aria-label="Edit"]
${xpath_delete_user} //button[@aria-label="Delete"]
${xpath_account_policy} //button[text()[contains(.,"Account policy settings")]]
${xpath_add_user} //button[text()[contains(.,"Add user")]]
${xpath_enable_user} //label[text()[contains(.,"Enabled")]]
${xpath_disable_user} //label[text()[contains(.,"Disabled")]]
${xpath_input_user} //input[@id="username"]
${xpath_select_privilege} //select[@id="privilege"]
${xpath_input_password} //input[@id="password"]
${xpath_confirm_password} //input[@id="passwordConfirm"]
${xpath_remove_button} //button[text()[contains(.,"Remove")]]
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Existence Of All Sections In Local User Management Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in local user management page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Local_User_Management_Page
Page should contain View privilege role descriptions
Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Local User Management Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons in local user management page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Local_User_Management_Page
Page should contain Button ${xpath_account_policy}
Page should contain Button ${xpath_add_user}
Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_edit_user}
Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_delete_user}
Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In Local User Management Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all input boxes in local user management page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_Local_User_Management_Page
Page Should Contain Checkbox ${xpath_select_user}
Add User And Verify
[Documentation] Add user and verify.
[Tags] Add_User_And_Verify
# Confirm same user does not exist.
Delete User testUser1
Add User testUser1 testUserPwd1 Administrator
Test Login testUser1 testUserPwd1
Delete User And Verify
[Documentation] Delete user and verify.
[Tags] Delete_User_And_Verify
# Confirm same user does not exist.
Delete User testUser2
Add User testUser2 testUserPwd2 Callback
Delete User testUser2
Click Element ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${xpath_refresh_circle}
Page Should Not Contain testUser2
Test Login testUser2 testUserPwd2 ${False}
*** Keywords ***
Test Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do test case setup tasks.
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${xpath_refresh_circle}
Click Element ${xpath_select_access_control}
Click Element ${xpath_select_local_users}
Wait Until Page Contains Local user management
Add User
[Documentation] Create user.
[Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${privilege}=Administrator
... ${account_status}=Enabled
# Description of argument(s):
# username Name of the user to be created.
# password New user password.
# privilege User privilege.
# account_status Enable or disable new user.
Click Element ${xpath_add_user}
Add User Details ${username} ${password} ${privilege} ${account_status}
Add User Details
[Documentation] Add new user details.
[Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${privilege} ${account_status}
# Description of argument(s):
# username User name.
# password User password.
# privilege User privilege.
# account_status Enable or disable user.
Run Keyword If '${account_status}' == 'Enabled'
... Click Element ${xpath_enable_user}
... ELSE Click Element ${xpath_disable_user}
Input Text ${xpath_input_user} ${username}
Input Password ${xpath_input_password} ${password}
Input Password ${xpath_confirm_password} ${password}
Select User Privilege ${privilege}
Click Element ${xpath_add_user}
Select User Privilege
[Documentation] Select user privilege.
[Arguments] ${privilege}=Administrator
# Description of argument(s):
# privilege User privilege.
Click Element ${xpath_select_privilege}
Click Element //option[text()[contains(.,"${privilege}")]]
Delete User
[Documentation] Delete user.
[Arguments] ${username}
# Description of argument(s):
# username Name of the user to be created.
${result}= Run Keyword And Return Status Page Should Contain ${username}
Run Keyword If '${result}' == '${True}'
... Run Keywords Click Element //*[text()="${username}"]//following::td[3]//button[@aria-label="Delete"]
... AND Click Element ${xpath_remove_button}
... ELSE Log User does not exist
Test Login
[Documentation] Try to login to Openbmc.
[Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${expected_result}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# username Username.
# password User password.
# expected_result Result of the test.
Open Browser ${obmc_gui_url} alias=2
Switch Browser 2
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Login OpenBMC GUI ${username} ${password}
Should Be Equal ${status} ${expected_result} Login expectation was not met
Run Keyword If '${status}' == '${True}'
... LogOut OpenBMC GUI
... ELSE Page Should Contain Invalid username or password
Close Browser
Switch Browser 1