blob: 9f0a02ade51c3d4d13b1fc337e018aa854107e46 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module to test out of band IPMI watchdog functionality.
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot
Library ../lib/
Library String
Library Collections
Variables ../data/
Test Tags IPMI_Watchdog
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Test IPMI Watchdog Timer Does Not Log Bit
[Documentation] Execute out of band set/get do not log bit for watchdog timer.
[Tags] Test_IPMI_Watchdog_Timer_Does_Not_Log_Bit
[Template] Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Response Data
# set_raw_cmd get_raw_cmd resp_expect
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][0]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][1]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][3]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][3]}
Test IPMI Watchdog Timer Stop Bit
[Documentation] Execute out of band set/get stop/resume timer stop bit for watchdog timer.
[Tags] Test_IPMI_Watchdog_Timer_Stop_Bit
[Template] Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Response Data After Watchdog Expires
# set_raw_cmd get_raw_cmd resp_expect
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][6]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][5]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][9]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][7]}
Test IPMI Watchdog Timer Use Bits
[Documentation] Execute out of band set/get timer use bits for watchdog timer.
[Tags] Test_IPMI_Watchdog_Timer_Use_Bits
[Template] Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Response Data
# set_raw_cmd get_raw_cmd resp_expect
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][12]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][9]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][15]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][11]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][18]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][13]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][21]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][15]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][24]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][17]}
Test IPMI Watchdog Timer Pre-Timeout Interrupt Bits
[Documentation] Execute out of band set/get pre-timeout interrupt bits for watchdog timer.
[Tags] Test_IPMI_Watchdog_Timer_Pre-Timeout_Interrupt_Bits
[Template] Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Response Data
# set_raw_cmd get_raw_cmd resp_expect
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][27]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][19]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][30]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][21]}
Test IPMI Watchdog Timer Timeout Action Bits
[Documentation] Execute out of band set/get timer timeout bits for watchdog timer.
[Tags] Test_IPMI_Watchdog_Timer_Timeout_Action_Bits
[Template] Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Response Data
# set_raw_cmd get_raw_cmd resp_expect
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][33]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][23]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][36]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][25]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][39]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][27]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][42]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][29]}
Test IPMI Watchdog Timer Timeout Flag Bits
[Documentation] Execute out of band set/get timer timeout flag bits for watchdog timer.
[Tags] Test_IPMI_Watchdog_Timer_Timeout_Flag_Bits
[Template] Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Timer Expiration Data
# set_raw_cmd get_raw_cmd resp_expect
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][45]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][31]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][48]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][33]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][51]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][35]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][54]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][37]}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][57]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][39]}
Verify Timer Action For State Change
[Documentation] Set Watchdog via IPMI raw command and verify timer actions.
[Tags] Verify_Timer_Action_For_State_Change
[Template] Validate Watchdog Timer Actions And SEL Events
# set action command power state SEL event
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][60]} ['off'] Power down
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][63]} ['on'] Hard reset
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][66]} ['on'] Power cycle
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][69]} ['on'] Timer expired
Verify Reset Timer
[Documentation] Set Watchdog via IPMI raw command and verify Reset Timer functions as expected.
[Tags] Verify_Reset_Timer
# Check the chassis status.
Power On Host And Verify
# Set Watchdog Timer initCount(0x3530).
Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][72]}
# Get Watchdog Timer.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
Should Contain ${resp} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][41]}
@{start_timer_value}= Split String ${resp}
# Convert start value to integer.
# Example: Get watchdog response is 0x06 0x24 0x05 0x00 0x64 0x00 0x64 0x00.
# Start_timer_value is bits 6 - 7; set to 0x64 0x00 (100 ms decimal).
# Reverse bits 6 - 7 due to BMC being little endian; new value is 0x00 0x64.
# Convert hex value 0x00 0x64 to integer; start_timer_integer = 100.
${value}= Get Slice From List ${start_timer_value} 6
Reverse List ${value}
${start_timer_string}= Evaluate "".join(${value})
${start_timer_integer} = Convert To Integer ${start_timer_string} 16
# Delay.
# Get Watchdog Timer before reset watchdog timer.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
Should Contain ${resp} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][41]}
FOR ${1} IN ${3}
# Reset Watchdog Timer.
Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Reset'][0]}
# Delay.
Get Watchdog Timer And Compare To Start Value ${start_timer_integer}
Verify Pre-timeout Values
[Documentation] Set Watchdog Pre-timeout via IPMI raw command and verify via Get Watchdog Timer.
[Tags] Verify_Pre-timeout_Values
[Template] Validate Watchdog Pre-timeout
# command response
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][75]} ${EMPTY}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][81]} ${EMPTY}
${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][43]}
Verify Failure For Pre-Timeout Interval Greater Than Initial Count
[Documentation] Set Watchdog Pre-timeout via IPMI raw command and verify via Get Watchdog Timer.
[Tags] Verify_Failure_For_Pre-Timeout_Interval_Greater_Than_Initial_Count
# Expected to fail: pre-timeout interval (4000) > initial count (1000).
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Invalid data field*
... Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Set'][78]}
Verify Invalid Request Data Length
[Documentation] Set Watchdog via IPMI raw command and verify via Get Watchdog Timer.
[Tags] Verify_Invalid_Request_Data_Length
[Template] Watchdog Invalid Request Data Length
# command
Verify Invalid Reset Timer Request Data
[Documentation] Set Watchdog via IPMI raw command and verify via Get Watchdog Timer.
[Tags] Verify_Invalid_Reset_Timer_Request_Data
# Reset Watchdog Timer with one extra byte.
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Request data length*
... Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Reset'][3]}
# Reset BMC.
Run IPMI Standard Command mc reset cold -N 10 -R 1
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${OPENBMC_REBOOT_TIMEOUT} min 10 sec
... Is BMC Operational
# Reset Watchdog Timer without initialized watchdog.
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unknown*
... Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Reset'][6]}
*** Keywords ***
Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Response Data After Watchdog Expires
[Documentation] Execute out of band IPMI raw command and verify response data after watchdog expires.
[Arguments] ${set_raw_cmd} ${get_raw_cmd} ${resp_expect}
# Description of argument(s):
# set_raw_cmd The request bytes for the command.
# get_raw_cmd The response bytes for the command.
# resp_expect The expected response bytes for the command.
Run IPMI Command ${set_raw_cmd}
Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Reset'][0]}
Run IPMI Command ${set_raw_cmd}
${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${get_raw_cmd}
Should Contain ${resp} ${resp_expect} msg=Expecting ${resp_expect} but got ${resp}.
Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Response Data
[Documentation] Execute out of band IPMI raw command and verify response data.
[Arguments] ${set_raw_cmd} ${get_raw_cmd} ${resp_expect}
# Description of argument(s):
# set_raw_cmd The request bytes for the command.
# get_raw_cmd The response bytes for the command.
# resp_expect The expected response bytes for the command.
Run IPMI Command ${set_raw_cmd}
${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${get_raw_cmd}
Should Contain ${resp} ${resp_expect} msg=Expecting ${resp_expect} but got ${resp}.
Execute IPMI Raw Command And Verify Timer Expiration Data
[Documentation] Execute out of band IPMI raw command and verify timer expiration response data.
[Arguments] ${set_raw_cmd} ${get_raw_cmd} ${resp_expect}
# Description of argument(s):
# set_raw_cmd The request bytes for the command.
# get_raw_cmd The response bytes for the command.
# resp_expect The expected response bytes for the command.
Run IPMI Command ${set_raw_cmd}
Run IPMI Command ${get_raw_cmd}
Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Reset'][0]}
${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${get_raw_cmd}
Should Contain ${resp} ${resp_expect} msg=Expecting ${resp_expect} but got ${resp}.
Validate Watchdog Timer Actions And SEL Events
[Documentation] Verify the watchdog timer actions and the associated SEL events.
[Arguments] ${set_raw_cmd} ${power_state} ${sel_event}
# Description of argument(s):
# set_raw_cmd The set timeout action request bytes for the command.
# power_state The expected power state of the host.
# sel_event The response bytes for the command.
# Check the chassis status.
Power On Host And Verify
# Clear SEL.
Run IPMI Standard Command sel clear
# Set watchdog timer action to perform action.
Run IPMI Command ${set_raw_cmd}
# Reset Watchdog Timer.
Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Reset'][0]}
# Delay for power state.
IF '${sel_event}' == 'Hard reset' or '${sel_event}' == 'Power cycle'
# If timer expire action is 'Hard Reset' then the host/chassis immediately powering on after
# timer expires. So, verify host is rebooting by expecting that host is unpingable.
Run Keyword If '${sel_event}' == 'Power cycle'
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec Verify Host Power State ['off']
... ELSE
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20 sec 5 sec Is Host Unpingable ${OS_HOST}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 30 sec Verify Host Power State ['on']
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 7 min 30 sec OS Execute Command uptime
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 20 sec Verify Host Power State ${power_state}
Verify Watchdog Timer Action SEL Event ${sel_event}
Verify Host Power State
[Documentation] Get host power state using external IPMI command and verify.
[Arguments] ${power_state}
# Description of argument(s):
# power_state Value of Host power state: "on" or "off".
${ipmi_state}= Get Host State Via External IPMI
Valid Value ipmi_state ${power_state}
Verify Watchdog Timer Action SEL Event
[Documentation] Verify_Watchdog_Timer_Action_SEL_Event.
[Arguments] ${sel_event}
# Description of argument(s):
# sel_event Text of SEL event after timer action.
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel elist
${power_status}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp} Watchdog
Should Contain ${power_status} ${sel_event}
Power On Host And Verify
[Documentation] Power the host on and verify.
IPMI Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1
${ipmi_state}= Get Host State Via External IPMI
Valid Value ipmi_state ['on']
Watchdog Invalid Request Data Length
[Documentation] Verify invalid request bytes for set watchdog returns correct error.
[Arguments] ${watchdog_command}
# Description of argument(s):
# watchdog_command The raw watchdog IPMI command request bytes.
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Request data length*
... Run IPMI Command ${watchdog_command}
Validate Watchdog Pre-timeout
[Documentation] Verify watchdog pre-timeout valid request bytes.
[Arguments] ${watchdog_command} ${response}
# Description of argument(s):
# watchdog_command The raw watchdog IPMI command request bytes.
# response The expected response bytes.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${watchdog_command}
Should Contain ${resp} ${response}
Get Watchdog Timer And Compare To Start Value
[Documentation] Get watchdog value, convert to integer, and compare to original start value.
[Arguments] ${start_timer_integer}
# Description of argument(s):
# start_timer_integer The initial value for the watchdog timer.
# Get Watchdog Timer.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Watchdog']['Get'][0]}
@{timer_value}= Split String ${resp}
# Convert to integer and compare with start value.
# Example: Get watchdog response is 0x06 0x24 0x05 0x00 0x64 0x00 0x64 0x00.
# Start_timer_value is bits 6 - 7; set to 0x64 0x00 (100 ms decimal).
# Reverse bits 6 - 7 due to BMC being little endian; new value is 0x00 0x64.
# Convert hex value 0x00 0x64 to integer; start_timer_integer = 100.
${value}= Get Slice From List ${timer_value} 6
Reverse List ${value}
${timer_string}= Evaluate "".join(${value})
${current_timer_integer}= Convert To Integer ${timer_string} 16
Should Be True ${current_timer_integer} < ${start_timer_integer}