blob: 248eac71f8a49a4ea0e219e08081c205c2e6364f [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This module provides general keywords for LDAP.
*** Keywords ***
Get LDAP Configuration Using Redfish
[Documentation] Retrieve LDAP Configuration.
[Arguments] ${ldap_type}
# Description of argument(s):
# ldap_type The LDAP type ("ActiveDirectory" or "LDAP").
${ldap_config}= Redfish.Get Properties ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService
RETURN ${ldap_config["${ldap_type}"]}
Get LDAP Privilege And Group Name Via Redfish
[Documentation] Get LDAP groupname via Redfish.
# Get LDAP configuration via Redfish.
# Sample output of LDAP configuration:
# {
# 'RemoteRoleMapping': [
# {
# 'RemoteGroup': 'openldapgroup',
# 'LocalRole': 'Administrator'
# },
# ],
# 'Authentication':
# {
# 'Username': 'cn=Administrator,dc=ldap,dc=com',
# 'Password': None,
# 'AuthenticationType': 'UsernameAndPassword'
# },
# 'LDAPService':
# {
# 'SearchSettings':
# {
# 'BaseDistinguishedNames': ['dc=ldap,dc=com'],
# 'UsernameAttribute': 'cn',
# 'GroupsAttribute': 'gidNumber'
# }
# },
# 'ServiceEnabled': True,
# 'Certificates':
# {
# '': u'/redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates'
# },
# 'ServiceAddresses': ['ldap://xx.xx.xx.xx/']
# }
${ldap_config}= Get LDAP Configuration Using Redfish ${LDAP_TYPE}
${num_list_entries}= Get Length ${ldap_config["RemoteRoleMapping"]}
Return From Keyword If ${num_list_entries} == ${0} @{EMPTY}
${ldap_group_names}= Create List
FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${num_list_entries}
Append To List ${ldap_group_names} ${ldap_config["RemoteRoleMapping"][${i}]["RemoteGroup"]}
RETURN ${ldap_group_names}
Create LDAP Configuration
[Documentation] Create LDAP configuration.
[Arguments] ${ldap_type}=${LDAP_TYPE} ${ldap_server_uri}=${LDAP_SERVER_URI}
... ${ldap_bind_dn}=${LDAP_BIND_DN} ${ldap_bind_dn_password}=${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD}
... ${ldap_base_dn}=${LDAP_BASE_DN}
# Description of argument(s):
# ldap_type The LDAP type ("ActiveDirectory" or "LDAP").
# ldap_server_uri LDAP server uri (e.g. ldap://XX.XX.XX.XX).
# ldap_bind_dn The LDAP bind distinguished name.
# ldap_bind_dn_password The LDAP bind distinguished name password.
# ldap_base_dn The LDAP base distinguished name.
${body}= Catenate {'${ldap_type}':
... {'ServiceEnabled': ${True},
... 'ServiceAddresses': ['${ldap_server_uri}'],
... 'Authentication':
... {'AuthenticationType': 'UsernameAndPassword',
... 'Username':'${ldap_bind_dn}',
... 'Password': '${ldap_bind_dn_password}'},
... 'LDAPService':
... {'SearchSettings':
... {'BaseDistinguishedNames': ['${ldap_base_dn}']}}}}
Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService body=${body}
Sleep 15s