blob: 15accc00bbace23a4fe890c82fd453a6960a6595 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Network diagnostic tool report and logs to console
... for information. For more information 'man mtr'.
Library OperatingSystem
Library ../lib/
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Test Setup Check If Tool Exist
Test Tags Network_Diagnostic_Report
*** Test Cases ***
Check Network Latency
[Documentation] Check network connection between host MTR and BMC host.
[Tags] Check_Network_Latency
Repeat Keyword 3 times Log Network Loss
*** Keywords ***
Log Network Loss
[Documentation] Log Network packets loss percentage from MTR report.
${report}= Get MTR Row ${OPENBMC_HOST}
Log To Console \n Network packets loss: ${report['loss']} percent
Sleep 3s
Check If Tool Exist
[Documentation] Check if mtr tool exists.
${bin_path}= Run which mtr
Should Contain ${bin_path} mtr msg=mtr tool is not installed.