blob: d1fc2c8c2b66d1c5fb6298dfa9cc78f36feb4da1 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Verify the port recovery by simulating its disconnection.
# Test Parameters:
# OS_HOST The OS host name or IP Address.
# OS_USERNAME The OS login userid (usually root).
# OS_PASSWORD The OS login password.
# DEVICE_HOST The network device hostname or IP where the ports will
# be shutdown.
# DEVICE_USERNAME The network device username.
# DEVICE_PASSWORD The network device password.
# PORT_NUMBER The switch port where the server is connected (e.g.
# "1", "2", etc).
# NET_INTERFACE The network interface name that will be tested (e.g.
# "enP5s1f0", "eth0").
Library ../lib/
Resource ../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../lib/os_utilities.robot
Suite Setup Test Setup Execution
Test Tags Cable_Pull_Recover
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Network Interface Recovery
[Documentation] Test the recovery of the network interface that has been
... shutdown from the switch port.
[Tags] Verify_Network_Interface_Recovery
Set Switch Port State DOWN
Set Switch Port State UP
*** Keywords ***
Set Switch Port State
[Documentation] Disable the port connected to the server.
[Arguments] ${port_number}=${PORT_NUMBER} ${state}=${EMPTY}
# Description of argument(s):
# port_number The switch port where the server is connected (e.g.
# "1", "2", etc).
# state The state to be set in the network interface ("UP" or
# "DOWN").
Device Write enable
Device Write configure terminal
Device Write interface port ${PORT_NUMBER}
Run Keyword If '${state}' == 'DOWN'
... Device Write shutdown
... ELSE
... Device Write no shutdown
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 5 sec
... Check Network Interface State ${state}
Check Network Interface State
[Documentation] Check the status of the network interface.
[Arguments] ${NET_INTERFACE}=${NET_INTERFACE} ${state}=${EMPTY}
# Description of argument(s):
# NET_INTERFACE The network interface name that will be tested (e.g.
# "enP5s1f0", "eth0").
# state The network interface expected state ("UP" or "DOWN").
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... ip link | grep "${NET_INTERFACE}" | cut -d " " -f9
Should Contain ${stdout} ${state} msg=State not found as expected.
Test Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do suite setup tasks.
Should Not Be Empty ${PORT_NUMBER}
Should Not Be Empty ${NET_INTERFACE}