blob: a16a9387eb8fac381372c596005aea3ebd77a034 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module to test PLDM BIOS attribute types.
Library Collections
Library String
Library ../lib/
Variables ../data/
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Test Setup Printn
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Suite Setup PLDM BIOS Attribute Suite Setup
Suite Teardown PLDM BIOS Attribute Suite Cleanup
Test Tags Pldm_Bios_Attributes
*** Variables ***
${bios_original_data} ${EMPTY}
${attr_table_data} ${EMPTY}
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Get BIOS Attribute With Invalid Attribute Name
[Documentation] Verify get BIOS attribute with invalid attribute name.
[Tags] Verify_Get_BIOS_Attribute_With_Invalid_Attribute_Name
${random_attr}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
${pldm_output}= pldmtool bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a ${random_attr}
# Example output:
# pldmtool bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a hjkhkj
# Can not find the attribute hjkhkj
Should Contain ${pldm_output} Can not find the attribute
Verify Set BIOS Attribute With Invalid Attribute Name
[Documentation] Verify set BIOS attribute with invalid attribute name.
[Tags] Verify_Set_BIOS_Attribute_With_Invalid_Attribute_Name
${random_str}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
${pldm_output}= pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a ${random_str} -d ${random_str}
# Example output:
# pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a hjkhkj -d 0
# Could not find attribute :hjkhkj
Should Contain ${pldm_output} Could not find attribute
Verify Set Invalid Optional Value For BIOS Enumeration Attribute Type
[Documentation] Verify set invalid optional value for BIOS enumeration attribute type.
[Tags] Verify_Set_Invalid_Optional_Value_For_BIOS_Enumeration_Attribute_Type
${attr_val_data}= GetBIOSEnumAttributeOptionalValues ${attr_table_data}
@{attr_handles}= Get Dictionary Keys ${attr_val_data}
${enum_attr}= Evaluate random.choice(${attr_handles}) modules=random
# Example output:
# pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a pvm_os_boot_side -d hhhhhj
# Set Attribute Error: It's not a possible value
${pldm_output}= pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a ${enum_attr} -d 0
Should Contain ${pldm_output} Set Attribute Error
Verify Set Out Of Range Integer Value For BIOS Integer Attribute Type
[Documentation] Verify set out of range integer value for BIOS integer attribute type.
[Tags] Verify_Set_Out_Of_Range_Integer_Value_For_BIOS_Integer_Attribute_Type
${attr_val_data}= GetBIOSStrAndIntAttributeHandles BIOSInteger ${attr_table_data}
@{attr_handles}= Get Dictionary Keys ${attr_val_data}
${int_attr}= Evaluate random.choice(${attr_handles}) modules=random
${count}= Evaluate ${attr_val_data['${int_attr}']["UpperBound"]} + 5
# Example output:
# pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a vmi_if_count -d 12
# Response Message Error: rc=0,cc=2
${pldm_output}= pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a ${int_attr} -d ${count}
Should Contain ${pldm_output} Response Message Error
Verify Set Out Of Range String Value For BIOS String Attribute Type
[Documentation] Verify set out of range string value for BIOS string attribute type.
[Tags] Verify_Set_Out_Of_Range_String_Value_For_BIOS_String_Attribute_Type
${attr_val_data}= GetBIOSStrAndIntAttributeHandles BIOSString ${attr_table_data}
@{attr_handles}= Get Dictionary Keys ${attr_val_data}
${str_attr}= Evaluate random.choice(${attr_handles}) modules=random
${count}= Evaluate ${attr_val_data['${str_attr}']["MaximumStringLength"]} + 5
${random_value}= Generate Random String ${count} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
# Example output:
# pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a vmi_if0_ipv4_ipaddr -d 1234566788999
# Response Message Error: rc=0,cc=2
${pldm_output}= pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a ${str_attr} -d ${random_value}
Should Contain ${pldm_output} Response Message Error
Verify Set BIOS String Attribute Type
[Documentation] Verify set BIOS string attribute type for various BIOS
... attribute handle with random values with in the range.
[Tags] Verify_Set_BIOS_String_Attribute_Type
${attr_val_data}= GetBIOSStrAndIntAttributeHandles BIOSString ${attr_table_data}
# Example output:
# pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a vmi_hostname -d BMC
# {
# "Response": "SUCCESS"
# }
@{attr_handles}= Get Dictionary Keys ${attr_val_data}
FOR ${i} IN @{attr_handles}
${random_value}= GetRandomBIOSIntAndStrValues ${i} ${attr_val_data['${i}']["MaximumStringLength"]}
${attr_val_list}= Create List
Append To List ${attr_val_list} ${random_value}
Validate Set BIOS Attributes With Optional Values ${i} @{attr_val_list}
Verify Set BIOS Integer Attribute Type
[Documentation] Verify set BIOS integer attribute type for various BIOS
... attribute handle with random values with in the range.
[Tags] Verify_Set_BIOS_Integer_Attribute_Type
${attr_val_data}= GetBIOSStrAndIntAttributeHandles BIOSInteger ${attr_table_data}
# Example output:
# pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a vmi_if_count -d 1
# {
# "Response": "SUCCESS"
# }
@{attr_handles}= Get Dictionary Keys ${attr_val_data}
FOR ${i} IN @{attr_handles}
${random_value}= GetRandomBIOSIntAndStrValues ${i} ${attr_val_data['${i}']["UpperBound"]}
${attr_val_list}= Create List
Append To List ${attr_val_list} ${random_value}
Validate Set BIOS Attributes With Optional Values ${i} @{attr_val_list}
Verify Set BIOS Enumeration Attribute Type
[Documentation] Verify set BIOS enumeration attribute type for various BIOS
... attribute handle with random values with in the range of
... default optional values.
[Tags] Verify_Set_BIOS_Enumeration_Attribute_Type
${attr_val_data}= GetBIOSEnumAttributeOptionalValues ${attr_table_data}
# Example output:
# pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a pvm_default_os_type -d AIX
# {
# "Response": "SUCCESS"
# }
@{attr_handles}= Get Dictionary Keys ${attr_val_data}
FOR ${i} IN @{attr_handles}
@{attr_val_list}= Set Variable ${attr_val_data}[${i}]
Validate Set BIOS Attributes With Optional Values ${i} @{attr_val_list}
Verify Restore BIOS Attribute Values
[Documentation] Restore all BIOS attribute values with its default values and verify.
[Tags] Verify_Restore_BIOS_Attribute_Values
${bios_default_data}= GetBIOSAttrDefaultValues ${attr_table_data}
Validate Set All BIOS Attributes Values ${bios_default_data}
*** Keywords ***
PLDM BIOS Attribute Suite Setup
[Documentation] Perform PLDM BIOS attribute suite setup.
${pldm_output}= Pldmtool bios GetBIOSTable --type AttributeTable
Set Global Variable ${attr_table_data} ${pldm_output}
${data}= GetBIOSAttrOriginalValues ${pldm_output}
Set Global Variable ${bios_original_data} ${data}
PLDM BIOS Attribute Suite Cleanup
[Documentation] Perform PLDM BIOS attribute suite cleanup.
Run Keyword And Ignore Error
... Validate Set All BIOS Attributes Values ${bios_original_data}
Validate Set BIOS Attributes With Optional Values
[Documentation] Set BIOS attribute with the available attribute handle
... values and revert back to original attribute handle value.
[Arguments] ${attr_handle} @{attr_val_list}
# Description of argument(s):
# attr_handle BIOS attribute handle (e.g. pvm_system_power_off_policy).
# attr_val_list List of the attribute values for the given attribute handle
# (e.g. ['"Power Off"', '"Stay On"', 'Automatic']).
FOR ${j} IN @{attr_val_list}
${pldm_resp}= pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a ${attr_handle} -d ${j}
Valid Value pldm_resp['Response'] ['SUCCESS']
# Compare BIOS attribute values after set operation.
${output}= pldmtool bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a ${attr_handle}
${value1}= Convert To String ${output["CurrentValue"]}
${value2}= Convert To String ${j}
${value2}= Replace String ${value2} " ${EMPTY}
Should Be Equal ${value1.strip()} ${value2.strip()}
Validate Set All BIOS Attributes Values
[Documentation] Validate Set BIOS Attributes Values.
[Arguments] ${bios_attr_data}
# Description of argument(s):
# bios_attr_data Dictionary containing BIOS attribute name and values.
@{keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${bios_attr_data}
FOR ${key} IN @{keys}
${pldm_resp}= pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a ${key} -d ${bios_attr_data['${key}']}
Valid Value pldm_resp['Response'] ['SUCCESS']
# Compare BIOS attribute values after set operation.
${output}= pldmtool bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a ${key}
${value1}= Convert To String ${output["CurrentValue"]}
${value2}= Convert To String ${bios_attr_data['${key}']}
${value2}= Replace String ${value2} " ${EMPTY}
Should Be Equal ${value1.strip()} ${value2.strip()}