blob: b7820a945f8e524f9a612a49cf90a27cccb83e40 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test root user expire password.
Resource ../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../gui/lib/gui_resource.robot
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot
Library ../lib/
Library SSHLibrary
Test Setup Set Account Lockout Threshold
Test Tags BMC_Expire_Password
*** Variables ***
# If user re-tries more than 5 time incorrectly, the user gets locked for 5 minutes.
${default_lockout_duration} ${300}
${admin_user} admin_user
${default_adminuser_passwd} AdminUser1
${admin_password} AdminUser2
*** Test Cases ***
Expire Root Password And Check IPMI Access Fails
[Documentation] Expire root user password and expect an error while access via IPMI.
[Tags] Expire_Root_Password_And_Check_IPMI_Access_Fails
[Teardown] Test Teardown Execution
Expire Password ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print -v
Should Be Equal ${status} ${False}
Expire Root Password And Check SSH Access Fails
[Documentation] Expire root user password and expect an error while access via SSH.
[Tags] Expire_Root_Password_And_Check_SSH_Access_Fails
[Teardown] Test Teardown Execution
Expire Password ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Open Connection And Log In ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
Should Be Equal ${status} ${False}
Expire And Change Root User Password And Access Via SSH
[Documentation] Expire and change root user password and access via SSH.
[Tags] Expire_And_Change_Root_User_Password_And_Access_Via_SSH
[Teardown] Run Keywords Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec
... Restore Default Password For Root User AND FFDC On Test Case Fail
Expire Password ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
# Change to a valid password.
${resp}= Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
... body={'Password': '0penBmc123'} valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}]
# Verify login with the new password through SSH.
Open Connection And Log In ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} 0penBmc123
Expire Root Password And Update Bad Password Length Via Redfish
[Documentation] Expire root password and update bad password via Redfish and expect an error.
[Tags] Expire_Root_Password_And_Update_Bad_Password_Length_Via_Redfish
[Teardown] Run Keywords Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec
... Restore Default Password For Root User AND FFDC On Test Case Fail
Expire Password ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
... body={'Password': '0penBmc0penBmc0penBmc'}
Should Be Equal ${status} ${False}
Expire And Change Root User Password Via Redfish And Verify
[Documentation] Expire and change root user password via Redfish and verify.
[Tags] Expire_And_Change_Root_User_Password_Via_Redfish_And_Verify
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec
... Restore Default Password For Root User
Expire Password ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
Verify User Password Expired Using Redfish ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
# Change to a valid password.
Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
... body={'Password': '0penBmc123'}
# Verify login with the new password.
Redfish.Login ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} 0penBmc123
Verify Error While Creating User With Expired Password
[Documentation] Expire root password and expect an error while creating new user.
[Tags] Verify_Error_While_Creating_User_With_Expired_Password
[Teardown] Run Keywords Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec
... Restore Default Password For Root User AND FFDC On Test Case Fail
Expire Password ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
Verify User Password Expired Using Redfish ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
${payload}= Create Dictionary
... UserName=admin_user Password=TestPwd123 RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True}
Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ body=&{payload}
... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}]
Expire And Change Root Password Via GUI
[Documentation] Expire and change root password via GUI.
[Tags] Expire_And_Change_Root_Password_Via_GUI
[Setup] Launch Browser And Login GUI
[Teardown] Run Keywords Logout GUI AND Close Browser
... AND Restore Default Password For Root User AND FFDC On Test Case Fail
Expire Password ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_root_button_menu}
Click Element ${xpath_root_button_menu}
Click Element ${xpath_profile_settings}
Wait Until Page Contains Change password
# Change valid password.
Input Text ${xpath_input_password} 0penBmc123
Input Text ${xpath_input_confirm_password} 0penBmc123
Click Button ${xpath_profile_save_button}
Wait Until Page Contains Successfully saved account settings.
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Successfully saved account settings. timeout=20
Logout GUI
# Verify valid password.
Login GUI ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} 0penBmc123
Redfish.Login ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} 0penBmc123
Verify Maximum Failed Attempts And Check Root User Account Locked
[Documentation] Verify maximum failed attempts and locks out root user account.
[Tags] Verify_Maximum_Failed_Attempts_And_Check_Root_User_Account_Locked
[Setup] Set Account Lockout Threshold account_lockout_threshold=${5}
# Make maximum failed login attempts.
Repeat Keyword ${5} times
... Run Keyword And Expect Error InvalidCredentialsError* Redfish.Login root 0penBmc123
# Verify that legitimate login fails due to lockout.
Run Keyword And Expect Error InvalidCredentialsError*
# Wait for lockout duration to expire and then verify that login works.
Sleep ${default_lockout_duration}s
Verify New Password Persistency After BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Verify new password persistency after BMC reboot.
[Tags] Verify_New_Password_Persistency_After_BMC_Reboot
[Teardown] Test Teardown Execution
# Make sure the user account in question does not already exist.
Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user
... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}]
# Create specified user.
${payload}= Create Dictionary
... UserName=admin_user Password=TestPwd123 RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True}
Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ body=&{payload}
... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}]
Redfish.Login admin_user TestPwd123
# Change to a valid password.
Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user
... body={'Password': '0penBmc123'}
# Reboot BMC and verify persistency.
Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
# verify new password
Redfish.Login admin_user 0penBmc123
Verify Expire And Change Admin User Password Via GUI
[Documentation] Force expire admin password and update admin password via GUI.
[Tags] Verify_Expire_And_Change_Admin_User_Password_Via_GUI
[Setup] Run Keywords Launch Browser And Login GUI AND
... Redfish Create User ${admin_user} ${default_adminuser_passwd} Administrator ${True}
[Teardown] Run Keywords Logout GUI AND Close Browser
Expire Password ${admin_user}
Logout GUI
# Verify that admin user should not be able to login with expired password.
Login GUI ${admin_user} ${default_adminuser_passwd}
# Verify error message to update the password.
Wait Until Page Contains The password is expired and must be changed. timeout=10
# Update a valid acceptable password.
Input Text ${xpath_input_password} ${admin_password}
Input Text ${xpath_input_confirm_password} ${admin_password}
Click Button ${xpath_confirm_password_button}
Wait Until Page Contains Overview timeout=20
# Verify valid password.
Redfish.Login ${admin_user} ${admin_password}
Expire Admin Password And Check IPMI Access Fails
[Documentation] Expire admin user password and expect an error while access via IPMI.
[Tags] Expire_Admin_Password_And_Check_IPMI_Access_Fails
[Setup] Redfish Create User ${admin_user} ${default_adminuser_passwd} Administrator ${True}
Expire Password ${admin_user}
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print -v
Should Be Equal ${status} ${False}
Verify Expire Admin Password And Update Bad Password Length Via Redfish
[Documentation] Expire admin password and update bad password with more than 20 characters
... via Redfish and expect an error.
[Tags] Verify_Expire_Admin_Password_And_Update_Bad_Password_Length_Via_Redfish
[Setup] Redfish Create User ${admin_user} ${default_adminuser_passwd} Administrator ${True}
Expire Password ${admin_user}
Set Password Via Redfish 0penBmc0penBmc0penBmc ${False}
Verify Error While Creating User With Expired Admin Password
[Documentation] Expire admin password and expect an error while creating new user.
[Tags] Verify_Error_While_Creating_User_With_Expired_Admin_Password
[Teardown] Restore Default Password For Admin User
Expire Password ${admin_user}
Verify User Password Expired Using Redfish ${admin_user} ${default_adminuser_passwd}
# Create new user with expired admin password and expect an error.
${payload}= Create Dictionary
... UserName=admin_user1 Password=TestPwd123 RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True}
Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ body=&{payload}
... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}]
Verify New Admin Password Persistency After BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Verify new admin password persistency after BMC reboot.
[Tags] Verify_New_Admin_Password_Persistency_After_BMC_Reboot
[Setup] Redfish Create User ${admin_user} ${default_adminuser_passwd} Administrator ${True}
[Teardown] Restore Default Password For Admin User
Expire Password ${admin_user}
Set Password Via Redfish ${admin_password} ${True}
# Reboot BMC.
Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) stack_mode=skip
# Verify password is persisted after bmc reboot.
Redfish.Login ${admin_user} ${admin_password}
Expire And Change Admin User Password Via Redfish And Verify
[Documentation] Expire and change admin user password via Redfish and verify.
[Tags] Expire_And_Change_Admin_User_Password_Via_Redfish_And_Verify
[Setup] Redfish Create User ${admin_user} ${default_adminuser_passwd} Administrator ${True}
[Teardown] Restore Default Password For Admin User
Expire Password ${admin_user}
Verify User Password Expired Using Redfish ${admin_user} ${default_adminuser_passwd}
# Change to a valid password.
Set Password Via Redfish AdminUser2 ${True}
# Verify login with the new password.
Redfish.Login ${admin_user} AdminUser2
*** Keywords ***
Set Account Lockout Threshold
[Documentation] Set user account lockout threshold.
[Arguments] ${account_lockout_threshold}=${0} ${account_lockout_duration}=${50}
# Description of argument(s):
# account_lockout_threshold Set lockout threshold value.
# account_lockout_duration Set lockout duration value.
${payload}= Create Dictionary AccountLockoutThreshold=${account_lockout_threshold}
... AccountLockoutDuration=${account_lockout_duration}
Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/ body=&{payload}
gen_robot_valid.Valid Length OPENBMC_PASSWORD min_length=8
Restore Default Password For Root User
[Documentation] Restore default password for root user (i.e. 0penBmc).
# Set default password for root user.
Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${OPENBMC_USERNAME}
... body={'Password': '${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}'} valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}]
# Verify that root user is able to run Redfish command using default password.
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Do test teardown task.
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec Restore Default Password For Root User
Set Account Lockout Threshold account_lockout_threshold=${5}
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Expire Password
[Documentation] Force expire password.
[Arguments] ${username}
# Description of argument(s):
# username User to be created and expire.
# Expire the password.
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command passwd --expire ${username}
Should Contain Any ${output} password expiry information changed password changed
# Example output:
# passwd --expire admin
# passwd: password changed.
Close All Connections
Restore Default Password For Admin User
[Documentation] Restore default password for admin user (i.e. AdminUser1).
# Set default password for admin user.
Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${admin_user}
... body={'Password': '${default_adminuser_passwd}'} valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}]
# Verify that admin user is able to run Redfish command using default password.
Set Password Via Redfish
[Documentation] Set new password via redfish.
[Arguments] ${new_password} ${expect_result}
# Description of argument(s):
# new_password New password set.
# expect_result Expected result (eg:true or false).
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${admin_user}
... body={'Password': '${new_password}'}
Should be Equal ${status} ${expect_result}