blob: 9fb76ce1c23b33de82936ba61ed18be5566f2099 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Make a general hardware stress in a partition with all the
... resources available.
# Test Parameters:
# TYPE EEH error function to use, default is 4.
# OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address.
# OS_HOST The OS host name or IP Address.
# OS_USERNAME The OS login userid (usually root).
# OS_PASSWORD The password for the OS login.
# HTX_DURATION Duration of HTX run (e.g. "24 hours", "8 hours").
# HTX_INTERVAL The time delay between consecutive checks of HTX
# status, for example, 30 minutes.
# In summary: Run HTX for $HTX_DURATION, checking
# every $HTX_INTERVAL.
# HTX_MDT_PROFILE MDT profile to be executed (e.g. "mdt.bu, net.mdt, etc")
# default is "mdt.bu".
# bootme_period Bootme period where the system will be rebooting. (e.g.
# "3") 3 = 1 hour period.
# Expected result:
# HTX runs mdt.bu and doesn't log errors during the acceptance execution.
# Glossary:
# MDT:
# Master device table is a collection of hardware devices on the system for
# which HTX exercisers can be run.
# build_net:
# Script that configures every network port when connected to a loop. This
# skips the communication port to always keep it available.
# mdt.bu:
# Default mdt file. Collection of all HTX exercisers. Aim is to test entire
# system concurrently.
# HTX error log file /tmp/htxerr
# Records all the errors that occur. If there's no error during the test, it
# should be empty.
# bootme:
# This configures the cron to reboot the system and re-run the HTX profile.
Library SSHLibrary
Library String
Library ../lib/
Resource ../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../lib/os_utilities.robot
Resource ../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
Resource ../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Collect HTX Log Files
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Test Tags Boot_Acceptance
*** Variables ***
${HTX_DURATION} 8 hours
${HTX_INTERVAL} 35 minutes
${bootme_period} 3
*** Test Cases ***
Test Acceptance Boot
[Documentation] Stress every controller connected via PCI in an OS with
... every resource available (CPU, RAM, storage, ethernet controllers,
... etc).
[Tags] Test_Acceptance_Boot
Run Build Net
Run Soft Bootme
Repeat Keyword ${HTX_DURATION} Run Keywords
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 min 30 sec Is OS Booted
... AND
... OS Execute Command uptime
... AND
... Run Key U sleep \ ${HTX_INTERVAL}
... AND
... Check HTX Run Status
... AND
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20 min 10 sec Is Host Off
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 min 15 sec Is OS Booted
Shutdown Bootme
Shutdown HTX Exerciser
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do setup tasks.
Redfish Power On stack_mode=normal
Tool Exist htxcmdline
Create Default MDT Profile