blob: 9e7d36b2fce6b70afd4a473999494c5f01135157 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Keywords for system related test. This is a subset of the
... utils.robot. This resource file keywords is specifically
... define for system test use cases.
Library ../lib/
Library OperatingSystem
Resource ../extended/obmc_boot_test_resource.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource resource.txt
Library OperatingSystem
Library DateTime
*** Variables ***
${htx_log_dir_path} ${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}
# Error strings to check from dmesg.
${ERROR_REGEX} error|GPU|NVRM|nvidia
# GPU specific error message from dmesg.
${ERROR_DBE_MSG} (DBE) has been detected on GPU
*** Keywords ***
Execute Command On OS
[Documentation] Execute given command on OS and return output.
[Arguments] ${command}
# Description of argument(s):
# command Shell command to be executed on OS.
${stdout} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${command} return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
[Return] ${stdout}
Login To OS
[Documentation] Login to OS Host.
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}
... ${alias_name}=os_connection
# Description of argument(s):
# os_host IP address of the OS Host.
# os_username OS Host Login user name.
# os_password OS Host Login passwrd.
# alias_name Default OS SSH session connection alias name.
# TODO: Generalize alias naming using openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#633
Ping Host ${os_host}
Open Connection ${os_host} alias=${alias_name}
Login ${os_username} ${os_password}
Tool Exist
[Documentation] Check whether given tool is installed on OS.
[Arguments] ${tool_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# tool_name Tool name whose existence is to be checked.
Login To OS
${output}= Execute Command On OS which ${tool_name}
Should Contain ${output} ${tool_name}
... msg=Please install ${tool_name} tool.
Boot To OS
[Documentation] Boot host OS.
Run Key OBMC Boot Test \ REST Power On
Power Off Host
[Documentation] Power off host.
Run Key OBMC Boot Test \ REST Power Off
File Exist On OS
[Documentation] Check if the given file path exist on OS.
[Arguments] ${file_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_path Absolute file path.
Login To OS
${out}= Execute Command On OS ls ${file_path}
Log To Console \n File Exist: ${out}
Is HTX Running
[Documentation] Check if the HTX exerciser is currently running.
${status}= Execute Command On OS htxcmdline -status
Should Not Contain ${status} Daemon state is <IDLE>
Write Log Data To File
[Documentation] Write log data to the logs directory.
[Arguments] ${data}= ${log_file_path}=
# Description of argument(s):
# data String buffer.
# log_file_path The log file path.
Create File ${log_file_path} ${data}
Collect HTX Log Files
[Documentation] Collect status and error log files.
# Collects the following files:
# HTX error log file /tmp/htxerr
# HTX status log file /tmp/htxstats
# Create logs directory and get current datetime.
Create Directory ${htx_log_dir_path}
${cur_datetime}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f
File Exist On OS /tmp/htxerr
${htx_err}= Execute Command On BMC cat /tmp/htxerr
Write Log Data To File
... ${htx_err} ${htx_log_dir_path}/${OS_HOST}${cur_datetime}.htxerr
File Exist On OS /tmp/htxstats
${htx_stats}= Execute Command On BMC cat /tmp/htxstats
Write Log Data To File
... ${htx_stats} ${htx_log_dir_path}/${OS_HOST}_${cur_datetime}.htxstats
REST Upload File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload a file via REST to BMC.
# Generate 32 MB file size
Run dd if=/dev/zero of=dummyfile bs=1 count=0 seek=32MB
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist dummyfile
# Get the content of the file and upload to BMC
${image_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File dummyfile
# Get REST session to BMC
Initialize OpenBMC
# Create the REST payload headers and data
${data}= Create Dictionary data ${image_data}
${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/octet-stream
... Accept=application/octet-stream
Set To Dictionary ${data} headers ${headers}
${resp}= Post Request openbmc /upload/image &{data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
# Delete uploaded image file.
# TODO: Delete via REST openbmc/openbmc#1550
# Take SSH connection to BMC and switch to BMC connection to perform
# the task.
&{bmc_connection_args}= Create Dictionary alias=bmc_connection
Open Connection And Log In &{bmc_connection_args}
# Currently OS SSH session is active, switch to BMC connection.
Switch Connection bmc_connection
Execute Command On BMC rm -f /tmp/images/*
# Switch back to OS SSH connection.
Switch Connection os_connection
Check For Errors On OS Dmesg Log
[Documentation] Check if dmesg has nvidia errors logged.
${dmesg_log}= Execute Command On OS dmesg | egrep '${ERROR_REGEX}'
# To enable multiple string check.
Should Not Contain Any ${dmesg_log} ${ERROR_DBE_MSG}
Collect NVIDIA Log File
[Documentation] Collect ndivia-smi command output.
# Collects the output of ndivia-smi cmd output.
# TODO: GPU current temperature threshold check.
# openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#637
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | NVIDIA-SMI 361.89 Driver Version: 361.89 |
# |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
# | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
# | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
# |===============================+======================+======================|
# | 0 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0002:01:00.0 Off | 0 |
# | N/A 25C P0 35W / 300W | 931MiB / 16280MiB | 0% Default |
# +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
# | 1 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0003:01:00.0 Off | 0 |
# | N/A 26C P0 40W / 300W | 1477MiB / 16280MiB | 0% Default |
# +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
# | 2 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0006:01:00.0 Off | 0 |
# | N/A 25C P0 35W / 300W | 931MiB / 16280MiB | 0% Default |
# +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
# | 3 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0007:01:00.0 Off | 0 |
# | N/A 44C P0 290W / 300W | 965MiB / 16280MiB | 99% Default |
# +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Processes: GPU Memory |
# | GPU PID Type Process name Usage |
# |=============================================================================|
# | 0 28459 C hxenvidia 929MiB |
# | 1 28460 C hxenvidia 1475MiB |
# | 2 28461 C hxenvidia 929MiB |
# | 3 28462 C hxenvidia 963MiB |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# Create logs directory and get current datetime.
Create Directory ${htx_log_dir_path}
${cur_datetime}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f
${nvidia_out}= Execute Command On BMC nvidia-smi
Write Log Data To File
... ${nvidia_out} ${htx_log_dir_path}/${OS_HOST}_${cur_datetime}.nvidia
Pre Test Case Execution
[Documentation] Do the initial test setup.
# 1. Check if HTX tool exist.
# 2. Power on
Boot To OS
Tool Exist htxcmdline
# Shutdown if HTX is running.
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Is HTX Running
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'True'
... Shutdown HTX Exerciser
Create Default MDT Profile
[Documentation] Create default mdt.bu profile and run.
Rprint Timen Create HTX mdt profile.
${profile}= Execute Command On OS htxcmdline -createmdt
Rprintn ${profile}
Should Contain ${profile} mdts are created successfully
Run MDT Profile
[Documentation] Load user pre-defined MDT profile.
Rprint Timen Start HTX mdt profile execution.
${htx_run}= Execute Command On OS
... htxcmdline -run -mdt ${HTX_MDT_PROFILE}
Rprintn ${htx_run}
Should Contain ${htx_run} Activated
Check HTX Run Status
[Documentation] Get HTX exerciser status and check for error.
Rprint Timen Check HTX mdt Status and error.
${status}= Execute Command On OS
... htxcmdline -status -mdt ${HTX_MDT_PROFILE}
Rprintn ${status}
${errlog}= Execute Command On OS htxcmdline -geterrlog
Rprintn ${errlog}
Should Contain ${errlog} file </tmp/htxerr> is empty
Shutdown HTX Exerciser
[Documentation] Shut down HTX exerciser run.
Rprint Timen Shutdown HTX Run
${shutdown}= Execute Command On OS
... htxcmdline -shutdown -mdt ${HTX_MDT_PROFILE}
Rprintn ${shutdown}
Should Contain ${shutdown} shutdown successfully