blob: 0b820307d126912333f44ff82569bb1090b271d3 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite will test extended Network Configuration Rest Interfaces
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Library ../lib/
Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In
Suite Teardown Close All Connections
Test Teardown Log FFDC
*** Test Cases ***
Set IP address on valid Interface
[Tags] network_test
[Documentation] This test case sets the ip on the interface and validates
... that ip address has been set or not.
... Expectation is the ip address should get added.
${networkInfo}= Get networkInfo from the interface eth0
${result}= convert to integer ${networkInfo['data'][1]}
${MASK}= calcDottedNetmask ${result}
set suite variable ${OLD_MASK} ${MASK}
set suite variable ${OLD_IP} ${networkInfo['data'][2]}
set suite variable ${OLD_GATEWAY} ${networkInfo['data'][3]}
Log ${OLD_IP}
${NEW_IP}= Get Environment Variable NEW_BMC_IP
${NEW_MASK}= Get Environment Variable NEW_SUBNET_MASK
${NEW_GATEWAY}= Get Environment Variable NEW_GATEWAY
${arglist}= Create List eth0 ${NEW_IP} ${NEW_MASK} ${NEW_GATEWAY}
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
run keyword and ignore error Call Method /org/openbmc/NetworkManager/Interface/ SetAddress4 data=${args}
Wait For Host To Ping ${NEW_IP}
Set Suite Variable ${AUTH_URI} https://${NEW_IP}
${networkInfo}= Get networkInfo from the interface eth0
${ipaddress}= set variable ${networkInfo['data'][2]}
${gateway}= set variable ${networkInfo['data'][3]}
${isgatewayfound} = Set Variable If '${gateway}'=='${NEW_GATEWAY}' true false
Log ${isgatewayfound}
${isIPfound}= Set Variable if '${ipaddress}' == '${NEW_IP}' true false
should be true '${isIPfound}' == 'true' and '${isgatewayfound}' == 'true'
Revert the last ip address change
[Tags] network_test
[Documentation] This test case sets the ip on the interface and validates
... that ip address has been set or not.
... Expectation is the ip address should get added.
${arglist}= Create List eth0 ${OLD_IP} ${OLD_MASK} ${OLD_GATEWAY}
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
run keyword and ignore error Call Method /org/openbmc/NetworkManager/Interface/ SetAddress4 data=${args}
Wait For Host To Ping ${OLD_IP}
Set Suite Variable ${AUTH_URI} https://${OLD_IP}
${networkInfo}= Get networkInfo from the interface eth0
${ipaddress}= set variable ${networkInfo['data'][2]}
${gateway}= set variable ${networkInfo['data'][3]}
${isgatewayfound} = Set Variable If '${gateway}'=='${OLD_GATEWAY}' true false
Log ${isgatewayfound}
${isIPfound}= Set Variable if '${ipaddress}' == '${OLD_IP}' true false
should be true '${isIPfound}' == 'true' and '${isgatewayfound}' == 'true'
Persistency check for ip address
[Tags] reboot_test
[Documentation] we reboot the service processor and after reboot
... will request for the ip address to check the persistency
... of the ip address.
... Expectation is the ip address should persist.
Open Connection And Log In
Execute Command reboot
Log "System is getting rebooted wait for few seconds"
${networkInfo}= Get networkInfo from the interface eth0
${ipaddress}= set variable ${networkInfo['data'][2]}
${gateway}= set variable ${networkInfo['data'][3]}
${isgatewayfound} = Set Variable If '${gateway}'=='${OLD_GATEWAY}' true false
Log ${isgatewayfound}
${isIPfound}= Set Variable if '${ipaddress}' == '${OLD_IP}' true false
should be true '${isIPfound}' == 'true' and '${isgatewayfound}' == 'true'
Get networkInfo from the interface
[Documentation] This keyword is used to match the given ip with the configured one.
... returns true if match successfull else false
... eg:- Outout of getAddress4
... NewFormat:-{"data": [ 2,25,"",""],"message": "200 OK","status": "ok"}
... OldFormat:-
... {"data": [[[2,25,0,128,""],[2,8,254,128,""]],""],
... "message": "200 OK", "status": "ok"}
[arguments] ${intf}
@{arglist}= Create List ${intf}
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method /org/openbmc/NetworkManager/Interface/ GetAddress4 data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${json} = to json ${resp.content}
Log ${json['data'][2]}
Log ${json['data'][3]}
[return] ${json}
${NEW_BMC_IP}= Get Environment Variable NEW_BMC_IP
${NEW_SUBNET_MASK}= Get Environment Variable NEW_SUBNET_MASK
${NEW_GATEWAY}= Get Environment Variable NEW_GATEWAY
should not be empty ${NEW_BMC_IP}
should not be empty ${NEW_GATEWAY}
should not be empty ${NEW_SUBNET_MASK}