blob: a12c993d6e1f166e139dd36e0d7ac83e97412bad [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
CLI FFDC Collector.
import os
import sys
import click
# ---------Set sys.path for cli command execution---------------------------------------
# Absolute path to openbmc-test-automation/ffdc
full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])).split('ffdc')[0]
# Walk path and append to sys.path
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(full_path):
for found_dir in dirs:
sys.path.append(os.path.join(root, found_dir))
from ffdc_collector import FFDCCollector
@click.option('-h', '--hostname', envvar='OPENBMC_HOST',
help="ip or hostname of the target [default: OPENBMC_HOST]")
@click.option('-u', '--username', envvar='OPENBMC_USERNAME',
help="username on targeted system [default: OPENBMC_USERNAME]")
@click.option('-p', '--password', envvar='OPENBMC_PASSWORD',
help="password for username on targeted system [default: OPENBMC_PASSWORD]")
@click.option('-f', '--ffdc_config', default="ffdc_config.yaml",
show_default=True, help="YAML FFDC configuration file")
@click.option('-l', '--location', default="/tmp",
show_default=True, help="Location to store collected FFDC data")
def cli_ffdc(hostname, username, password, ffdc_config, location):
Stand alone CLI to generate and collect FFDC from the selected target.
Description of argument(s):
hostname Name/IP of the remote (targetting) host.
username User on the remote host with access to FFDC files.
password Password for user on remote host.
ffdc_config Configuration file listing commands and files for FFDC.
location Where to store collected FFDC.
click.echo("\n********** FFDC Starts **********")
thisFFDC = FFDCCollector(hostname, username, password, ffdc_config, location)
if not thisFFDC.receive_file_list:
click.echo("\n\tFFDC Collection from " + hostname + " has failed\n\n.")
click.echo(str("\t" + str(len(thisFFDC.receive_file_list)))
+ " files were retrieved from " + hostname)
click.echo("\tFiles are stored in " + thisFFDC.ffdc_dir_path + "\n\n")
click.echo("\n********** FFDC Finishes **********\n\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':