blob: c21cf406f6d60205750152f8842b2d5171eb10a9 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Library XvfbRobot
Library OperatingSystem
Library Selenium2Library 120 120
Library Telnet 30 Seconds
Library Screenshot
Resource resource.txt
*** Keywords ***
Open Browser With URL
[Documentation] Opens browser with specified URL.
[Arguments] ${URL}
Start Virtual Display 1920 1080
${browser_ID}= Open Browser ${URL}
Set Window Size 1920 1080
[Return] browser_ID
Break Firewall
[Documentation] Break firewall.
${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Telnet.Open Connection
... ${HOST} prompt=#
Run Keyword If '${status}'=='PASS' Telnet.Login ${HOST_USERNAME}
... ${HOST_PASSWORD} login_prompt=Username: password_prompt=Password:
Login To GUI
[Documentation] Log into web GUI.
[Arguments] ${URL} ${xpath_uname} ${username}
... ${xpath_password} ${password} ${xpath_signin} ${logo}
Go To ${URL}
Input Text ${xpath_uname} ${username}
Input Password ${xpath_password} ${password}
Click Button ${xpath_signin}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${logo}