blob: b70d0d12593d299349b0fb51e57297d2d7da389c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test IPMI sensor IDs.
Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
Suite setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
Force Tags SDR_Test
*** Test Cases ***
Test CPU Core SDR Info At Power On
[Documentation] Verify CPU core SDR info via IPMI and REST at power on.
[Tags] Test_CPU_Core_SDR_Info_At_Power_On
REST Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1
Test SDR Info core
Test DIMM SDR Info At Power On
[Documentation] Verify DIMM SDR info via IPMI and REST at power on.
[Tags] Test_DIMM_SDR_Info_At_Power_On
REST Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1
Test SDR Info dimm
Test GPU SDR Info At Power On
[Documentation] Verify GPU SDR info via IPMI and REST at power on.
[Tags] Test_GPU_SDR_Info_At_Power_On
REST Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1
Test SDR Info gv100card
Test CPU Core SDR Info At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify CPU core SDR info via IPMI and REST at power off.
[Tags] Test_CPU_Core_SDR_Info_At_Power_Off
REST Power Off stack_mode=skip quiet=1
Test SDR Info core
Test DIMM SDR Info At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify DIMM SDR info via IPMI and REST at power off.
[Tags] Test_DIMM_SDR_Info_At_Power_Off
REST Power Off stack_mode=skip quiet=1
Test SDR Info dimm
Test Turbo Allowed SDR Info
[Documentation] Verify turbo allowed SDR info via IPMI and REST.
[Tags] Test_Turbo_Allowed_SDR_Info
${component_uri_list}= Get Component URIs turbo_allowed
${component_uri}= Get From List ${component_uri_list} 0
${state_rest}= Read Attribute ${component_uri} TurboAllowed
${state_ipmi}= Get SDR Presence Via IPMI turbo_allowed${SPACE}
Run Keyword If '${state_ipmi}' == 'Disabled'
... Should Be True ${state_rest} == 0
... ELSE IF '${state_ipmi}' == 'State Asserted'
... Should Be True ${state_rest} == 1
Test Auto Reboot SDR Info
[Documentation] Verify auto reboot SDR info via IPMI and REST.
[Tags] Test_Auto_Reboot_SDR_Info
${component_uri_list}= Get Component URIs auto_reboot
${component_uri}= Get From List ${component_uri_list} 0
${state_rest}= Read Attribute ${component_uri} AutoReboot
${state_ipmi}= Get SDR Presence Via IPMI auto_reboot${SPACE}
Run Keyword If '${state_ipmi}' == 'Disabled'
... Should Be True ${state_rest} == 0
... ELSE IF '${state_ipmi}' == 'State Asserted'
... Should Be True ${state_rest} == 1
Test TPM Enable SDR Info
[Documentation] Verify auto reboot SDR info via IPMI and REST.
[Tags] Test_TPM_Enable_SDR_Info
${component_uri_list}= Get Component URIs TPMEnable
${component_uri}= Get From List ${component_uri_list} 0
${state_rest}= Read Attribute ${component_uri} TPMEnable
${state_ipmi}= Get SDR Presence Via IPMI auto_reboot${SPACE}
Run Keyword If '${state_ipmi}' == 'Disabled'
... Should Be True ${state_rest} == 0
... ELSE IF '${state_ipmi}' == 'State Asserted'
... Should Be True ${state_rest} == 1
*** Keywords ***
Get Component URIs
[Documentation] Get URIs for given component from given URIs
... and return as a list.
[Arguments] ${component_name} ${uri_list}=${SYSTEM_URI}
# A sample result returned for the "core" component:
# /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0
# /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1
# /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10
# /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11
# /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12
# (etc.)
# Description of argument(s):
# component_name Component name (e.g. "core", "dimm", etc.).
# uri_list URI list.
${component_uris}= Get Matches ${uri_list}
... regexp=^.*[0-9a-z_].${component_name}[0-9]*$
[Return] ${component_uris}
Get SDR Presence Via IPMI
[Documentation] Return presence info from IPMI sensor data record.
[Arguments] ${component_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# component_name Component name (e.g. "cpu0_core0", "dimm0", etc.).
# Example of IPMI SDR elist output.
# BootProgress | 03h | ok | 34.2 |
# OperatingSystemS | 05h | ok | 35.1 | boot completed - device not specified
# AttemptsLeft | 07h | ok | 34.1 |
# occ0 | 08h | ok | 210.1 | Device Disabled
# occ1 | 09h | ok | 210.2 | Device Disabled
# cpu0_core0 | 12h | ok | 208.1 | Presence detected
# cpu0_core1 | 15h | ok | 208.2 | Disabled
# cpu0_core2 | 18h | ok | 208.3 | Presence detected
# dimm0 | A6h | ok | 32.1 | Presence Detected
# dimm1 | A8h | ok | 32.2 | Presence Detected
# dimm2 | AAh | ok | 32.9 | Presence Detected
# gv100card0 | C5h | ok | 216.1 | 0 unspecified
# gv100card1 | C8h | ok | 216.2 | 0 unspecified
# TPMEnable | D7h | ok | 3.3 | State Asserted
# auto_reboot | DAh | ok | 33.2 | State Asserted
# volatile | DBh | ok | 33.1 | State Deasserted
${sdr_elist_output}= Run IPMI Standard Command sdr elist
... Get Lines Containing String ${sdr_elist_output} ${component_name}
... case-insensitive
${presence_ipmi}= Fetch From Right ${sdr_component_line} |
${presence_ipmi}= Strip String ${presence_ipmi}
[Return] ${presence_ipmi}
Verify SDR
[Documentation] Verify IPMI sensor data record for given component
... with REST.
[Arguments] ${component_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# component_name Component name (e.g. "cpu0/core0", "dimm0", etc.).
${presence_rest}= Read Attribute
... ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}system/chassis/motherboard/${component_name}
... Present
${functional_rest}= Read Attribute
... ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}system/chassis/motherboard/${component_name}
... Functional
# Replace "/" with "_" if there is any "/" in component name.
# e.g. cpu0/core0 to cpu0_core0
${component_name}= Replace String ${component_name} / _
${presence_ipmi}= Get SDR Presence Via IPMI ${component_name}${SPACE}
Run Keyword If '${presence_ipmi}' == 'Disabled'
... Should Be True ${presence_rest} == 0 and ${functional_rest} == 0
... ELSE IF '${presence_ipmi}' == 'Presence Detected' or '${presence_ipmi}' == 'Presence detected'
... Should Be True ${presence_rest} == 1 and ${functional_rest} == 1
... ELSE IF '${presence_ipmi}' == 'State Asserted'
... Should Be True ${presence_rest} == 1 and ${functional_rest} == 1
... ELSE IF '${presence_ipmi}' == 'State Deasserted'
... Should Be True ${presence_rest} == 1 and ${functional_rest} == 0
... ELSE Fail msg=Invalid Presence${presence_ipmi}
Test SDR Info
[Documentation] Test SDR info for given component.
[Arguments] ${component_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# component_name Component name (e.g. "core", "dimm", etc.).
${component_uri_list}= Get Component URIs ${component_name}
: FOR ${uri} IN @{component_uri_list}
\ ${component_name}= Fetch From Right ${uri} motherboard/
\ Log To Console ${component_name}
\ Verify SDR ${component_name}
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do the initial suite setup.
REST Power On stack_mode=skip
${uri_list}= Read Properties ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}list
Set Suite Variable ${SYSTEM_URI} ${uri_list}
Log ${uri_list}
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Do the post test teardown.
FFDC On Test Case Fail