blob: aab91305a83983cf27cb0f4ce22d32d1ee2a4a48 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite tests error log callout handling when checkstop
... is injected through HOST/BMC and BMC rebooted.
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc_methods.robot
Resource ../../openpower/ras/ras_utils.robot
Variables ../../lib/ras/
Variables ../../data/
Suite Setup RAS Suite Setup
Test Setup RAS Test Setup
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Suite Teardown RAS Suite Cleanup
Test Tags Reboot_RAS
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Host Unrecoverable Callout Handling At Reboot
[Documentation] Verify host unrecoverable callout handling at reboot.
[Tags] Verify_Host_Unrecoverable_Callout_Handling_At_Reboot
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} L2FIR_UE
${translated_fir}= Fetch FIR Address Translation Value ${value[0]} EX
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}l2fir_ue
Inject Unrecoverable Error HOST ${translated_fir}
... ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path} ${1}
Verify Pdbg Unrecoverable Callout Handling At Reboot
[Documentation] Verify unrecoverable callout handling
... with pdbg tool at reboot.
[Tags] Verify_Pdbg_Unrecoverable_Callout_Handling_At_Reboot
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} L3FIR_UE
${translated_fir}= Fetch FIR Address Translation Value ${value[0]} EX
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}l3fir_ue
Inject Unrecoverable Error BMC ${translated_fir}
... ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path} ${1}