blob: 07f0082c7f75b925071bd728f09fcef56b55b616 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite tests checkstop operations through HOST.
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/ras/host_utils.robot
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc_methods.robot
Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot
Variables ../lib/ras/
Library DateTime
Library OperatingSystem
Library random
Library Collections
Suite Setup RAS Suite Setup
Test Setup RAS Test Setup
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Suite Teardown RAS Suite Cleanup
Force Tags Host_RAS
*** Variables ***
${stack_mode} normal
*** Test Cases ***
# Memory channel (MCACALIFIR) related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For MCA With Threshold 1
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for MCACALIFIR with
... threshold 1.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_MCA_With_Threshold_1
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} MCACALIFIR_RECV1
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}mcacalfir_th1
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For MCA With Threshold 32
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for MCACALIFIR with
... threshold 32.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_MCA_With_Threshold_32
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} MCACALIFIR_RECV32
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}mcacalfir_th32
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 32 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
Verify Unrecoverable Callout Handling For MCA
[Documentation] Verify unrecoverable callout handling for MCACALIFIR.
[Tags] Verify_Unrecoverable_Callout_Handling_For_MCA
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} MCACALIFIR_UE
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}mcacalfir
Inject Unrecoverable Error Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# Memory buffer (MCIFIR) related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For MCI With Threshold 1
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for mci with
... threshold 1.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_MCI_With_Threshold_1
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} MCS_RECV1
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}mcifir_th1
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
Verify Unrecoverable Callout Handling For MCI
[Documentation] Verify unrecoverable callout handling for mci.
[Tags] Verify_Unrecoverable_Callout_Handling_For_MCI
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} MCS_UE
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}mcifir
Inject Unrecoverable Error Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# CAPP accelerator (CXAFIR) related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For CXA With Threshold 5
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for CXA with
... threshold 5.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_CXA_With_Threshold_5
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} CXA_RECV5
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}cxafir_th5
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 5 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For CXA With Threshold 32
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for CXA with
... threshold 32.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_CXA_With_Threshold_32
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} CXA_RECV32
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}cxafir_th32
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 32 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# OBUSFIR related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For OBUS With Threshold 32
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for OBUS with
... threshold 32.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_OBUS_With_Threshold_32
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} OBUS_RECV32
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}obusfir_th32
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 32 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# Nvidia graphics processing units (NPU0FIR) related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For NPU0 With Threshold 32
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for NPU0 with
... threshold 32.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_NPU0_With_Threshold_32
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} NPU0_RECV32
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}npu0fir_th32
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 32 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# Nest accelerator NXDMAENGFIR related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For NXDMAENG With Threshold 1
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for NXDMAENG with
... threshold 1.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_NXDMAENG_With_Threshold_1
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} NX_RECV1
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}nxfir_th1
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For NXDMAENG With Threshold 32
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for NXDMAENG with
... threshold 32.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_NXDMAENG_With_Threshold_32
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} NX_RECV32
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}nxfir_th32
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 32 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
Verify Unrecoverable Callout Handling For NXDMAENG
[Documentation] Verify unrecoverable callout handling for NXDMAENG.
[Tags] Verify_Unrecoverable_Callout_Handling_For_NXDMAENG
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} NX_UE
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}nxfir_ue
Inject Unrecoverable Error Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# L2FIR related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For L2FIR With Threshold 1
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for L2FIR with
... threshold 1.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_L2FIR_With_Threshold_1
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} L2FIR_RECV1
${translated_fir}= Fetch FIR Address Translation Value 0 ${value[0]} EX
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}l2fir_th1
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${translated_fir} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# L3FIR related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For L3FIR With Threshold 1
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for L3FIR with
... threshold 1.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_L3FIR_With_Threshold_1
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} L3FIR_RECV1
${translated_fir}= Fetch FIR Address Translation Value 0 ${value[0]} EX
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}l3fir_th1
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${translated_fir} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For L3FIR With Threshold 32
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for L3FIR with
... threshold 32.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_L3FIR_With_Threshold_32
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} L3FIR_RECV32
${translated_fir}= Fetch FIR Address Translation Value 0 ${value[0]} EX
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}l3fir_th32
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${translated_fir} ${value[1]} 32 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# On chip controller (OCCFIR) related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For OCC With Threshold 1
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for OCCFIR with
... threshold 1.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_OCC_With_Threshold_1
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} OCCFIR_RECV1
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}occfir_th1
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${value[0]} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
# Core management engine (CMEFIR) related error injection.
Verify Recoverable Callout Handling For CMEFIR With Threshold 1
[Documentation] Verify recoverable callout handling for CMEFIR with
... threshold 1.
[Tags] Verify_Recoverable_Callout_Handling_For_CMEFIR_With_Threshold_1
${value}= Get From Dictionary ${ERROR_INJECT_DICT} CMEFIR_RECV1
${translated_fir}= Fetch FIR Address Translation Value 0 ${value[0]} EX
${err_log_path}= Catenate ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}cmefir_th1
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
... ${translated_fir} ${value[1]} 1 ${value[2]} ${err_log_path}
*** Keywords ***
Verify And Clear Gard Records On HOST
[Documentation] Verify And Clear gard records on HOST.
${output}= Gard Operations On OS list
Should Not Contain ${output} 'No GARD entries to display'
Gard Operations On OS clear all
Verify Error Log Entry
[Documentation] Verify error log entry & signature description.
[Arguments] ${signature_desc} ${log_prefix}
# Description of argument(s):
# signature_desc Error log signature description.
# log_prefix Log path prefix.
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}/list
Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}
Collect eSEL Log ${log_prefix}
${error_log_file_path}= Catenate ${log_prefix}esel.txt
${rc} ${output} = Run and Return RC and Output
... grep -i ${signature_desc} ${error_log_file_path}
Should Not Be Empty ${output}
Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit Through Host
[Documentation] Inject and verify recoverable error on processor through
... host.
... Test sequence:
... 1. Enable Auto Reboot Setting
... 2. Inject Error on processor/centaur
... 3. Check If HOST is running.
... 4. Verify error log entry & signature description.
... 4. Verify & clear gard records.
[Arguments] ${fir} ${chip_address} ${threshold_limit}
... ${signature_desc} ${log_prefix}
# Description of argument(s):
# fir FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
# chip_address Chip address (e.g 2000000000000000).
# threshold_limit Threshold limit (e.g 1, 5, 32).
# signature_desc Error log signature description.
# log_prefix Log path prefix.
Set Auto Reboot 1
Inject Error Through HOST ${fir} ${chip_address} ${threshold_limit}
Is Host Running
${output}= Gard Operations On OS list
Should Contain ${output} No GARD
Verify Error Log Entry ${signature_desc} ${log_prefix}
Inject Unrecoverable Error Through Host
[Documentation] Inject and verify recoverable error on processor through
... host.
... Test sequence:
... 1. Enable Auto Reboot Setting
... 2. Inject Error on processor/centaur
... 3. Check If HOST is rebooted.
... 4. Verify error log entry & signature description.
... 4. Verify & clear gard records.
[Arguments] ${fir} ${chip_address} ${threshold_limit}
... ${signature_desc} ${log_prefix}
# Description of argument(s):
# fir FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
# chip_address Chip address (e.g 2000000000000000).
# threshold_limit Threshold limit (e.g 1, 5, 32).
# signature_desc Error Log signature description.
# (e.g 'mcs(n0p0c0) (MCFIR[0]) mc internal recoverable')
# log_prefix Log path prefix.
Set Auto Reboot 1
Inject Error Through HOST ${fir} ${chip_address} ${threshold_limit}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 500 sec 20 sec Is Host Rebooted
Wait for OS
Verify And Clear Gard Records On HOST
Verify Error Log Entry ${signature_desc} ${log_prefix}
Fetch FIR Address Translation Value
[Documentation] Fetch FIR address translation value through HOST.
[Arguments] ${proc_chip_id} ${fir} ${target_type}
# Description of argument(s):
# proc_chip_id Processor chip ID (e.g '0', '8').
# fir FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
# core_id Core ID (e.g. 9).
# target_type Target type (e.g. 'EX', 'EQ', 'C').
Login To OS Host
Copy Address Translation Utils To HOST OS
${core_ids}= Get Core IDs From OS 0
# Ignoring master core ID.
${output}= Get Slice From List ${core_ids} 1
# Feth random non-master core ID.
${core_ids_sub_list}= Evaluate random.sample(${core_ids}, 1) random
${core_id}= Get From List ${core_ids_sub_list} 0
${translated_fir_addr}= FIR Address Translation Through HOST
... ${fir} ${core_id} ${target_type}
[Return] ${translated_fir_addr}
RAS Test SetUp
[Documentation] Validates input parameters.
Should Not Be Empty
... ${OS_HOST} msg=You must provide DNS name/IP of the OS host.
Should Not Be Empty
... ${OS_USERNAME} msg=You must provide OS host user name.
Should Not Be Empty
... ${OS_PASSWORD} msg=You must provide OS host user password.
# Boot to OS.
REST Power On quiet=${1}
# Adding delay after host bring up.
Sleep 60s
RAS Suite Setup
[Documentation] Create RAS log directory to store all RAS test logs.
${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}= Catenate ${EXECDIR}/RAS_logs/
Set Suite Variable ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}
Create Directory ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}
OperatingSystem.Directory Should Exist ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}
Empty Directory ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}
# Boot to Os.
REST Power On quiet=${1}
RAS Suite Cleanup
[Documentation] Perform RAS suite cleanup and verify that host
... boots after test suite run.
# Boot to OS.
REST Power On quiet=${1}
Delete Error Logs
Gard Operations On OS clear all