blob: edb8b9939e199435d7c858360857676861609244 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test Open BMC GUI Power Operations under GUI Header.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Suite Teardown Close Browser
*** Test Cases ***
Power On The Host
[Documentation] Power on the host.
[Tags] Power_On_the_Host
GUI Power On
Click Immediate Power Off The Host And Press No
[Documentation] Click Immediate power off the host button and press no
... button.
[Tags] Click_Immediate_Power_Off_The_Host_And_Press_No
Controller Server Power Click Button power__hard-shutdown
Controller Power Operations Confirmation Click Button ${power_operations}
... ${power_off} ${confirm_msg} ${no}
Page Should Contain Running
Click Immediate Power Off The Host And Press Yes
[Documentation] Click Immediate power off the host button and press
... yes button.
[Tags] Click_Immediate_Power_Off_The_Host_And_Press_Yes
Controller Server Power Click Button power__hard-shutdown
Controller Power Operations Confirmation Click Button ${power_operations}
... ${power_off} ${confirm_msg} ${yes}
Page Should Contain Off
Click Cold Boot The Host And Press No
[Documentation] Click cold boot the host button and press no button.
[Tags] Click_Cold_Boot_The_Host_And_Press_No
GUI Power On
Controller Server Power Click Button power__cold-boot
Controller Power Operations Confirmation Click Button ${power_operations}
... ${cold_boot} ${confirm_msg} ${no}
Page Should Contain Running
Click Cold Boot The Host And Press Yes
[Documentation] Click Cold boot the host button and press yes button.
[Tags] Click_Cold_Boot_the_Host_And_Press_Yes
Controller Server Power Click Button power__cold-boot
Controller Power Operations Confirmation Click Button ${power_operations}
... ${cold_boot} ${confirm_msg} ${yes}
Page Should Contain Standby
Page Should Contain Running
Click Warm Boot The Host And Press No
[Documentation] Click warm boot the host button and press no button.
[Tags] Click_Warm_Boot_The_Host_And_Press_No
Controller Server Power Click Button power__warm-boot
Controller Power Operations Confirmation Click Button ${power_operations}
... ${warm_boot} ${confirm_msg} ${no}
Page Should Contain Running
Click Warm Boot The Host And Press Yes
[Documentation] Click warm boot the host button and press yes button.
[Tags] Click_Warm_Boot_The_Host_And_Press_Yes
Controller Server Power Click Button power__warm-boot
Controller Power Operations Confirmation Click Button ${power_operations}
... ${warm_boot} ${confirm_msg} ${yes}
Page Should Contain Running
Click Orderly Shutdown The Host And Press No
[Documentation] Press orderly shutdown the host button and press no
... button.
[Tags] Click_Orderly_Shutdown_The_Host_And_Press_No
Controller Server Power Click Button power__soft-shutdown
Controller Power Operations Confirmation Click Button ${power_operations}
... ${shut_down} ${confirm_msg} ${no}
Page Should Contain Running
Click Orderly Shutdown The Host And Press Yes
[Documentation] Press orderly shutdown the host button and press yes
... button.
[Tags] Click_Orderly_Shutdown_The_Host_And_Press_Yes
Controller Server Power Click Button power__soft-shutdown
Controller Power Operations Confirmation Click Button ${power_operations}
... ${shut_down} ${confirm_msg} ${yes}
Page Should Contain Off
OpenBMC GUI Logoff
[Documentation] Log out from openBMC GUI.
[Tags] OpenBMC_GUI_Logoff
Log ${xpath_openbmc_url}
Log To Console ${xpath_openbmc_url}
Click Element header