blob: c406246669fc869c771e52c1b774073558cf4bf0 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
This module provides many valuable functions such as my_parm_file.
# sys and os are needed to get the program dir path and program name.
import sys
import os
import ConfigParser
import StringIO
import gen_print as gp
def add_trailing_slash(path):
Add a trailing slash to path if it doesn't already have one and return it.
return os.path.normpath(path) + os.path.sep
def set_mod_global(var_value,
Set a global variable for a given module.
Description of arguments:
var_value The value to set in the variable.
mod_name The name of the module whose variable is
to be set.
var_name The name of the variable to set. This
defaults to the name of the variable used
for var_value when calling this function.
module = sys.modules[mod_name]
except KeyError:
gp.print_error_report("Programmer error - The mod_name passed to" +
" this function is invalid:\n" +
raise ValueError('Programmer error.')
if var_name is None:
var_name = gp.get_arg_name(None, 1, 2)
setattr(module, var_name, var_value)
def my_parm_file(prop_file_path):
Read a properties file, put the keys/values into a dictionary and return
the dictionary.
The properties file must have the following format:
var_name<= or :>var_value
Comment lines (those beginning with a "#") and blank lines are allowed and
will be ignored. Leading and trailing single or double quotes will be
stripped from the value. E.g.
var1="This one"
Quotes are stripped so the resulting value for var1 is:
This one
Description of arguments:
prop_file_path The caller should pass the path to the
properties file.
# ConfigParser expects at least one section header in the file (or you
# get ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError). Properties files don't
# need those so I'll write a dummy section header.
string_file = StringIO.StringIO()
# Write the dummy section header to the string file.
# Write the entire contents of the properties file to the string file.
# Rewind the string file., os.SEEK_SET)
# Create the ConfigParser object.
config_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
# Make the property names case-sensitive.
config_parser.optionxform = str
# Read the properties from the string file.
# Return the properties as a dictionary.
return dict(config_parser.items('dummysection'))
def return_path_list():
This function will split the PATH environment variable into a PATH_LIST
and return it. Each element in the list will be normalized and have a
trailing slash added.
PATH_LIST = os.environ['PATH'].split(":")
PATH_LIST = [os.path.normpath(path) + os.sep for path in PATH_LIST]
return PATH_LIST
def quote_bash_parm(parm):
Return the bash command line parm with single quotes if they are needed.
Description of arguments:
parm The string to be quoted.
# If any of these characters are found in the parm string, then the
# string should be quoted. This list is by no means complete and should
# be expanded as needed by the developer of this function.
bash_special_chars = set(' $')
if any((char in bash_special_chars) for char in parm):
return "'" + parm + "'"
return parm