blob: 91211d72fd447bcdce7b16ef8e6380ec7236eaac [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Run security and vulnerability scan.
Library XML
Library String
Library Collections
Library DateTime
Test Setup Security Setup
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Security Scan
[Documentation] Run nessus network and vulnerability scan.
[Tags] Security_Scan
Open Browser with URL ${NESSUS_URL}
Login to GUI ${NESSUS_URL} ${xpath_uname} ${username}
... ${xpath_password} ${password} ${xpath_signin} ${nessus_logo}
Select Full Scan
Start Scan
*** Keywords ***
Security Setup
[Documentation] Break firewall and generate URL.
# Nessus Username, password and IP details are expected by program
# and should be given as command line parameters.
${NESSUS_URL}= Set Variable https://${NESSUS_HOST}:8834/nessus6.html
Set Suite Variable ${NESSUS_URL}
Select Full Scan
[Documentation] Search OP full scan.
Input Text ${xpath_search} ${scan_name}
Capture Page Screenshot
Click Element ${xpath_op_scan}
Start Scan
[Documentation] Start Nessus scan.
Click Element ${xpath_launch}
Click Element ${xpath_default}
Wait Until Page Contains running error=Scanning not started.
Capture Page Screenshot