blob: 95c3b91965848b0d5d1acf72387b3c955ee940ec [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot
Library DateTime
Library Process
Library OperatingSystem
*** Variables ***
... dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=${OPENBMC_BASE_DBUS}.settings.Host
... ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}settings/host0 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get
# Enable when ready with openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#203
#${dbuscmdString}= string:"xyz.openbmc_project.settings.Host" string:
${dbuscmdString}= string:"org.openbmc.settings.Host" string:
# Assign default value to QUIET for programs which may not define it.
${QUIET} ${0}
*** Keywords ***
Wait For Host To Ping
[Arguments] ${host} ${timeout}=${OPENBMC_REBOOT_TIMEOUT}min
... ${interval}=5 sec
# host The DNS name or IP of the host to ping.
# timeout The amount of time after which attempts to ping cease.
# interval The amount of time in between attempts to ping.
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} ${interval} Ping Host ${host}
Ping Host
[Arguments] ${host}
Should Not Be Empty ${host} msg=No host provided
${RC} ${output}= Run and return RC and Output ping -c 4 ${host}
Log RC: ${RC}\nOutput:\n${output}
Should be equal ${RC} ${0}
Get Boot Progress
[Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET}
${state}= Read Attribute ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}sensors/host/BootProgress
... value quiet=${quiet}
[return] ${state}
Is Power On
${state}= Get Power State
Should be equal ${state} ${1}
Is Power Off
${state}= Get Power State
Should be equal ${state} ${0}
Initiate Power On
[Documentation] Initiates the power on and waits until the Is Power On
... keyword returns that the power state has switched to on.
[Arguments] ${wait}=${1}
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/ powerOn
... data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
# Does caller want to wait for power on status?
Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3 min 10 sec Is Power On
Initiate Power Off
[Documentation] Initiates the power off and waits until the Is Power Off
... keyword returns that the power state has switched to off.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/ powerOff
... data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec Is Power Off
Trigger Warm Reset
log to console "Triggering warm reset"
${data}= create dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= openbmc post request
... ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/bmc0/action/warmReset data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${session_active}= Check If warmReset is Initiated
Run Keyword If '${session_active}' == '${True}'
... Fail msg=warm reset didn't occur
Wait For Host To Ping ${OPENBMC_HOST}
Check OS
[Documentation] Attempts to ping the host OS and then checks that the host
... OS is up by running an SSH command.
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD} ${quiet}=${QUIET}
... ${print_string}=${EMPTY}
[Teardown] Close Connection
# os_host The DNS name/IP of the OS host associated with our BMC.
# os_username The username to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# os_password The password to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should write to console.
# print_string A string to be printed before checking the OS.
rprint ${print_string}
# Attempt to ping the OS. Store the return code to check later.
${ping_rc}= Run Keyword and Return Status Ping Host ${os_host}
Open connection ${os_host}
${status} ${msg}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Login ${os_username}
... ${os_password}
${err_msg1}= Sprint Error ${msg}
${err_msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= \n ${err_msg1}
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Fail msg=${err_msg}
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Command uptime return_stderr=True
... return_rc=True
${temp_msg}= Catenate Could not execute a command on the operating
... system.\n
${err_msg1}= Sprint Error ${temp_msg}
${err_msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= \n ${err_msg1}
# If the return code returned by "Execute Command" is non-zero, this
# keyword will fail.
Should Be Equal ${rc} ${0} msg=${err_msg}
# We will likewise fail if there is any stderr data.
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
${temp_msg}= Set Variable Could not ping the operating system.\n
${err_msg1}= Sprint Error ${temp_msg}
${err_msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= \n ${err_msg1}
# We will likewise fail if the OS did not ping, as we could SSH but not
# ping
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ping_rc} ${TRUE} msg=${err_msg}
Wait for OS
[Documentation] Waits for the host OS to come up via calls to "Check OS".
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD} ${timeout}=${OS_WAIT_TIMEOUT}
... ${quiet}=${0}
[Teardown] rprintn
# os_host The DNS name or IP of the OS host associated with our
# BMC.
# os_username The username to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# os_password The password to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# timeout The timeout in seconds indicating how long you're
# willing to wait for the OS to respond.
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should write to console.
# The interval to be used between calls to "Check OS".
${interval}= Set Variable 5
${message}= Catenate Checking every ${interval} seconds for up to
... ${timeout} seconds for the operating system to communicate.
rqprint_timen ${message}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} sec ${interval} Check OS
... ${os_host} ${os_username} ${os_password}
... print_string=\#
rqprint_timen The operating system is now communicating.
Get BMC State
[Documentation] Returns the state of the BMC as a string. (i.e: BMC_READY)
[Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET}
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}managers/System/ getSystemState
... data=${args} quiet=${quiet}
Should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${content}= to json ${resp.content}
[return] ${content["data"]}
Get Power State
[Documentation] Returns the power state as an integer. Either 0 or 1.
[Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET}
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/ getPowerState
... data=${args} quiet=${quiet}
Should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${content}= to json ${resp.content}
[return] ${content["data"]}
Clear BMC Record Log
[Documentation] Clears all the event logs on the BMC. This would be
... equivalent to ipmitool sel clear.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method
... ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}records/events/ clear data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Copy PNOR to BMC
Import Library SCPLibrary WITH NAME scp
Open Connection for SCP
Log Copying ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} to /tmp
scp.Put File ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} /tmp
Flash PNOR
[Documentation] Calls flash bios update method to flash PNOR image
[arguments] ${pnor_image}
@{arglist}= Create List ${pnor_image}
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/flash/bios/ update
... data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 10 sec Is PNOR Flashing
Get Flash BIOS Status
[Documentation] Returns the status of the flash BIOS API as a string. For
... example 'Flashing', 'Flash Done', etc
${data}= Read Properties ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/flash/bios
[return] ${data['status']}
Is PNOR Flashing
[Documentation] Get BIOS 'Flashing' status. This indicates that PNOR
... flashing has started.
${status}= Get Flash BIOS Status
should be equal as strings ${status} Flashing
Is PNOR Flash Done
[Documentation] Get BIOS 'Flash Done' status. This indicates that the
... PNOR flashing has completed.
${status}= Get Flash BIOS Status
should be equal as strings ${status} Flash Done
Is System State Host Booted
[Documentation] Checks whether system state is HOST_BOOTED.
${state}= Get BMC State
should be equal as strings ${state} HOST_BOOTED
Verify Ping and REST Authentication
${l_ping}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Ping Host ${OPENBMC_HOST}
Run Keyword If '${l_ping}' == '${False}'
... Fail msg=Ping Failed
${l_rest}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Initialize OpenBMC
Run Keyword If '${l_rest}' == '${False}'
... Fail msg=REST Authentication Failed
# Just to make sure the SSH is working for SCP
Open Connection And Log In
${system} ${stderr}= Execute Command hostname return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Check If BMC is Up
[Documentation] Wait for Host to be online. Checks every X seconds
... interval for Y minutes and fails if timed out.
... Default MAX timedout is 10 min, interval 10 seconds.
[arguments] ${max_timeout}=${OPENBMC_REBOOT_TIMEOUT} min
... ${interval}=10 sec
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
... ${max_timeout} ${interval} Verify Ping and REST Authentication
Check If warmReset is Initiated
[Documentation] Ping would be still alive, so try SSH to connect
... if fails the ports are down indicating reboot
... is in progress
${alive}= Run Keyword and Return Status
... Open Connection And Log In
Return From Keyword If '${alive}' == '${False}' ${False}
[return] ${True}
Flush REST Sessions
[Documentation] Removes all the active session objects
Delete All Sessions
Initialize DBUS cmd
[Documentation] Initialize dbus string with property string to extract
[arguments] ${boot_property}
${cmd}= Catenate ${dbuscmdBase} ${dbuscmdGet} ${dbuscmdString}
${cmd}= Catenate ${cmd}${boot_property}
Set Global Variable ${dbuscmd} ${cmd}
Start SOL Console Logging
[Documentation] Start logging to a file in /tmp so that it can
... be read by any other test cases. Stop existing
... running client processes if there is any.
... By default logging at /tmp/obmc-console.log else
... user input location.
... The File is appended with datetime and pid of
... process which created this log file.
[Arguments] ${file_path}=/tmp/obmc-console.log
Open Connection And Log In
${cur_time}= Get Time Stamp
Set Global Variable ${LOG_TIME} ${cur_time}
Start Command
... obmc-console-client > ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}_$$
Stop SOL Console Logging
[Documentation] Login to BMC and Stop the obmc-console-client process.
... Find the pids from the log to filter the one started by
... specific test datetime and stop that process only.
... Ignore if there is no process running and return message
... "No obmc-console-client process running"
... By default retrieving log from /tmp/obmc-console.log else
... user input location.
[Arguments] ${file_path}=/tmp/obmc-console.log
Open Connection And Log In
${pid} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command
... ls ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}_* | cut -d'_' -f 2
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
... Execute Command
... ps ax | grep ${pid} | grep -v grep
... return_stdout=False return_rc=True
Return From Keyword If '${rc}' == '${1}'
... No obmc-console-client process running
${console} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command kill -s KILL ${pid}
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Log Current Client PID:${pid}
${console} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command
... cat ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}_${pid}
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
[Return] ${console}
Get Time Stamp
[Documentation] Get the current time stamp data
${cur_time}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f
[return] ${cur_time}
Verify BMC State
[Documentation] Get the BMC state and verify if the current
... BMC state is as expected.
[Arguments] ${expected}
${current}= Get BMC State
Should Contain ${expected} ${current}
Start Journal Log
[Documentation] Start capturing journal log to a file in /tmp using
... journalctl command. By default journal log is collected
... at /tmp/journal_log else user input location.
... The File is appended with datetime.
[Arguments] ${file_path}=/tmp/journal_log
Open Connection And Log In
${cur_time}= Get Time Stamp
Set Global Variable ${LOG_TIME} ${cur_time}
Start Command
... journalctl -f > ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
Log Journal Log Started: ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
Stop Journal Log
[Documentation] Stop journalctl process if its running.
... By default return log from /tmp/journal_log else
... user input location.
[Arguments] ${file_path}=/tmp/journal_log
Open Connection And Log In
... Execute Command
... ps ax | grep journalctl | grep -v grep
... return_stdout=False return_rc=True
Return From Keyword If '${rc}' == '${1}'
... No journal log process running
${output} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command killall journalctl
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
${journal_log} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command
... cat ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Log ${journal_log}
Execute Command rm ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
[Return] ${journal_log}
Mac Address To Hex String
[Documentation] Converts MAC address into hex format.
... Example
... Given the following MAC: 00:01:6C:80:02:78
... This keyword will return: 0x00 0x01 0x6C 0x80 0x02 0x78
... Description of arguments:
... i_macaddress MAC address in the following format 00:01:6C:80:02:78
[Arguments] ${i_macaddress}
${mac_hex}= Catenate 0x${i_macaddress.replace(':', ' 0x')}
[return] ${mac_hex}
IP Address To Hex String
[Documentation] Converts IP address into hex format.
... Example:
... Given the following IP:
... This keyword will return: 0xa 0x3 0xa4 0xa0
... Description of arguments:
... i_ipaddress IP address in the following format
[Arguments] ${i_ipaddress}
@{ip}= Split String ${i_ipaddress} .
${index}= Set Variable ${0}
:FOR ${item} IN @{ip}
\ ${hex}= Convert To Hex ${item} prefix=0x lowercase=yes
\ Set List Value ${ip} ${index} ${hex}
\ ${index}= Set Variable ${index + 1}
${ip_hex}= Catenate @{ip}
[return] ${ip_hex}