blob: 137fea1d836713c505201bd6a2b5e6cf645d7bc0 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite verifies the power restore policy supported by
... REST Interfaces.
... Refer here for documentation on the REST interfaces
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot
Library SSHLibrary
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Suite Teardown Set BMC Power Policy RESTORE_LAST_STATE
Force Tags power_restore
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Test Restore Policy LEAVE_OFF
#Policy Initial Host State Expected Host State
LEAVE_OFF Running Off
[Documentation] Validate LEAVE_OFF restore policy functionality.
... Policy:
... System policy set to LEAVE_OFF.
... Initial Host State:
... State where system should be before running the
... test case.
... Expected Host State:
... After BMC reset, system should reach this
... specific state.
[Template] Verify Restore Policy
Test Restore Policy ALWAYS_POWER_ON
#Policy Initial Host State Expected Host State
ALWAYS_POWER_ON Running Running
[Documentation] Validate ALWAYS_POWER_ON restore policy functionality.
... Policy:
... System policy set to LEAVE_OFF.
... Initial Host State:
... State where system should be before running the
... test case.
... Expected Host State:
... After BMC reset, system should reach this
... specific state.
[Template] Verify Restore Policy
Test Restore Policy RESTORE_LAST_STATE
#Policy Initial Host State Expected Host State
[Documentation] Validate RESTORE_LAST_STATE restore policy functionality.
... Policy:
... System policy set to RESTORE_LAST_STATE.
... Initial Host State:
... State where system should be before running the
... test case.
... Expected Host State:
... After BMC reset, system should reach this
... specific state.
[Template] Verify Restore Policy
*** Keywords ***
Verify Restore Policy
[Documentation] Set given policy, reset BMC and expect specified end
... state.
[Arguments] ${policy} ${expectedState} ${nextState}
# Description of argument(s):
# policy System policy state string.
# expectedState Test initial host state.
# nextState Test end host state.
Set BMC Power Policy ${policy}
${currentState}= Get Host State
Log Current System State= ${currentState}
Log Initial Host State= ${expectedState}
Log Expected Host State= ${nextState}
Run Keyword If
... '${currentState}' != '${expectedState}'
... Set Initial Test State ${expectedState}
# TBD: Replace reboot with 'Initiate BMC Reboot' keyword
# Reference: openbmc/openbmc#1161
Open Connection And Log In
Start Command /sbin/reboot
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
... 5 min 10 sec Is BMC Ready
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
... 10 min 10 sec Verify Host State ${nextState}
Set Initial Test State
[Documentation] Poweron if ON expected, Poweroff if OFF expected
... to initial state of the test.
[Arguments] ${expectedState}
# Description of argument(s):
# expectedState Test initial host state.
Run Keyword If '${expectedState}' == 'Running'
... Initiate Host Boot
Run Keyword If '${expectedState}' == 'Off'
... Initiate Host PowerOff
${currentState}= Get Host State
Verify Host State
[Documentation] Verify expected host state.
[Arguments] ${expectedState}
# Description of argument(s):
# expectedState Expected host state.
${currentState}= Get Host State
Should Be Equal ${currentState} ${expectedState}