blob: faa10ff6b3f473b7ba06fc873eced98934fb8dee [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This testsuites tests the autorestart policy for
... OpenBMC project
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In
Suite Teardown Close All Connections
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Test Cases ***
Test OpenBMC Services Autorestart Policy
[Documentation] This testcases is for checking all the openbmc services
... restart policy is set to active
... Disabling this test as use case is not well define and
... developement point of view this may keep changing. So
... untill then, this remains commented piece of test.
[Tags] Test_OpenBMC_Services_Autorestart_Policy
@{services}= Create List btbridged.service
... host-ipmid.service
... inarp.service
... network.service
... network-update-dns.service
... obmc-console.service
... obmc-hwmon.service
... obmc-phosphor-chassisd.service
... obmc-phosphor-event.service
... obmc-phosphor-fand.service
... obmc-phosphor-flashd.service
... obmc-phosphor-policyd.service
... obmc-phosphor-sensord.service
... obmc-phosphor-sysd.service
... obmc-phosphor-user.service
... org.openbmc.buttons.Power.service
... org.openbmc.buttons.reset.service
... org.openbmc.control.BmcFlash.service
... org.openbmc.control.Bmc.service
... org.openbmc.control.Chassis.service
... org.openbmc.control.Checkstop.service
... org.openbmc.control.Fans.service
... org.openbmc.control.Flash.service
... org.openbmc.control.Host.service
... org.openbmc.control.led.service
... org.openbmc.control.Power.service
... org.openbmc.examples.PythonService.service
... org.openbmc.examples.SDBusService.service
... org.openbmc.Inventory.service
... org.openbmc.managers.Download.service
... org.openbmc.managers.System.service
... org.openbmc.ObjectMapper.service
... org.openbmc.Sensors.service
... org.openbmc.watchdog.Host.service
... phosphor-rest.service
... rest-dbus.service
... settings.service
: FOR ${SERVICE} IN @{services}
\ Check Service Autorestart ${SERVICE}
Test Restart Policy for openbmc service
[Documentation] This testcase will kill the service and make sure it
... does restart after that
[Tags] Test_Restart_Policy_for_openbmc_service
${MainPID}= Execute Restart Policy Command
... systemctl -p MainPID show phosphor-settings.service| cut -d = -f2
Should Not Be Equal 0 ${MainPID}
Execute Restart Policy Command kill -9 ${MainPID}
Sleep 30s reason=Wait for service to restart properly
${ActiveState}= Execute Restart Policy Command
... systemctl -p ActiveState show phosphor-settings.service| cut -d = -f2
Should Be Equal active ${ActiveState}
${MainPID}= Execute Restart Policy Command
... systemctl -p MainPID show phosphor-settings.service| cut -d = -f2
Should Not Be Equal 0 ${MainPID}
*** Keywords ***
Check Service Autorestart
[arguments] ${servicename}
... Execute Restart Policy Command
... systemctl -p Restart show ${servicename} | cut -d = -f2
Should Be Equal always ${restart_policy}
... msg=restart policy is not always for ${servicename}
Execute Restart Policy Command
[arguments] ${command}
${stdout} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${command} return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
[Return] ${stdout}