blob: 008d04a3ea4e9ff217537243716c9a7e86cd4ebd [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Date and time settings" sub-menu of "Configuration".
Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Close Browser
*** Variables ***
${xpath_date_time_heading} //h1[text()="Date and time settings"]
${xpath_select_manual} //*[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-radio-configureManual"]
${xpath_select_ntp} //*[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-radio-configureNTP"]
${xpath_manual_date} //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-manualDate"]
${xpath_manual_time} //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-manualTime"]
${xpath_ntp_server1} //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-ntpServer1"]
${xpath_ntp_server2} //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-ntpServer2"]
${xpath_ntp_server3} //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-ntpServer3"]
${xpath_select_save_settings} //button[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-button-saveSettings"]
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Navigation To Date And Time Settings Page
[Documentation] Verify navigation to date and time settings page.
[Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_Date_And_Time_Settings_Page
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_date_time_heading}
Verify Existence Of All Sections In Date And Time Settings Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in date and time settings page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Date_And_Time_Settings_Page
Page Should Contain Configure settings
Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Date And Time Settings Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons in date and time settings page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Date_And_Time_Settings_Page
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_select_manual}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_select_ntp}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_select_save_settings}
Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In Date And Time Settings Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all input boxes in date time settings page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_Date_And_Time_Settings_Page
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_select_manual} 0 0
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_manual_date}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_manual_time}
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_select_ntp} 0 0
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_ntp_server1}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_ntp_server2}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_ntp_server3}
Verify Date And Time From Configuration Section
[Documentation] Get date and time from configuration section and verify it via BMC CLI.
[Tags] Verify_Date_And_Time_From_Configuration_Section
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_select_manual} 0 0
${manual_date}= Get Value ${xpath_manual_date}
${manual_time}= Get Value ${xpath_manual_time}
${cli_date_time}= CLI Get BMC DateTime
Should contain ${cli_date_time} ${manual_date} ${manual_time}
Verify Display Of Date and Time In GUI Page
[Documentation] Get date and time from Redfish and verify it via GUI date and time page.
[Tags] Verify_Display_Of_Date_And_Time_In_Gui_Page
# Set Default timezone in profile settings page.
Set Timezone In Profile Settings Page Default
Navigate To Date and Time Page
# Get date and time from Redfish.
${redfish_date_time}= CLI Get BMC DateTime
${redfish_date}= Convert Date ${redfish_date_time} result_format=%Y-%m-%d
${redfish_time}= Convert Date ${redfish_date_time} result_format=%H:%M
# Verify date and time via GUI date and time page.
Page Should Contain ${redfish_date}
Page Should Contain ${redfish_time}
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do test case setup tasks.
Launch Browser And Login GUI
Navigate To Date and Time Page
Navigate To Date and Time Page
[Documentation] Navigate to the date and time page from main menu.
Click Element ${xpath_server_configuration}
Click Element ${xpath_date_time_settings_sub_menu}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain date-time-settings