blob: c7f601eb1a8b6a007be91ed8b15c677df5c3ff32 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file provides many valuable validation procedures such as valid_value,
# valid_integer, etc.
my_source [list print.tcl call_stack.tcl]
proc valid_value { var_name { invalid_values {}} { valid_values {}} } {
# If the value of the variable named in var_name is not valid, print an
# error message and exit the program with a non-zero return code.
# Description of arguments:
# var_name The name of the variable whose value is to
# be validated.
# invalid_values A list of invalid values. If the variable
# value is equal to any value in the
# invalid_values list, it is deemed to be
# invalid. Note that if you specify
# anything for invalid_values (below), the
# valid_values list is not even processed.
# In other words, specify either
# invalid_values or valid_values but not
# both. If no value is specified for either
# invalid_values or valid_values,
# invalid_values will default to a list with
# one blank entry. This is useful if you
# simply want to ensure that your variable
# is non blank.
# valid_values A list of invalid values. The variable
# value must be equal to one of the values
# in this list to be considered valid.
# Call get_stack_var_level to relieve the caller of the need for declaring
# the variable as global.
set stack_level [get_stack_var_level $var_name]
# Access the variable value.
upvar $stack_level $var_name var_value
set len_invalid_values [llength $invalid_values]
set len_valid_values [llength $valid_values]
if { $len_valid_values > 0 && $len_invalid_values > 0 } {
append error_message "Programmer error - You must provide either an"
append error_message " invalid_values list or a valid_values"
append error_message " list but NOT both.\n"
append error_message [sprint_list invalid_values "" "" 1]
append error_message [sprint_list valid_values "" "" 1]
print_error_report $error_message
exit 1
if { $len_valid_values > 0 } {
# Processing the valid_values list.
if { [lsearch -exact $valid_values "${var_value}"] != -1 } { return }
append error_message "The following variable has an invalid value:\n"
append error_message [sprint_varx $var_name $var_value "" "" 1]
append error_message "\nIt must be one of the following values:\n"
append error_message [sprint_list valid_values "" "" 1]
print_error_report $error_message
exit 1
if { $len_invalid_values == 0 } {
# Assign default value.
set invalid_values [list ""]
# Assertion: We have an invalid_values list. Processing it now.
if { [lsearch -exact $invalid_values "${var_value}"] == -1 } { return }
if { [lsearch -exact $valid_values "${var_value}"] != -1 } { return }
append error_message "The following variable has an invalid value:\n"
append error_message [sprint_varx $var_name $var_value "" "" 1]
append error_message "\nIt must NOT be one of the following values:\n"
append error_message [sprint_list invalid_values "" "" 1]
print_error_report $error_message
exit 1
proc valid_integer { var_name } {
# If the value of the variable named in var_name is not a valid integer,
# print an error message and exit the program with a non-zero return code.
# Description of arguments:
# var_name The name of the variable whose value is to
# be validated.
# Call get_stack_var_level to relieve the caller of the need for declaring
# the variable as global.
set stack_level [get_stack_var_level $var_name]
# Access the variable value.
upvar $stack_level $var_name var_value
if { [catch {format "0x%08x" "$var_value"} result] } {
append error_message "Invalid integer value:\n"
append error_message [sprint_varx $var_name $var_value]
print_error_report $error_message
exit 1
proc valid_dir_path { var_name { add_slash 1 } } {
# If the value of the variable named in var_name is not a valid directory
# path, print an error message and exit the program with a non-zero return
# code.
# Description of arguments:
# var_name The name of the variable whose value is to
# be validated.
# add_slash If set to 1, this procedure will add a
# trailing slash to the directory path value.
# Call get_stack_var_level to relieve the caller of the need for declaring
# the variable as global.
set stack_level [get_stack_var_level $var_name]
# Access the variable value.
upvar $stack_level $var_name var_value
expand_shell_string var_value
if { ![file isdirectory $var_value] } {
append error_message "The following directory does not exist:\n"
append error_message [sprint_varx $var_name $var_value "" "" 1]
print_error_report $error_message
exit 1
if { $add_slash } { add_trailing_string var_value / }
proc valid_file_path { var_name } {
# If the value of the variable named in var_name is not a valid file path,
# print an error message and exit the program with a non-zero return code.
# Description of arguments:
# var_name The name of the variable whose value is to
# be validated.
# Call get_stack_var_level to relieve the caller of the need for declaring
# the variable as global.
set stack_level [get_stack_var_level $var_name]
# Access the variable value.
upvar $stack_level $var_name var_value
expand_shell_string var_value
if { ![file isfile $var_value] } {
append error_message "The following file does not exist:\n"
append error_message [sprint_varx $var_name $var_value "" "" 1]
print_error_report $error_message
exit 1