blob: d7061d60491aa4faa9c7c83e39af2344088e939b [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Keywords for system test.
Library ../lib/
Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot
Resource ../extended/obmc_boot_test_resource.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource resource.txt
Library OperatingSystem
Library DateTime
*** Variables ***
${htx_log_dir_path} ${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}
# Error strings to check from dmesg.
${ERROR_REGEX} error|GPU|NVRM|nvidia
# GPU specific error message from dmesg.
${ERROR_DBE_MSG} (DBE) has been detected on GPU
# Inventory - List of I/O devices to collect for Inventory
@{I/O} communication disk display generic input multimedia
... network printer tape
# Inventory Paths of the JSON and YAML files
${json_tmp_file_path} ${EXECDIR}/inventory_temp_file.json
${yaml_file_path} ${EXECDIR}/inventory_temp_file.yaml
*** Keywords ***
Execute Command On OS
[Documentation] Execute given command on OS and return output.
[Arguments] ${command}
# Description of argument(s):
# command Shell command to be executed on OS.
${stdout} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${command} return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr} msg=Failed running ${command}. stderr=${stderr}
[Return] ${stdout}
Login To OS
[Documentation] Login to OS Host.
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}
... ${alias_name}=os_connection
# Description of argument(s):
# os_host IP address of the OS Host.
# os_username OS Host Login user name.
# os_password OS Host Login passwrd.
# alias_name Default OS SSH session connection alias name.
Ping Host ${os_host}
SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${os_host} alias=${alias_name}
Login ${os_username} ${os_password}
Tool Exist
[Documentation] Check whether given tool is installed on OS.
[Arguments] ${tool_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# tool_name Tool name whose existence is to be checked.
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command which ${tool_name}
Should Contain ${output} ${tool_name}
... msg=Please install ${tool_name} tool.
Boot To OS
[Documentation] Boot host OS.
Run Key OBMC Boot Test \ REST Power On
Power Off Host
[Documentation] Power off host.
Run Key OBMC Boot Test \ REST Power Off
File Exist On OS
[Documentation] Check if the given file path exist on OS.
[Arguments] ${file_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_path Absolute file path.
Login To OS
${out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ls ${file_path}
Log To Console \n File Exist: ${out}
Is HTX Running
[Documentation] Return "True" if the HTX is running, "False"
... otherwise.
# Example usage:
# ${status}= Is HTX Running
# Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'True' Shutdown HTX Exerciser
${status} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -getstats ignore_err=1
# Get HTX state
# (idle, currently running, selected_mdt but not running).
${running}= Set Variable If
... "Currently running" in """${status}""" ${True} ${False}
[Return] ${running}
Write Log Data To File
[Documentation] Write log data to the logs directory.
[Arguments] ${data}= ${log_file_path}=
# Description of argument(s):
# data String buffer.
# log_file_path The log file path.
Create File ${log_file_path} ${data}
Collect HTX Log Files
[Documentation] Collect status and error log files.
# Collects the following files:
# HTX error log file /tmp/htxerr
# HTX status log file /tmp/htxstats
# Create logs directory and get current datetime.
Create Directory ${htx_log_dir_path}
${cur_datetime}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f
File Exist On OS /tmp/htxerr
${htx_err} ${std_err} ${rc}= OS Execute Command cat /tmp/htxerr
Write Log Data To File
... ${htx_err} ${htx_log_dir_path}/${OS_HOST}${cur_datetime}.htxerr
File Exist On OS /tmp/htxstats
${htx_stats} ${std_err} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... cat /tmp/htxstats
Write Log Data To File
... ${htx_stats} ${htx_log_dir_path}/${OS_HOST}_${cur_datetime}.htxstats
REST Upload File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload a file via REST to BMC.
# Generate 32 MB file size
Run dd if=/dev/zero of=dummyfile bs=1 count=0 seek=32MB
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist dummyfile
# Get the content of the file and upload to BMC
${image_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File dummyfile
# Get REST session to BMC
Initialize OpenBMC
# Create the REST payload headers and data
${data}= Create Dictionary data ${image_data}
${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/octet-stream
... Accept=application/octet-stream
Set To Dictionary ${data} headers ${headers}
${resp}= Post Request openbmc /upload/image &{data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
... msg=Openbmc /upload/image failed.
# Take SSH connection to BMC and switch to BMC connection to perform
# the task.
&{bmc_connection_args}= Create Dictionary alias=bmc_connection
Open Connection And Log In &{bmc_connection_args}
# Currently OS SSH session is active, switch to BMC connection.
Switch Connection bmc_connection
# Switch back to OS SSH connection.
Switch Connection os_connection
Get CPU Min Frequency Limit
[Documentation] Get CPU minimum assignable frequency.
# lscpu | grep min returns
# CPU min MHz: 1983.0000
${cmd}= Catenate lscpu | grep min | tr -dc '0-9.\n'
${cpu_freq} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${cpu_freq}
Get CPU Min Frequency
[Documentation] Get CPU assigned minimum frequency.
# ppc64_cpu --frequency -t 10 returns
# min: 3.295 GHz (cpu 143)
# max: 3.295 GHz (cpu 0)
# avg: 3.295 GHz
${cmd}= Catenate ppc64_cpu --frequency -t 10 | grep min
... | cut -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | tr -dc '0-9\n'
${cpu_freq} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${cpu_freq}
Get CPU Max Frequency Limit
[Documentation] Get CPU maximum assignable frequency.
# lscpu | grep max returns
# CPU max MHz: 3300.0000
${cmd}= Catenate lscpu | grep max | tr -dc '0-9.\n'
${cpu_freq} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${cpu_freq}
Get CPU Max Frequency
[Documentation] Get CPU assigned maximum frequency.
# ppc64_cpu --frequency -t 10 returns
# min: 3.295 GHz (cpu 143)
# max: 3.295 GHz (cpu 0)
# avg: 3.295 GHz
${cmd}= Catenate ppc64_cpu --frequency -t 10 | grep max
... | cut -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | tr -dc '0-9\n'
${cpu_freq} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${cpu_freq}
Get CPU Max Temperature
[Documentation] Get the highest CPU Temperature.
${temperature_objs}= Read Properties
... ${SENSORS_URI}temperature/enumerate
# Filter the dictionary to get just the CPU temperature info.
${cmd}= Catenate {k:v for k,v in $temperature_objs.iteritems()
... if re.match('${SENSORS_URI}temperature/p.*core.*temp', k)}
${cpu_temperatuture_objs} Evaluate ${cmd} modules=re
# Create a list of the CPU temperature values (current).
${cpu_temperatures}= Evaluate
... [ x['Value'] for x in $cpu_temperatuture_objs.values() ]
${cpu_max_temp} Evaluate max(map(int, $cpu_temperatures))/1000
[Return] ${cpu_max_temp}
Get CPU Min Temperature
[Documentation] Get the CPU Temperature.
${temperature_objs}= Read Properties
... ${SENSORS_URI}temperature/enumerate
# Filter the dictionary to get just the CPU temperature info.
${cmd}= Catenate {k:v for k,v in $temperature_objs.iteritems()
... if re.match('${SENSORS_URI}temperature/p.*core.*temp', k)}
${cpu_temperatuture_objs}= Evaluate ${cmd} modules=re
# Create a list of the CPU temperature values (current).
${cpu_temperatures}= Evaluate
... [ x['Value'] for x in $cpu_temperatuture_objs.values() ]
${cpu_min_temp} Evaluate min(map(int, $cpu_temperatures))/1000
[Return] ${cpu_min_temp}
Check For Errors On OS Dmesg Log
[Documentation] Check if dmesg has nvidia errors logged.
${dmesg_log} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... dmesg | egrep '${ERROR_REGEX}'
# To enable multiple string check.
Should Not Contain ${dmesg_log} ${ERROR_DBE_MSG}
... msg=OS dmesg shows ${ERROR_DBE_MSG}.
Collect NVIDIA Log File
[Documentation] Collect ndivia-smi command output.
[Arguments] ${suffix}
# Description of argument(s):
# suffix String name to append.
# Collects the output of ndivia-smi cmd output.
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | NVIDIA-SMI 361.89 Driver Version: 361.89 |
# |-------------------------------+----------------------+-------------+
# | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | GPU ECC |
# | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | Utiliz err |
# |===============================+======================+=============|
# | 0 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0002:01:00.0 Off | 0 |
# | N/A 25C P0 35W / 300W | 931MiB / 16280MiB | 0% Default |
# +-------------------------------+----------------------+-------------+
# | 1 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0003:01:00.0 Off | 0 |
# | N/A 26C P0 40W / 300W | 1477MiB / 16280MiB | 0% Default |
# +-------------------------------+----------------------+-------------+
# | 2 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0006:01:00.0 Off | 0 |
# | N/A 25C P0 35W / 300W | 931MiB / 16280MiB | 0% Default |
# +-------------------------------+----------------------+-------------+
# | 3 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0007:01:00.0 Off | 0 |
# | N/A 44C P0 290W / 300W | 965MiB / 16280MiB | 0% Default |
# +-------------------------------+----------------------+-------------+
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Processes: GPU Memory |
# | GPU PID Type Process name Usage |
# |====================================================================|
# | 0 28459 C hxenvidia 929MiB |
# | 1 28460 C hxenvidia 1475MiB |
# | 2 28461 C hxenvidia 929MiB |
# | 3 28462 C hxenvidia 963MiB |
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
# Create logs directory and get current datetime.
Create Directory ${htx_log_dir_path}
${cur_datetime}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f
${nvidia_out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command nvidia-smi
Write Log Data To File
... ${nvidia_out}
... ${htx_log_dir_path}/${OS_HOST}_${cur_datetime}.nvidia_${suffix}
Get GPU Power Limit
[Documentation] Get NVIDIA GPU maximum permitted power draw.
# nvidia-smi --query-gpu=power.limit --format=csv returns
# power.limit [W]
# 300.00 W
# 300.00 W
# 300.00 W
# 300.00 W
${cmd}= Catenate nvidia-smi --query-gpu=power.limit
... --format=csv | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort -n -u | tail -n 1
${nvidia_out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
# Allow for sensor overshoot. That is, max power reported for
# a GPU could be a few watts above the limit.
${power_max}= Evaluate ${nvidia_out}+${7.00}
[Return] ${power_max}
Get GPU Max Power
[Documentation] Get the maximum GPU power dissipation.
# nvidia-smi --query-gpu=power.draw --format=csv returns
# power.draw [W]
# 34.12 W
# 34.40 W
# 36.55 W
# 36.05 W
${cmd}= Catenate nvidia-smi --query-gpu=power.draw
... --format=csv | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort -n -u | tail -n 1
${nvidia_out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${nvidia_out}
Get GPU Min Power
[Documentation] Return the minimum GPU power value as record by
... nvidia-smi.
${cmd}= Catenate nvidia-smi --query-gpu=power.draw --format=csv |
... grep -v 'power.draw' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort -n -u | head -1
${gpu_min_power} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${gpu_min_power}
Get GPU Temperature Limit
[Documentation] Get NVIDIA GPU maximum permitted temperature.
# nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE | grep "GPU Max" returns
# GPU Max Operating Temp : 83 C
# GPU Max Operating Temp : 83 C
# GPU Max Operating Temp : 83 C
# GPU Max Operating Temp : 83 C
${cmd}= Catenate nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE | grep "GPU Max"
... | cut -f 2 -d ":" | tr -dc '0-9\n' | sort -n -u | tail -n 1
${nvidia_out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${nvidia_out}
Get GPU Min Temperature
[Documentation] Get the minimum GPU temperature.
${cmd}= Catenate nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu
... --format=csv | grep -v 'temperature.gpu' | sort -n -u | head -1
${nvidia_out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${nvidia_out}
Get GPU Max Temperature
[Documentation] Get the maximum GPU temperature.
# nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv returns
# 38
# 41
# 38
# 40
${cmd}= Catenate nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu
... --format=csv | sort -n -u | tail -n 1
${nvidia_out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${nvidia_out}
Get GPU Temperature Via REST
[Documentation] Return the temperature in degrees C of the warmest GPU
... as reportd by REST.
# NOTE: This endpoint path is not defined until system has been powered-on.
${temperature_objs}= Read Properties ${SENSORS_URI}temperature/enumerate
... timeout=30 quiet=1
${core_temperatures_list}= Catenate {k:v for k,v in $temperature_objs.iteritems()
... if re.match('${SENSORS_URI}temperature/.*_core_temp', k)}
${gpu_temperature_objs_dict}= Evaluate ${core_temperatures_list} modules=re
# Create a list containing all of the GPU temperatures.
${gpu_temperatures}= Evaluate
... [ x['Value'] for x in $gpu_temperature_objs_dict.values() ]
# Find the max temperature value and divide by 1000 to get just the integer
# portion.
${max_gpu_temperature}= Evaluate max(map(int, $gpu_temperatures))/1000
[Return] ${max_gpu_temperature}
Get GPU Clock Limit
[Documentation] Get NVIDIA GPU maximum permitted graphics clock.
# nvidia-smi --format=csv returns
# 1530 MHz
# 1530 MHz
# 1530 MHz
# 1530 MHz
${cmd}= Catenate nvidia-smi
... --format=csv | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort -n -u | tail -n 1
${nvidia_out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${nvidia_out}
Get GPU Clock
[Documentation] Get the highest assigned value of the GPU graphics clock.
# nvidia-smi --format=csv returns
# 1230 MHz
# 1230 MHz
# 135 MHz
# 150 MHz
${cmd}= Catenate nvidia-smi
... --format=csv | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort -n -u | tail -n 1
${nvidia_out} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${nvidia_out}
Count GPUs From BMC
[Documentation] Determine number of GPUs from the BMC. Hostboot
... needs to have been run previously because the BMC gets GPU data
... from Hostboot.
# Example of gv* endpoint data:
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card0": {
# "Functional": 1,
# "Present": 1,
# "PrettyName": ""
# },
${num_bmc_gpus}= Set Variable ${0}
${gpu_list}= Get Endpoint Paths
... ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}system/chassis/motherboard gv*
:FOR ${gpu_uri} IN @{gpu_list}
\ ${present}= Read Attribute ${gpu_uri} Present
\ ${state}= Read Attribute ${gpu_uri} Functional
\ Rpvars gpu_uri present state
\ ${num_bmc_gpus}= Run Keyword If ${present} and ${state}
... Evaluate ${num_bmc_gpus}+${1}
[Return] ${num_bmc_gpus}
Create Default MDT Profile
[Documentation] Create default mdt.bu profile and run.
Rprint Timen Create HTX mdt profile.
${profile} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -createmdt
Rprintn ${profile}
Should Contain ${profile} mdts are created successfully
... msg=Create MDT profile failed. response=${profile}
Run MDT Profile
[Documentation] Load user pre-defined MDT profile.
# Description of argument(s):
# HTX_MDT_PROFILE MDT profile to be executed (e.g. "mdt.bu").
Rprint Timen Start HTX mdt profile execution.
${htx_run} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -run -mdt ${HTX_MDT_PROFILE}
Rprintn ${htx_run}
Should Contain ${htx_run} Activated
... msg=htxcmdline run mdt did not return "Activated" status.
Check HTX Run Status
[Documentation] Get HTX exerciser status and check for error.
[Arguments] ${sleep_time}=${0}
# Description of argument(s):
# sleep_time The amount of time to sleep after checking status.
Rprint Timen Check HTX mdt Status and error.
${htx_status} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -status -mdt ${HTX_MDT_PROFILE}
Rprintn ${htx_status}
${htx_errlog} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -geterrlog
Rprintn ${htx_errlog}
Should Contain ${htx_errlog} file </tmp/htxerr> is empty
... msg=HTX geterrorlog was not empty.
Return From Keyword If ${sleep_time} == ${0}
Run Key U Sleep \ ${sleep-time}
Shutdown HTX Exerciser
[Documentation] Shut down HTX exerciser run.
Rprint Timen Shutdown HTX Run
${shutdown} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -shutdown -mdt ${HTX_MDT_PROFILE}
Rprintn ${shutdown}
${match_count_no_mdt}= Count Values In List ${shutdown}
... No MDT is currently running
${match_count_success}= Count Values In List ${shutdown}
... shutdown successfully
Run Keyword If ${match_count_no_mdt} == 0 and ${match_count_success} == 0
... Fail msg=Shutdown command returned unexpected message.
Create JSON Inventory File
[Documentation] Create a JSON inventory file, and make a YAML copy.
[Arguments] ${json_file_path}
# Description of argument:
# json_file_path Where the inventory file is wrtten to.
Login To OS
Compile Inventory JSON
Run json2yaml ${json_tmp_file_path} ${yaml_file_path}
# Format to JSON pretty print to file.
Run python -m json.tool ${json_tmp_file_path} > ${json_file_path}
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${json_file_path}
... msg=File ${json_file_path} does not exist.
Compile Inventory JSON
[Documentation] Compile the Inventory into a JSON file.
Create File ${json_tmp_file_path}
Write New JSON List ${json_tmp_file_path} Inventory
Retrieve HW Info And Write processor ${json_tmp_file_path}
Retrieve HW Info And Write memory ${json_tmp_file_path}
Retrieve HW Info And Write List ${I/O} ${json_tmp_file_path} I/O last
Close New JSON List ${json_tmp_file_path}
Write New JSON List
[Documentation] Start a new JSON list element in file.
[Arguments] ${json_tmp_file_path} ${json_field_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# json_tmp_file_path Name of file to write to.
# json_field_name Name to give json list element.
Append to File ${json_tmp_file_path} { "${json_field_name}" : [
Close New JSON List
[Documentation] Close JSON list element in file.
[Arguments] ${json_tmp_file_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# json_tmp_file_path Path of file to write to.
Append to File ${json_tmp_file_path} ]}
Retrieve HW Info And Write
[Documentation] Retrieve and write info, add a comma if not last item.
[Arguments] ${class} ${json_tmp_file_path} ${last}=false
# Description of argument(s):
# class Device class to retrieve with lshw.
# json_tmp_file_path Path of file to write to.
# last Is this the last element in the parent JSON?
Write New JSON List ${json_tmp_file_path} ${class}
${output} = Retrieve Hardware Info ${class}
${output} = Clean Up String ${output}
Run Keyword if ${output.__class__ is not type(None)}
... Append To File ${json_tmp_file_path} ${output}
Close New JSON List ${json_tmp_file_path}
Run Keyword if '${last}' == 'false'
... Append to File ${json_tmp_file_path} ,
Retrieve HW Info And Write List
[Documentation] Does a Retrieve/Write with a list of classes and
... encapsulates them into one large JSON element.
[Arguments] ${list} ${json_tmp_file_path} ${json_field_name}
... ${last}=false
# Description of argument(s):
# list The list of devices classes to retrieve with lshw.
# json_tmp_file_path Path of file to write to.
# json_field_name Name of the JSON element to encapsulate this list.
# last Is this the last element in the parent JSON?
Write New JSON List ${json_tmp_file_path} ${json_field_name}
: FOR ${class} IN @{list}
\ ${tail} Get From List ${list} -1
\ Run Keyword if '${tail}' == '${class}'
\ ... Retrieve HW Info And Write ${class} ${json_tmp_file_path} true
\ ... ELSE Retrieve HW Info And Write ${class} ${json_tmp_file_path}
Close New JSON List ${json_tmp_file_path}
Run Keyword if '${last}' == 'false'
... Append to File ${json_tmp_file_path} ,
Retrieve Hardware Info
[Documentation] Retrieves the lshw output of the device class as JSON.
[Arguments] ${class}
# Description of argument(s):
# class Device class to retrieve with lshw.
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command lshw -c ${class} -json
${output} = Verify JSON string ${output}
[Return] ${output}
Verify JSON String
[Documentation] Ensure the JSON string content is separated by commas.
[Arguments] ${unver_string}
# Description of argument(s):
# unver_string JSON String we will be checking for lshw comma errors.
${unver_string} = Convert to String ${unver_string}
${ver_string} = Replace String Using Regexp ${unver_string} }\\s*{ },{
[Return] ${ver_string}
Clean Up String
[Documentation] Remove extra whitespace and trailing commas.
[Arguments] ${dirty_string}
# Description of argument(s):
# dirty_string String that will be space stripped and have comma removed.
${clean_string} = Strip String ${dirty_string}
${last_char} = Get Substring ${clean_string} -1
${trimmed_string} = Get Substring ${clean_string} 0 -1
${clean_string} = Set Variable If '${last_char}' == ','
... ${trimmed_string} ${clean_string}
[Return] ${clean_string}
Get OS Network Interface Names
[Documentation] Return a list of interface names on the OS.
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ls /sys/class/net
@{interface_names}= Split String ${stdout}
[Return] @{interface_names}
Run Soft Bootme
[Documentation] Run a soft bootme for a period of an hour.
[Arguments] ${bootme_period}=3
# Description of argument(s):
# bootme_time Bootme period to be rebooting the system.
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -bootme on mode:soft period:${bootme_period}
Should Contain ${output} bootme on is completed successfully
Shutdown Bootme
[Documentation] Stop the bootme process.
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command htxcmdline -bootme off
Should Contain ${output} bootme off is completed successfully