blob: a046463c1cc3939e8a462909a499469a2e9fe9eb [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Verify OBMC tool's network fuctionality.
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Resource ../../syslib/utils_os.robot
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/common_utils.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Setup Printn
*** Variables ***
${mac_address} 76:e2:84:14:87:91
${parser} |grep "ipv4"|awk -F/ 'NR==1{print$5}'
${ignore_err} ${0}
*** Test Cases ***
Verify GetIP
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the getIP command.
[Tags] Verify_GetIP
${ip_records}= Network getIP I=eth0
${addresses}= Nested Get Address ${ip_records}
Verify IP On BMC ${addresses}[${0}]
Verify AddIP
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the addIP command.
[Tags] Verify_AddIP
Network addIP I=${interface} a=${ip} l=24 p=ipv4
Wait And Verify IP On BMC ${ip}
Verify GetDefaultGW
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the getDefaultGW command.
[Tags] Verify_GetDefaultGW
${default_gw}= Network getDefaultGW
Verify Gateway On BMC ${default_gw}
Verify RemoveIP
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the rmIP command.
[Tags] Verify_RemoveIP
Network addIP I=${interface} a=${ip} l=24 p=ipv4
Wait And Verify IP On BMC ${ip}
Network rmIP I=${interface} a=${ip}
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Wait And Verify IP On BMC ${ip}
Should Be Equal ${status} ${False}
Verify SetDNS
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the setDNS command.
[Tags] Verify_SetDNS
Network setDNS I=eth0 d=${dns_ip}
${dns_config}= CLI Get Nameservers
Should Contain ${dns_config} ${dns_ip}
Verify GetDNS
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the getDNS command.
[Tags] Verify_GetDNS
Network setDNS I=eth0 d=${dns_ip}
${dns_data}= Network getDNS I=eth0
${dns_config}= CLI Get Nameservers
Should Contain ${dns_config} ${dns_data}[${0}]
Verify SetHostName
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the setHostName command.
[Tags] Verify_SetHostName
Network setHostName H=randomName
${bmc_hostname}= Get BMC Hostname
Should Be Equal As Strings ${bmc_hostname} randomName
Verify GetHostName
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the getHostName command.
[Tags] Verify_GetHostName
${tool_hostname}= Network getHostName
${bmc_hostname}= Get BMC Hostname
Should Be Equal As Strings ${bmc_hostname} ${tool_hostname}
Verify SetMACAddress
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can set a new MAC address.
[Tags] Verify_SetMACAddress
Network setMACAddress I=eth0 MA=${mac_address}
Validate MAC On BMC ${mac_address}
Verify GetMACAddress
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can get the MAC address.
[Tags] Verify_GetMACAddress
${mac_addr}= Network getMACAddress I=eth0
Validate MAC On BMC ${mac_addr}
Verify SetNTP
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the setNTP command.
[Tags] Verify_SetNTP
Network setNTP I=eth0 N=${ntp_server}
# Get NTP server details via REDFISH.
${eth0}= Redfish.Get Properties ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}
Valid Value eth0['NTP']['NTPServers'][0] ['${ntp_server}']
Verify GetNTP
[Documentation] Verify that openbmctool can run the getNTP command.
[Tags] Verify_GetNTP
Network setNTP I=eth0 N=${ntp_server}
# Get NTP server details via REDFISH.
${eth0}= Redfish.Get Properties ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}
${tool_ntp}= Network getNTP I=eth0
Valid Value eth0['NTP']['NTPServers'][0] ['${tool_ntp}']
Verify SetDomainName
[Documentation] Verify set domain name via openbmctool.
[Tags] Verify_SetDomainName
Network setDomainName I=eth0 D=${domain_name}
${eth0}= Redfish.Get Properties ${REDFISH_NW_ETH0_URI}
${eth0_domain_name}= Strip String ${eth0['FQDN']}
... characters=${eth0['HostName']}. mode=left
Valid Value eth0_domain_name ['${domain_name}']
Verify GetDomainName
[Documentation] Verify get domain name via openbmctool.
[Tags] Verify_GetDomainName
Network setDomainName I=eth0 D=${domain_name}
${eth0}= Redfish.Get Properties ${REDFISH_NW_ETH0_URI}
${eth0_domain_name}= Strip String ${eth0['FQDN']}
... characters=${eth0['HostName']}. mode=left
${tool_domain_name}= Network getDomainName I=eth0
Valid Value eth0_domain_name ['${tool_domain_name}']
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Verify connectivity to run openbmctool commands.
# Verify connectivity to the BMC host.
${bmc_version}= Get BMC Version
# Verify can find the openbmctool.
${openbmctool_file_path}= which
Rprint Vars openbmctool_file_path
# Get the version number from openbmctool.
${openbmctool_version}= Get Openbmctool Version
${rc} ${res}= Openbmctool Execute Command network view-config${parser}
Set Suite Variable ${interface} ${res.strip()}
Rprint Vars openbmctool_version OPENBMC_HOST bmc_version[1]
Validate Non Existence Of IP On BMC
[Documentation] Verify that IP address is not present in set of IP addresses.
[Arguments] ${ip_address} ${ip_data}
# Description of argument(s):
# ip_address IP address to check (e.g. xx.xx.xx.xx).
# ip_data Set of the IP addresses present.
Should Not Contain Match ${ip_data} ${ip_address}/*
... msg=${ip_address} found in the list provided.
Wait And Verify IP On BMC
[Documentation] Wait and verify if system IP exists.
[Arguments] ${ip}
# Description of argument(s):
# ip IP address to verify (e.g. xx.xx.xx.xx).
# Note:Network restart takes around 15-18s after network-config with openbmctool.
Verify IP On BMC ${ip}