blob: 7d0f8f2093ce285919b776a3b2d7e16dba7e204f [file] [log] [blame]
# This file provides many valuable expect procedures like handle_timeout and
# handle_eof.
my_source [list print.tcl]
proc handle_timeout { description } {
# Print timeout error message to stderr and exit 1.
# Description of argument(s):
# description A description of what was being expected
# (e.g. "an SOL login prompt").
global spawn_id
global expect_out
set timeout [get_stack_var timeout {} 2]
if { $timeout == 1 } {
set seconds "second"
} else {
set seconds "seconds"
puts stderr ""
print_error "Did not get ${description} after $timeout ${seconds}.\n"
# Using uplevel to be able to access expect_out.
if { [ catch {uplevel { puts stderr [sprint_var expect_out]}} result ] } {
puts stderr [sprint_varx expect_out "<not set>"]
# If caller has exit_proc defined, call it. Otherwise, just call exit.
if { [info procs "exit_proc"] != "" } {
exit_proc 1
exit 1
proc handle_eof { description } {
# Print end-of-file error message to stderr and exit 1.
# Description of argument(s):
# description A description of what was being expected
# (e.g. "an SOL login prompt").
global spawn_id
puts stderr ""
print_error "Reached end of file before getting $description.\n"
# Using uplevel to be able to access expect_out.
if { [ catch {uplevel { puts stderr [sprint_var expect_out]}} result ] } {
puts stderr [sprint_varx expect_out "<not set>"]
# If caller has exit_proc defined, call it. Otherwise, just call exit.
if { [info procs "exit_proc"] != "" } {
exit_proc 1
exit 1
proc expect_wrap {pattern_list message {timeout 15}} {
# Run the expect command for the caller and return the list index of the
# matching pattern.
# This function offers the following benefits over calling the expect
# command directly:
# - It makes program debug easier. When the program is run with --debug=1,
# this function prints useful debug output.
# - It will do standardized timeout and eof handling.
# Description of argument(s):
# pattern_list A list of patterns to be matched. If one
# of the patterns matches, the list index of
# the matching item will be returned. By
# default, each pattern is presumed to be a
# regex. If the caller wishes to, they may
# precede each pattern with either of the
# following: "-re ", "-gl " or "-ex " in
# order to explicitly choose the kind of
# match to be done..
# message A message explaining what is being
# expected (e.g. "an SOL login prompt").
# This will be included in output messages.
# timeout The expect timeout value.
# Example usage:
# set result [expect_wrap\
# [list $bad_user_pw_regex "sh: xauth: command not found"]\
# "an SOL prompt" 10]
# switch $result {
# 0 {
# puts stderr "" ; print_error "Invalid username or password.\n"
# exit_proc 1
# }
# 1 {
# dict set state ssh_logged_in 1
# }
# }
global spawn_id
global expect_out
# Recognized flags.
set flags [list "-re" "-ex" "-gl"]
# This helps debug efforts by removing leftover, stale entries.
array unset expect_out \[1-9\],string
# Prepare the expect statement.
append cmd_buf "global spawn_id\n"
append cmd_buf "global expect_out\n"
append cmd_buf "expect {\n"
set ix 0
foreach pattern $pattern_list {
# Check to see whether the caller has specified a flag (e.g. "-re",
# "-ex", etc.) at the beginning of the pattern.
set tokens [split $pattern " "]
if { [lsearch $flags [lindex $tokens 0]] != -1 } {
# Caller specified a flag.
set flag [lindex $tokens 0]
# Strip the flag from the pattern.
set pattern [string range $pattern 4 end]
} else {
set flag "-re"
append cmd_buf " ${flag} {$pattern} {set expect_result $ix}\n"
incr ix
append cmd_buf " timeout {handle_timeout \$message}\n"
append cmd_buf " eof {handle_eof \$message}\n"
append cmd_buf "}\n"
dprint_timen "Expecting $message."
dprint_issuing "\n${cmd_buf}"
eval ${cmd_buf}
dprintn ; dprint_vars expect_out expect_result
return $expect_result
proc send_wrap {buffer {add_lf 1}} {
# Send the buffer to the spawned process.
# This function offers the following benefits over calling the send command
# directly:
# - It makes program debug easier. When the program is run with --debug=1,
# this function prints useful debug output.
# Description of argument(s):
# buffer The string to be sent to the spawned
# process.
# add_lf Send a line feed after sending the buffer.
# Example usage.
# Close the ssh session.
# send_wrap "~."
# set expect_result [expect_wrap\
# [list "Connection to $host closed"]\
# "a connection closed message" 5]
global spawn_id
global expect_out
set cmd_buf "send -- {${buffer}}"
eval ${cmd_buf}
if { $add_lf } {
send -- "\n"
set cmd_buf "send -- \"\\n\""
eval ${cmd_buf}