blob: 1a52ace9b8964ec0de9fd08d95dadd34303b7ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
This module provides valuable argument processing functions like
gen_get_options and sprint_args.
import sys
import gen_print as gp
def valid_value(var_value,
Return True if var_value is a valid value. Otherwise, return False and
print an error message to stderr.
Description of arguments:
var_value The value being validated.
invalid_values A list of invalid values. If var_value is
equal to any of these, it is invalid.
Note that if you specify anything for
invalid_values (below), the valid_values
list is not even processed.
valid_values A list of invalid values. var_value must
be equal to one of these values to be
considered valid.
len_valid_values = len(valid_values)
len_invalid_values = len(invalid_values)
if len_valid_values > 0 and len_invalid_values > 0:
gp.print_error_report("Programmer error - You must provide either an" +
" invalid_values list or a valid_values" +
" list but NOT both.")
return False
if len_valid_values > 0:
# Processing the valid_values list.
if var_value in valid_values:
return True
var_name = gp.get_arg_name(0, 1, 2)
gp.print_error_report("The following variable has an invalid" +
" value:\n" +
gp.sprint_varx(var_name, var_value) +
"\nIt must be one of the following values:\n" +
gp.sprint_varx("valid_values", valid_values))
return False
if len_invalid_values == 0:
gp.print_error_report("Programmer error - You must provide either an" +
" invalid_values list or a valid_values" +
" list. Both are empty.")
return False
# Assertion: We have an invalid_values list. Processing it now.
if var_value not in invalid_values:
return True
var_name = gp.get_arg_name(0, 1, 2)
gp.print_error_report("The following variable has an invalid value:\n" +
gp.sprint_varx(var_name, var_value) + "\nIt must" +
" NOT be one of the following values:\n" +
gp.sprint_varx("invalid_values", invalid_values))
return False
def valid_integer(var_value):
Return True if var_value is a valid integer. Otherwise, return False and
print an error message to stderr.
Description of arguments:
var_value The value being validated.
# This currently allows floats which is not good.
if type(int(var_value)) is int:
return True
except ValueError:
# If we get to this point, the validation has failed.
var_name = gp.get_arg_name(0, 1, 2)
gp.print_varx("var_name", var_name)
gp.print_error_report("Invalid integer value:\n" +
gp.sprint_varx(var_name, var_value))
return False