blob: e601d1ecfbcc6ad2a4567066e926a595653d2436 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation OpenBMC LDAP user management test.
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Library ../lib/
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ****
*** Test Cases ***
Verify LDAP API Available
[Documentation] Verify LDAP client service is running and API available.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_API_Available
${resp}= Read Properties ${BMC_LDAP_URI}
Should Be Empty ${resp}
Verify LDAP Config Is Created
[Documentation] Verify LDAP config is created in BMC.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Config_Is_Created
Configure LDAP Server On BMC
Check LDAP Config File Generated
Verify LDAP Config Is Deleted
[Documentation] Verify LDAP config is deleted in BMC.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Config_Is_Deleted
Delete LDAP Config
Check LDAP Config File Deleted
Verify LDAP User Able To Login Using REST
[Documentation] Verify LDAP user able to login using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_User_Able_To_Login_Using_REST
Configure LDAP Server On BMC
Check LDAP Config File Generated
Sleep 60s
# REST Login to BMC with LDAP user and password.
Initialize OpenBMC 60 1 ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD}
${bmc_user_uris}= Read Properties ${BMC_USER_URI}list
Should Not Be Empty ${bmc_user_uris}
Verify LDAP User Able to Logout Using REST
[Documentation] Verify LDAP user able to logout using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_User_Able_To_Logout_Using_REST
Configure LDAP Server On BMC
Sleep 60s
Check LDAP Config File Generated
Sleep 60s
# REST Login to BMC with LDAP user and password.
Initialize OpenBMC 60 1 ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD}
# REST Logout from BMC.
Log Out OpenBMC
Verify LDAP Server URI Is Set
[Documentation] Verify LDAP Server URI is set using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Server_URI_Is_Set
# Example: LDAP URI should be either ldap://<LDAP IP / Hostname> or
# ldaps://<LDAP IP / Hostname>
Should Contain ${LDAP_SERVER_URI} ldap
${ldap_server}= Create Dictionary data=${LDAP_SERVER_URI}
Write Attribute ${BMC_LDAP_URI}/config LDAPServerURI data=${ldap_server}
... verify=${True} expected_value=${LDAP_SERVER_URI}
Verify LDAP Server BIND DN Is Set
[Documentation] Verify LDAP BIND DN is set using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Server_BIND_DN_Is_Set
${ldap_server_binddn}= Create Dictionary data=${LDAP_BIND_DN}
Write Attribute ${BMC_LDAP_URI}/config LDAPBindDN data=${ldap_server_binddn}
... verify=${True} expected_value=${LDAP_BIND_DN}
Verify LDAP Server BASE DN Is Set
[Documentation] Verify LDAP BASE DN is set using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Server_BASE_DN_Is_Set
${ldap_server_basedn}= Create Dictionary data=${LDAP_BASE_DN}
Write Attribute ${BMC_LDAP_URI}/config LDAPBaseDN data=${ldap_server_basedn}
... verify=${True} expected_value=${LDAP_BASE_DN}
Verify LDAP Server Type Is Set As Active Directory
[Documentation] Verify LDAP server type is set as "Active Directory"
... using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Server_Type_Is_Set_As_Active_Directory
[Template] Modify LDAP Server Type
# Server type as ActiveDirectory
Verify LDAP Server Type Is Set As Open LDAP
[Documentation] Verify LDAP server type is set as "OpenLDAP"
... using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Server_Type_Is_Set_As_Open_LDAP
[Template] Modify LDAP Server Type
# Server type as OpenLdap
Verify LDAP Search Scope Is Set As One
[Documentation] Verify LDAP search scope is set as "one" using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Search_Scope_Is_Set_As_One
[Template] Modify LDAP Search Scope
# Search Scope as one
Verify LDAP Search Scope Is Set As Base
[Documentation] Verify LDAP search scope is set as "base" using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Search_Scope_Is_Set_As_Base
[Template] Modify LDAP Search Scope
# Search Scope as base
Verify LDAP Search Scope Is Set As Sub
[Documentation] Verify LDAP search scope is set as "sub" using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Search_Scope_Is_Set_As_Sub
[Template] Modify LDAP Search Scope
# Search Scope as sub
Verify LDAP Binddn Password Is Set
[Documentation] Verify LDAP Binddn password is set using REST.
[Tags] Verify_LDAP_Binddn_Password_Is_Set
${ldap_binddn_passwd}= Create Dictionary data=${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD}
Write Attribute ${BMC_LDAP_URI}/config LDAPBINDDNpassword data=${ldap_binddn_passwd}
... verify=${True} expected_value=${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD}
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Check for LDAP test readiness.
Should Not Be Empty ${LDAP_SERVER_URI}
Should Not Be Empty ${LDAP_BIND_DN}
Should Not Be Empty ${LDAP_BASE_DN}
Should Not Be Empty ${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD}
Should Not Be Empty ${LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE}
Should Not Be Empty ${LDAP_SERVER_TYPE}
Check LDAP Service Running
[Documentation] Check LDAP service running in BMC.
BMC Execute Command systemctl | grep -in ldap
Configure LDAP Server On BMC
[Documentation] Configure LDAP Server On BMC.
@{ldap_parm_list}= Create List
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{ldap_parm_list}
${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request
... ${BMC_LDAP_URI}/action/CreateConfig data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Check LDAP Config File Generated
[Documentation] Check LDAP file nslcd.conf generated.
[Arguments] ${ldap_server}=${LDAP_SERVER_URI}
# Description of argument(s):
# Non-Secured ldap_server Contains ldap server URI eg. (e.g. "ldap://x.x.x.x/").
# Secured ldap_server Contains ldap server URI eg. (e.g. "ldaps://x.x.x.x/").
${ldap_server_config}= Read Properties ${BMC_USER_URI}ldap/enumerate
${ldap_server_config}= Convert To String ${ldap_server_config}
Should Contain ${ldap_server_config} ${ldap_server}
... msg=${ldap_server} is not configured.
Delete LDAP Config
[Documentation] Delete LDAP Config from REST.
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request
... ${BMC_LDAP_URI}/config/action/delete data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Check LDAP Config File Deleted
[Documentation] Check LDAP file nslcd.conf deleted.
${ldap_server_config}= Read Properties ${BMC_USER_URI}ldap/enumerate
${ldap_server_config}= Convert To String ${ldap_server_config}
Should Not Contain ${ldap_server_config} ${LDAP_SERVER_URI}
... msg=${ldap_server_config} is not configured.
Modify LDAP Search Scope
[Documentation] Modify LDAP search scope parameter in LDAP config.
[Arguments] ${search_scope}=${LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE}
# Description of argument(s):
# search_scope Contains ldap search scope (e.g. "").
${search_scope_dict}= Create Dictionary data=${search_scope}
Write Attribute ${BMC_LDAP_URI}/config LDAPSearchScope data=${search_scope_dict}
... verify=${True} expected_value=${search_scope}
Modify LDAP Server Type
[Documentation] Modify LDAP server type parameter in LDAP config.
[Arguments] ${ldap_type}=${LDAP_SERVER_TYPE}
# Description of argument(s):
# ldap_type Contains ldap server type (e.g. "xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Config.Type.ActiveDirectory").
${ldap_type_dict}= Create Dictionary data=${ldap_type}
Write Attribute ${BMC_LDAP_URI}/config LDAPType data=${ldap_type_dict}
... verify=${True} expected_value=${ldap_type}