blob: fa52a4cf8b31fb88d26d5e176fcbd186eb62e4aa [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Network settings" sub-menu of
... "Server configuration".
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Close Browser
*** Variables ***
${xpath_hostname_input} //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-hostname"]
${xpath_network_save_settings} //button[@data-test-id="networkSettings-button-saveNetworkSettings"]
${xpath_default_gateway_input} //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-gateway"]
${xpath_mac_address_input} //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-macAddress"]
${xpath_static_input_ip0} //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-0"]
${xpath_add_static_ip} //button[contains(text(),"Add static IP")]
${xpath_setting_success} //*[contains(text(),"Successfully saved network settings.")]
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Network Settings From Server Configuration
[Documentation] Verify ability to select "Network Settings" sub-menu option
... of "Server Configuration".
[Tags] Verify_Network_Settings_From_Server_Configuration
Page Should Contain IP address
Verify Hostname Text Configuration
[Documentation] Verify hostname text is configurable from "network settings"
... sub-menu.
[Tags] Verify_Hostname_Text_Configuration
Input Text ${xpath_hostname_input} witherspoon1
Click Button ${xpath_network_save_settings}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_setting_success} timeout=10
Element Should Be Disabled ${xpath_network_save_settings}
Click Element ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 sec 5 sec Textfield Should Contain ${xpath_hostname_input}
... witherspoon1
Verify Default Gateway Editable
[Documentation] Verify default gateway text input allowed from "network
... settings".
[Tags] Verify_Default_Gateway_Editable
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_default_gateway_input}
Input Text ${xpath_default_gateway_input}
Verify MAC Address Editable
[Documentation] Verify MAC address text input allowed from "network
... settings".
[Tags] Verify_MAC_Address_Editable
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_mac_address_input}
Input Text ${xpath_mac_address_input} AA:E2:84:14:28:79
Verify Static IP Address Editable
[Documentation] Verify static IP address is editable.
[Tags] Verify_Static_IP_Address_Editable
${exists}= Run Keyword And Return Status Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_static_input_ip0}
Run Keyword If '${exists}' == '${False}'
... Click Element ${xpath_add_static_ip}
Input Text ${xpath_static_input_ip0} ${OPENBMC_HOST}
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do test case setup tasks.
Launch Browser And Login GUI
Click Element ${xpath_server_configuration}
Click Element ${xpath_select_network_settings}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain network-settings