blob: 24362765cb254e57c3277abd06b149f738274b72 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Find services and service agents on the system.
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections
Library String
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
# Get the SLP services available, make it suite global.
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Tags SLP_Service_Test
*** Variables ***
${service_types} findsrvtypes
${service_agents} findsrvs
${service_path} /etc/slp/services
# SLP_SERVICES Services listed by slptool, by default Empty.
*** Test Cases ***
Verify SLP Service Types
[Documentation] Find services supported by system.
[Tags] Verify_SLP_Service_Types
Verify Service Types
Verify Service Agents For Service Types
[Documentation] Find And verify service agents.
[Tags] Verify_Service_Agents_For_Service_Types
@{parameters}= Split String ${SLP_SERVICES} ${\n}
FOR ${parameter} IN @{parameters}
${output}= Run SLP command ${service_agents} ${parameter}
Verify Service Agents ${output} ${parameter}
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Get SLP services.
${output}= Run which slptool
Should Not Be Empty ${output}
... msg=slptool not installed.
${SLP_SERVICES}= Run SLP command ${service_types}
Set Suite Variable ${SLP_SERVICES}
Run SLP Command
[Documentation] Run SLPTool command and return output.
[Arguments] ${cmd} ${param}=${EMPTY}
# cmd The SLP command to be run.
# param The SLP command parameters.
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output
... slptool -u ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${cmd} ${param}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
RETURN ${output}
Verify Service Types
[Documentation] Verifies the output of service types.
${remove_prefix}= Remove String ${SLP_SERVICES} service:
@{services}= Split String ${remove_prefix} ${\n}
${service_count}= Get Length ${services}
Open Connection And Log In
${stdout} ${stderr}= Execute Command ls ${service_path}
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
${file_count}= Get Line Count ${stdout}
Should Be Equal ${service_count} ${file_count}
... msg=Number of services on system & command are not equal.
FOR ${service} IN @{services}
Should Contain ${stdout} ${service} msg=Services on system & command are not same.
Verify Service Agents
[Documentation] Verifies the output of srvs.
[Arguments] ${output} ${service_agent}
# Example of output
# <service:service_name:tcp//,2200>
Run Keywords Should Contain ${output} ${service_agent} AND
... Should Contain ${output} ${OPENBMC_HOST},
... msg=Expected process info missing.