blob: dfee1f885ab4f51a19c107f75f397bef0e1f2cb5 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module for testing BMC via XCAT.
Resource ../lib/xcat/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/xcat/xcat_utils.robot
Library OperatingSystem
Suite Setup Validate XCAT Setup
*** Test Cases ***
Add BMC Nodes To XCAT
[Documentation] Connect and add BMC nodes.
[Tags] Add_BMC_Nodes_To_XCAT
# It reads out file having list of BMC nodes and adds
# those nodes into XCAT.
# TBD- Adding BMC nodes to XCAT
*** Keywords ***
Validate XCAT Setup
[Documentation] Validate XCAT setup.
Open Connection And Login To XCAT
# Check if XCAT is installed.
${cmd_output}= Execute Command ${XCAT_DIR_PATH}/lsxcatd -v
Should Not Be Empty ${cmd_output} msg=XCAT not installed.
Log \n XCAT Version is: \n${cmd_output}