blob: db1017278db2b2791f49561b061313737d4c5769 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test to discover the BMC. Before running suit,
... check BMC and Avahi browse machine should be in same subnet.
Variables ../../data/
Library SSHLibrary
Library ../../lib/external_intf/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Resource ../../lib/external_intf/management_console_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
Resource ../../syslib/utils_os.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Test Cases ***
Discover BMC With Different Service Type
[Documentation] Discover all the BMC with different service type support.
[Tags] Discover_BMC_With_Different_Service_Type
[Template] Discover BMC With Service Type
# Service type
Discover BMC Pre And Post Reboot
[Documentation] Discover BMC before and after reboot.
[Tags] Discover_BMC_Pre_And_Post_Reboot
[Template] Set Daemon And Discover BMC After Reboot
# Service type
Disable AvahiDaemon And Discover BMC After Reboot
[Documentation] BMC should be discoverable in next reboot even after disabling Avahi deamon.
[Tags] Disable_AvahiDaemon_And_Discover_BMC_After_Reboot
[Template] Set Daemon And Discover BMC After Reboot
# Service type skip
_obmc_rest._tcp True
_obmc_redfish._tcp True
Discover BMC Pre And Post Firmware Update Of Same Build
[Documentation] Discover BMC, when code update occurs for same build.
[Tags] Discover_BMC_Pre_And_Post_Firmware_Update_Of_Same_Build
[Template] Discover BMC Pre And Post Firmware Update
# Service type Service type
_obmc_rest._tcp _obmc_redfish._tcp
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do the suite setup.
Should Not Be Empty ${AVAHI_CLIENT}
Check Avahi Package
Check Avahi Package
[Documentation] To check for avahi-tools package.
# Expected command output as below.
# avahi-tools-0.6.31-19.el7.x86_64
${command}= Set Variable rpm -qa | grep avahi-tools
${resp_rpm} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${command} return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Contain ${resp_rpm} avahi-tools ignore_case=True msg=avahi-tools is not available.
Discover BMC With Service Type
[Documentation] To get the discoverd BMC list.
[Arguments] ${service_type}
# Description of argument(s):
# service_type BMC service type e.g.
# (REST Service = _obmc_rest._tcp, Redfish Service = _obmc_redfish._tcp).
# bmc_list:
# [1]:
# [service]: _obmc_XXXX._tcp
# [hostname]: System Name
# [address]: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
# [port]: XXX
# [txt]:
# [2]:
# [service]: _obmc_XXXX._tcp
# [hostname]: System Name
# [address]: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
# [port]: XXX
# [txt]:
${resp_service} ${stderr}= Execute Command avahi-browse -rt ${service_type} return_stderr=True
${bmc_list} ${exc_msg}= Get BMC Records ${service_type} ${resp_service}
Print Timen Exception message is ${exc_msg}
Should Not Be Empty ${bmc_list}
Rprint Vars bmc_list
[Return] ${bmc_list}
Verify Existence Of BMC Record From List
[Documentation] Verify the existence of BMC record from list of BMC records.
[Arguments] ${service_type}
# Description of argument(s):
# service_type BMC service type e.g.
# (REST Service = _obmc_rest._tcp, Redfish Service = _obmc_redfish._tcp).
${bmc_list}= Discover BMC With Service Type ${service_type}
${openbmc_host_name} ${openbmc_ip}= Get Host Name IP host=${OPENBMC_HOST}
${resp}= Check BMC Record Exists ${bmc_list} ${openbmc_ip}
Should Be True 'True' == '${resp}'
Set Daemon And Discover BMC After Reboot
[Documentation] Discover BMC After reboot.
[Arguments] ${service_type} ${skip}=False
# Description of argument(s):
# service_type BMC service type e.g.
# (REST Service = _obmc_rest._tcp, Redfish Service = _obmc_redfish._tcp).
# skip Default value set to False.
# If the value is True, Disable the AvahiDaemon.
# If the value is False, skip the step to disable the AvahiDaemon.
Verify Existence Of BMC Record From List ${service_type}
Run Keyword If '${skip}' == 'True' Set AvahiDaemon Service command=stop
Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
Verify AvahiDaemon Service Status message=start
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec
... Verify Existence Of BMC Record From List ${service_type}
Discover BMC Pre And Post Firmware Update
[Documentation] Discover BMC, After code update.
[Arguments] ${service_type1} ${service_type2}
# Description of argument(s):
# service_type BMC service type e.g.
# (REST Service = _obmc_rest._tcp, Redfish Service = _obmc_redfish._tcp).
Verify Existence Of BMC Record From List ${service_type1}
Verify Existence Of BMC Record From List ${service_type2}
Redfish Update Firmware apply_time=Immediate image_type=BMC image
Verify Existence Of BMC Record From List ${service_type1}
Verify Existence Of BMC Record From List ${service_type2}