blob: 8ab773604c7f8cc93e52022cecc538e53f66c2f0 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test IPMI and Redfish combinations for user management.
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Create IPMI User Without Any Privilege And Verify Via Redfish
[Documentation] Create user using IPMI without privilege and verify user privilege
... via Redfish.
[Tags] Create_IPMI_User_Without_Any_Privilege_And_Verify_Via_Redfish
[Setup] Redfish.Login
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND
... Delete Created User ${random_userid} AND Redfish.Logout
# Create IPMI user with random id and username.
${random_userid}= Evaluate random.randint(2, 15) modules=random
${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS]
Run IPMI Standard Command
... user set name ${random_userid} ${random_username}
# Verify new user privilege level via Redfish.
${privilege}= Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute
... /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${random_username} RoleId
Valid Value privilege ['ReadOnly']