blob: 48fff1355951a6f6de87a68e56bff7c8ce5aa07f [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Suite to test harware sensors.
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot
Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Suite Setup Pre Test Suite Execution
Test Teardown Post Test Case Execution
*** Test Cases ***
Verify System Ambient Temperature
[Documentation] Check the ambient sensor temperature.
[Tags] Verify_System_Ambient_Temperature
# Example:
# /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/ambient
# {
# "Scale": -3,
# "Unit": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC",
# "Value": 25767
# }
${temp_data}= Read Properties ${SENSORS_URI}temperature/ambient
Should Be True ${temp_data["Scale"]} == ${-3}
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${temp_data["Unit"]} xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
Should Be True ${temp_data["Value"]/1000} <= ${50}
... msg=System working temperature crossed 50 degree celsius.
*** Keywords ***
Pre Test Suite Execution
[Documentation] Do the initial test suite setup.
# - Power off.
# - Boot Host.
REST Power Off stack_mode=skip
REST Power On
Post Test Case Execution
[Documentation] Do the post test teardown.
# - Capture FFDC on test failure.
# - Delete error logs.
# - Close all open SSH connections.
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Delete Error Logs
Close All Connections