| Documentation Contains all of the keywords that do various power offs. |
| Resource ../connection_client.robot |
| [Documentation] Powers off the system and makes sure that all states are |
| Open Connection and Log In |
| [Documentation] Checks that the BMC state, power state, and boot progress |
| ... are correctly powered off. |
| ${power_state}= Get Power State |
| Should Be Equal ${power_state} ${0} |
| Log to Console Power State: ${power_state} |
| ${boot_progress}= Get Boot Progress |
| Should Be Equal ${boot_progress} Off |
| Log to Console Boot Progress: ${boot_progress} |
| @{states}= Create List BMC_READY HOST_POWERED_OFF |
| ${bmc_state}= Get BMC State |
| Should Contain ${states} ${bmc_state} |
| Log to Console BMC State: ${bmc_state} |