blob: 98b185985722d03f18adf36678097f79f21ec77d [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Redfish BMC/Host signed and unsigned code update
... over BMC functional signed image.
# Test Parameters:
# IMAGE_FILE_PATH The path to the BMC/Host image file.
# Firmware update states:
# Enabled Image is installed and either functional or active.
# Disabled Image installation failed or ready for activation.
# Updating Image installation currently in progress.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/common_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/code_update_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout
Test Setup Printn
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Test Cases ***
Redfish Signed Code Update
[Documentation] BMC/Host signed code update over functional signed
... image, when FieldMode is set to true value.
[Tags] Redfish_Signed_Code_Update
[Template] Redfish Signed Firmware Update
# image_file_path
Redfish Fail Unsigned Code Update
[Documentation] BMC/Host unsigned code update over functional signed
... image, when Field Mode is set to true to value.
[Tags] Redfish_Fail_Unsigned_Code_Update
[Template] Redfish Unsigned Firmware Update
# image_file_path
REST Failure When Field Mode Set To Disable
[Documentation] Verify error while disabling field mode from enabled mode.
[Tags] REST_Failure_When_Field_Mode_Set_To_Disable
${args}= Create Dictionary data=${0}
${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}attr/FieldModeEnabled data=${args}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED}
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do the suite setup.
Enable Field Mode And Verify Unmount
Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps
Redfish Purge Event Log
Redfish Signed Firmware Update
[Documentation] Update the BMC/Host firmware via redfish interface.
[Arguments] ${image_file_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# IMAGE_FILE_PATH The path to the image file.
Field Mode Should Be Enabled
${image_version}= Get Version Tar ${image_file_path}
${state}= Get Pre Reboot State
Rprint Vars state
Set ApplyTime policy=Immediate
Redfish Upload Image And Check Progress State
${image_info}= Get Software Inventory State By Version ${image_version}
Run Keyword If 'BMC update' == '${image_info["image_type"]}'
... Reboot BMC And Verify BMC Image Immediate start_boot_seconds=${state['epoch_seconds']}
... ELSE
... Poweron Host And Verify Host Image
Redfish Unsigned Firmware Update
[Documentation] Update the BMC/Host firmware via redfish interface.
[Arguments] ${image_file_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# IMAGE_FILE_PATH The path to the image file.
Field Mode Should Be Enabled
Set ApplyTime policy=Immediate
Redfish Upload Image ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService ${image_file_path}
${image_id}= Get Latest Image ID
Rprint Vars image_id
Sleep 5s
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 8 min 20 sec
... Check Image Update Progress State
... match_state='Disabled', 'Updating', 'Disabled' image_id=${image_id}
Delete Software Object
... /xyz/openbmc_project/software/${image_id}