| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Test MPIPL. |
| |
| Resource ../gui/lib/resource.robot |
| Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot |
| Resource ../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot |
| Resource ../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot |
| Resource ../lib/resource.robot |
| Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot |
| Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| |
| ${user_initated_mpipl} systemctl start obmc-host-crash@0.target |
| |
| ** Test Cases ** |
| |
| Trigger And Verify User Initiated Dump Using Diagnostic Mode Target |
| [Documentation] Trigger And Verify user initiated dump using diagnostic mode target |
| [Tags] Trigger_And_Verify_User_Initiated_Dump_Using_Diagnostic_Mode_Target |
| |
| Redfish.Login |
| |
| # Power off |
| Redfish Power Off |
| |
| # Power on |
| Redfish Power On |
| |
| # Trigger MPIPL |
| BMC Execute Command ${user_initated_mpipl} |
| Sleep 240 |
| |
| # Confirm boot after MPIPL |
| ${res} ${stderr} ${rc} = BMC Execute Command obmcutil state |
| Should Contain ${res} OSStatus.Standby |
| |
| ${p0_cfam} ${stderr} ${rc} = BMC Execute Command pdbg -p0 getcfam 0x2809 |
| Should Contain ${p0_cfam} 0x854 |
| Printn ${p0_cfam} |
| |
| ${p1_cfam} ${stderr} ${rc} = BMC Execute Command pdbg -p1 getcfam 0x2809 |
| Should Contain ${p1_cfam} 0x854 |
| Printn ${p1_cfam} |
| |
| Trigger And Verify User Initiated Dump Using Redfish |
| [Documentation] Verify redfish triggered MPIPL flow |
| [Tags] Trigger_And_Verify_User_Initiated_Dump_Using_Redfish |
| |
| Redfish.Login |
| |
| # Power off |
| Redfish Power Off |
| |
| # Power on |
| Redfish Power On |
| |
| # Trigger MPIPL |
| ${payload} = Create Dictionary |
| ... DiagnosticDataType=OEM OEMDiagnosticDataType=System |
| Redfish.Post ${DUMP_URI}/Dump/Actions/LogService.CollectDiagnosticData body=&{payload} |
| ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_ACCEPTED}] |
| |
| ${p0_cfam} ${stderr} ${rc} = BMC Execute Command pdbg -p0 getcfam 0x2809 |
| Should Contain ${p0_cfam} 0x854 |
| Printn ${p0_cfam} |
| |
| ${p1_cfam} ${stderr} ${rc} = BMC Execute Command pdbg -p1 getcfam 0x2809 |
| Should Contain ${p1_cfam} 0x854 |
| Printn ${p1_cfam} |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Test Teardown Execution |
| [Documentation] Do the post test teardown. |
| |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish.Logout |
| FFDC On Test Case Fail |
| |