blob: c9671207740bcd2c290cfe5c424ee25a52356e3c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This test suite will validate the "OpenBMC ASMI Menu ->
... Server Overview" module.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Test Setup Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerOff_state}
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
*** Variables ***
${xpath_select_overview_1} //*[@id="nav__top-level"]/li[1]/a/span
${string_content} witherspoon
${string_server_info} Server information
${string_high_priority_events} High priority events
${string_BMC_info} BMC information
${string_power_info} Power information
${xpath_high_priority_events} //a[@href='#/server-health/event-log']
${string_event_log} Event log
${xpath_launch_serial_over_lan} //a[@class='no-icon quick-links__item']
${string_launch_serial_over_lan} Serial over LAN console
*** Test Case ***
# OpenBMC @ Power Off state test cases.
Verify Title Text Content At OBMC Power Off State
[Documentation] Verify display of title text from "Server Overview"
... module of OpenBMC GUI.
[Tags] Verify_Title_Text_Content_At_OBMC_Power_Off_State
... OBMC_PowerOff_state
Select Server Overview Menu
Verify Display Content ${string_content}
Verify Display Text Server Information At OBMC Power Off State
[Documentation] Verify existence of text "Server information".
[Tags] Verify_Display_Text_Server_Information_At_OBMC_Power_Off_State
... OBMC_PowerOff_state
Select Server Overview Menu
Verify Display Content ${string_server_info}
Verify BMC Information Should Display At OBMC Power Off State
[Documentation] Verify existence of text "BMC information".
[Tags] Verify_BMC_Information_Should_Display_At_OBMC_Power_Off_State
... OBMC_PowerOff_State
Select Server Overview Menu
Verify Display Content ${string_BMC_info}
Verify POWER Information Should Display At OBMC Power Off State
[Documentation] Verify existence of text "Power information".
[Tags] Verify_Power_Information_Should_Display_At_OBMC_Power_Off_State
... OBMC_PowerOff_State
Select Server Overview Menu
Verify Display Content ${string_power_info}
Verify High Priority Events Should Display At OBMC Power Off State
[Documentation] Verify the text display.
[Tags] Verify_High_Priority_Events_Should_Display_At_OBMC_Power_Off_State
... OBMC_PowerOff_State
Select Server Overview Menu
Verify Display Content ${string_high_priority_events}
Verify High Priority Events Can Be Operated At OBMC Power Off State
[Documentation] Will open the "High Priority Events".
... menu to view and operate.
[Tags] Verify_High_Priority_Events_Can_Be_Operated_At_OBMC_Power_Off_State
... OBMC_PowerOff_state
Select Server Overview Menu
Click Link ${xpath_high_priority_events}
Verify Display Content ${string_event_log}
Verify Launching Of Serial Over LAN Console At OBMC Power Off State
[Documentation] Will open the serial over the lan command prompt window.
[Tags] Verify_Launching_Of_Serial_Over_LAN_Console_At_OBMC_Power_Off_State
... OBMC_PowerOff_State
Select Server Overview Menu
Click Element ${xpath_launch_serial_over_lan}
Verify Display Content ${string_launch_serial_over_lan}
# OpenBMC @ Power Running state test cases.
Verify High Priority Events Can Be Operated At OBMC Power Running State
[Documentation] Will open the "High Priority Events"
... menu to view and operate.
[Tags] Verify_High_Priority_Events_Can_Be_Operated_At_OBMC_Power_Running_State
... OBMC_PowerRunning_state
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Overview Menu
Click Link ${xpath_high_priority_events}
Verify Display Content ${string_event_log}
Verify Launching Of Serial Over LAN Console At OBMC Power Running State
[Documentation] Will open the serial over the lan command prompt window.
[Tags] Verify_Launching_Of_Serial_Over_LAN_Console_At_OBMC_Power_Running_State
... OBMC_PowerRunning_State
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Overview Menu
Click Element ${xpath_launch_serial_over_lan}
Verify Display Content ${string_launch_serial_over_lan}
*** Keywords ***
Select Server Overview Menu
[Documentation] Selecting of OpenBMC "Server overview" menu.
Click Button ${xpath_select_overview_1}
Verify Display Content
[Documentation] Verify text content display.
[Arguments] ${display_text}
# Description of argument(s):
# display_text The display text on web page.
Page Should Contain ${display_text}