blob: 5e3f419fbba89feed6b7f43d0c6829f8e9ee5516 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module to test IPMI asset tag functionality.
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Variables ../data/
Variables ../data/
Library ../lib/
Library ../lib/
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Get DCMI Capabilities
[Documentation] Verify get DCMI capabilities command output.
[Tags] Verify_Get_DCMI_Capabilities
${cmd_output}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi discover
@{supported_capabilities}= Create List
# Supported DCMI capabilities:
... Mandatory platform capabilties
... Optional platform capabilties
... Power management available
... Managebility access capabilties
... In-band KCS channel available
# Mandatory platform attributes:
... 200 SEL entries
... SEL automatic rollover is enabled
# Optional Platform Attributes:
... Slave address of device: 0h (8bits)(Satellite/External controller)
... Channel number is 0h (Primary BMC)
... Device revision is 0
# Manageability Access Attributes:
... Primary LAN channel number: 1 is available
... Secondary LAN channel is not available for OOB
... No serial channel is available
FOR ${capability} IN @{supported_capabilities}
Should Contain ${cmd_output} ${capability} ignore_case=True
... msg=Supported DCMI capabilities not present.
Test Get Self Test Results via IPMI Raw Command
[Documentation] Get self test results via IPMI raw command and verify the output.
[Tags] Test_Get_Self_Test_Results_via_IPMI
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Self_Test_Results']['Get'][0]}
# 55h = No error. All Self Tests Passed.
# 56h = Self Test function not implemented in this controller.
Should Contain Any ${resp} 55 00 56 00
Test Get Device GUID Via IPMI Raw Command
[Documentation] Get device GUID via IPMI raw command and verify it using Redfish.
[Tags] Test_Get_Device_GUID_via_IPMI_and_Verify_via_Redfish
[Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Logout AND FFDC On Test Case Fail
# Get GUIDS via IPMI.
# This should match the /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc's UUID data.
${guids}= Run IPMI Standard Command raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device GUID']['Get'][0]}
# Reverse the order and remove space delims.
${guids}= Split String ${guids}
Reverse List ${guids}
${guids}= Evaluate "".join(${guids})
${uuid}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc UUID
${uuid}= Remove String ${uuid} -
Rprint Vars guids uuid
Valid Value uuid ['${guids}']
Verify Get Channel Info via IPMI
[Documentation] Verify get channel info via IPMI.
[Tags] Verify_Get_Channel_Info_via_IPMI
# Get channel info via ipmi command "ipmitool channel info [channel number]".
# Verify channel info with files "channel_access_volatile.json", "channel_access_nv.json"
# and "channel_config.json" in BMC.
# Example output from 'Get Channel Info':
# channel_info:
# [channel_0x2_info]:
# [channel_medium_type]: 802.3 LAN
# [channel_protocol_type]: IPMB-1.0
# [session_support]: multi-session
# [active_session_count]: 0
# [protocol_vendor_id]: 7154
# [volatile(active)_settings]:
# [alerting]: enabled
# [per-message_auth]: enabled
# [user_level_auth]: enabled
# [access_mode]: always available
# [Non-Volatile Settings]:
# [alerting]: enabled
# [per-message_auth]: enabled
# [user_level_auth]: enabled
# [access_mode]: always available
${channel_info_ipmi}= Get Channel Info ${CHANNEL_NUMBER}
${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config
${channel_volatile_data_config}= Get Channel Access Config /run/ipmi/channel_access_volatile.json
${channel_nv_data_config}= Get Channel Access Config /var/lib/ipmi/channel_access_nv.json
Rprint Vars channel_info_ipmi active_channel_config channel_volatile_data_config channel_nv_data_config
Valid Value medium_type_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['channel_0x${CHANNEL_NUMBER}_info']['channel_medium_type']}']
... ['${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['channel_info']['medium_type']}']
Valid Value protocol_type_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['channel_0x${CHANNEL_NUMBER}_info']['channel_protocol_type']}']
... ['${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['channel_info']['protocol_type']}']
Valid Value channel_info_ipmi['channel_0x${CHANNEL_NUMBER}_info']['session_support']
... ['${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['channel_info']['session_supported']}']
Valid Value channel_info_ipmi['channel_0x${CHANNEL_NUMBER}_info']['active_session_count']
... ['${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['active_sessions']}']
# IPMI Spec: The IPMI Enterprise Number is: 7154 (decimal)
Valid Value channel_info_ipmi['channel_0x${CHANNEL_NUMBER}_info']['protocol_vendor_id'] ['7154']
# Verify volatile(active)_settings
Valid Value disabled_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['volatile(active)_settings']['alerting']}']
... ['${channel_volatile_data_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['alerting_disabled']}']
Valid Value disabled_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['volatile(active)_settings']['per-message_auth']}']
... ['${channel_volatile_data_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['per_msg_auth_disabled']}']
Valid Value disabled_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['volatile(active)_settings']['user_level_auth']}']
... ['${channel_volatile_data_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['user_auth_disabled']}']
Valid Value access_mode_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['volatile(active)_settings']['access_mode']}']
... ['${channel_volatile_data_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['access_mode']}']
# Verify Non-Volatile Settings
Valid Value disabled_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['non-volatile_settings']['alerting']}']
... ['${channel_nv_data_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['alerting_disabled']}']
Valid Value disabled_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['non-volatile_settings']['per-message_auth']}']
... ['${channel_nv_data_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['per_msg_auth_disabled']}']
Valid Value disabled_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['non-volatile_settings']['user_level_auth']}']
... ['${channel_nv_data_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['user_auth_disabled']}']
Valid Value access_mode_ipmi_conf_map['${channel_info_ipmi['non-volatile_settings']['access_mode']}']
... ['${channel_nv_data_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['access_mode']}']
Test Get Channel Authentication Capabilities via IPMI
[Documentation] Test get channel authentication capabilities via IPMI.
[Tags] Test_Get_Channel_Authentication_Capabilities_via_IPMI
${channel_auth_cap}= Get Channel Auth Capabilities ${CHANNEL_NUMBER}
Rprint Vars channel_auth_cap
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['channel_number'] ['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['kg_status'] ['default (all zeroes)']
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['per_message_authentication'] ['enabled']
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['user_level_authentication'] ['enabled']
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['non-null_user_names_exist'] ['yes']
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['null_user_names_exist'] ['no']
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['anonymous_login_enabled'] ['no']
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['channel_supports_ipmi_v1.5'] ['no']
Valid Value channel_auth_cap['channel_supports_ipmi_v2.0'] ['yes']
Verify Set Session Privilege Level via IPMI Raw Command
[Documentation] Set session privilege with given privilege level and verify the response with
... expected level.
[Tags] Verify_Set_Session_Privilege_Level_via_IPMI_Raw_Command
[Template] Set Session Privilege Level And Verify
# privilege_level expected_level
0x00 04
0x02 02
0x03 03
0x04 04
Verify Close Session via IPMI
[Documentation] Verify close session via IPMI.
[Tags] Verify_Close_Session_Via_IPMI
# The "close session command" can be tested with any out-of-band IPMI command.
# When the session is about to close, it will execute the close session command at the end.
${cmd}= Catenate mc info -vvv 2>&1 | grep "Closed Session"
${cmd_output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command ${cmd}
Should Contain ${cmd_output} Closed Session
*** Keywords ***
Set Session Privilege Level And Verify
[Documentation] Set session privilege with given privilege level and verify the response with
... expected level.
[Arguments] ${privilege_level} ${expected_level}
# Description of argument(s):
# privilege_level Requested Privilege Level.
# expected_level New Privilege Level (or present level if ‘return present privilege level’ was selected).
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command
... raw 0x06 0x3b ${privilege_level}
Should Contain ${resp} ${expected_level}