blob: ff0580f884292301043da6b19e5db9463b0ff16e [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Redfish BMC and PNOR software utilities keywords.
Resource bmc_redfish_utils.robot
*** Keywords ***
Get Software Functional State
[Documentation] Return functional or active state of the software (i.e. True/False).
[Arguments] ${image_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# image_id The image ID (e.g. "acc9e073").
${image_info}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/${image_id}
${sw_functional}= Run Keyword If '${image_info["Description"]}' == 'BMC update'
... Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc FirmwareVersion
... ELSE
... Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system BiosVersion
${functional}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Should Be Equal ${sw_functional} ${image_info["Version"]}
[Return] ${functional}
Get Software Inventory State
[Documentation] Return dictionary of the image type, version and functional state
... of the software objects active on the system.
# User defined state for software objects.
# Note: "Functional" term refers to firmware which system is currently booted with.
# sw_inv_dict:
# [ace821ef]:
# [image_type]: Host update
# [image_id]: ace821ef
# [functional]: True
# [version]: witherspoon-xx.xx.xx.xx
# [b9101858]:
# [image_type]: BMC update
# [image_id]: b9101858
# [functional]: True
# [version]: 2.8.0-dev-150-g04508dc9f
# [c45eafa5]:
# [image_type]: BMC update
# [image_id]: c45eafa5
# [functional]: False
# [version]: 2.8.0-dev-149-g1a8df5077
${sw_member_list}= Redfish_Utils.Get Member List /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory
&{sw_inv_dict}= Create Dictionary
# sw_member_list:
# [0]: /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/98744d76
# [1]: /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/9a8028ec
# [2]: /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/acc9e073
FOR ${uri_path} IN @{sw_member_list}
&{tmp_dict}= Create Dictionary
${image_info}= Redfish.Get Properties ${uri_path}
Set To Dictionary ${tmp_dict} image_type ${image_info["Description"]}
Set To Dictionary ${tmp_dict} image_id ${uri_path.split("/")[-1]}
${functional}= Get Software Functional State ${uri_path.split("/")[-1]}
Set To Dictionary ${tmp_dict} functional ${functional}
Set To Dictionary ${tmp_dict} version ${image_info["Version"]}
Set To Dictionary ${sw_inv_dict} ${uri_path.split("/")[-1]} ${tmp_dict}
[Return] &{sw_inv_dict}
Get Software Inventory State By Version
[Documentation] Return the software inventory record that matches the given software version.
[Arguments] ${software_version}
# If no matchine record can be found, return ${EMPTY}.
# Example of returned data:
# software_inventory_record:
# [image_type]: BMC update
# [image_id]: 1e662ba8
# [functional]: True
# [version]: 2.8.0-dev-150-g04508dc9f
# Description of argument(s):
# software_version A BMC or Host version (e.g "2.8.0-dev-150-g04508dc9f").
${software_inventory}= Get Software Inventory State
# Filter out entries that don't match the criterion..
${software_inventory}= Filter Struct ${software_inventory} [('version', '${software_version}')]
# Convert from dictionary to list.
${software_inventory}= Get Dictionary Values ${software_inventory}
${num_records}= Get Length ${software_inventory}
Return From Keyword If ${num_records} == ${0} ${EMPTY}
# Return the first list entry.
[Return] ${software_inventory}[0]
Redfish Upload Image And Check Progress State
[Documentation] Code update with ApplyTime.
[Arguments] ${apply_time}
# Description of argument(s):
# policy ApplyTime allowed values (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate").
Set ApplyTime policy=${apply_Time}
Redfish Upload Image ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
${image_id}= Get Latest Image ID
Rprint Vars image_id
Check Image Update Progress State
... match_state='Disabled', 'Updating' image_id=${image_id}
# Wait a few seconds to check if the update progress started.
Sleep 5s
Check Image Update Progress State
... match_state='Updating' image_id=${image_id}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 8 min 20 sec
... Check Image Update Progress State
... match_state='Enabled' image_id=${image_id}
Reboot BMC And Verify BMC Image
[Documentation] Reboot or wait for BMC standby post reboot and
... verify installed image is functional.
[Arguments] ${apply_time} ${start_boot_seconds}
# Description of argument(s):
# policy ApplyTime allowed values
# (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate").
# start_boot_seconds See 'Wait For Reboot' for details.
Run Keyword if 'OnReset' == '${apply_time}'
... Run Keyword
... Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
... ELSE
... Run Keyword
... Wait For Reboot start_boot_seconds=${start_boot_seconds}
Redfish Verify BMC Version ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}