blob: 74fc45424f7383475af1f341de1ad940155cfa97 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Do random repeated boots based on the state of the BMC machine.
Resource openbmc_ffdc.robot
*** Variables ***
# Initialize program parameters variables.
# Create parm_list containing all of our program parameters. This is used by
# 'Rqprint Pgm Header'
@{parm_list} openbmc_nickname openbmc_host openbmc_username
... openbmc_password os_host os_username os_password pdu_host
... pdu_username pdu_password pdu_slot_no openbmc_serial_host
... openbmc_serial_port boot_stack boot_list max_num_tests
... plug_in_dir_paths status_file_path openbmc_model boot_pass boot_fail
... ffdc_dir_path_style ffdc_check state_change_timeout power_on_timeout
... power_off_timeout test_mode quiet debug
# Initialize each program parameter.
${openbmc_host} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_nickname} ${openbmc_host}
${openbmc_username} root
${openbmc_password} 0penBmc
${os_host} ${EMPTY}
${os_username} root
${os_password} P@ssw0rd
${pdu_host} ${EMPTY}
${pdu_username} admin
${pdu_password} admin
${pdu_slot_no} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_serial_host} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_serial_port} ${EMPTY}
${boot_stack} ${EMPTY}
${boot_list} ${EMPTY}
${max_num_tests} 0
${plug_in_dir_paths} ${EMPTY}
${status_file_path} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_model} ${EMPTY}
# The reason boot_pass and boot_fail are parameters is that it is possible to
# be called by a program that has already done some tests. This allows us to
# keep the grand total.
${boot_pass} ${0}
${boot_fail} ${0}
${ffdc_dir_path_style} ${EMPTY}
${ffdc_check} ${EMPTY}
${state_change_timeout} 1 min
${power_on_timeout} 14 mins
${power_off_timeout} 2 mins
${test_mode} 0
${quiet} 0
${debug} 0
# Flag variables.
# test_really_running is needed by DB_Logging plug-in.
${test_really_running} ${1}
*** Test Cases ***
General Boot Testing
[Documentation] Performs repeated boot tests.
[Tags] General_boot_testing
[Teardown] Test Teardown
# Call the Main keyword to prevent any dots from appearing in the console
# due to top level keywords.
*** Keywords ***
[Teardown] Main Keyword Teardown
# This is the "Main" keyword. The advantages of having this keyword vs
# just putting the code in the *** Test Cases *** table are:
# 1) You won't get a green dot in the output every time you run a keyword.
Main Py