blob: b87f1c0e492d90e3968dc4fcee8c6c11863b8e17 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test power on for HW CI.
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot
Test Setup Start SOL Console Logging
Test Teardown Test Exit Logs
Force Tags chassisboot
*** Test Cases ***
Power On Test
[Documentation] Power off and on.
[Tags] Power_On_Test
Initiate Host PowerOff
Initiate Host Boot
*** Keywords ***
Test Exit Logs
[Documentation] Collect FFDC and SOL log.
FFDC On Test Case Fail
${sol_log}= Stop SOL Console Logging
Log ${sol_log}