blob: b7664bd93770676093c902dc5a817a180fe723a6 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Does random repeated IPLs based on the state of the machine. The
... number of repetitions is designated by ${IPL_TOTAL}. Keyword names that are
... listed in @{AVAIL_IPLS} become the selection of possible IPLs for the test.
Resource ../lib/boot/boot_resource_master.robot
Resource ../lib/dvt/obmc_call_points.robot
Resource ../lib/dvt/obmc_driver_vars.txt
Resource ../lib/list_utils.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Repeated Testing
[Documentation] Performs random, repeated IPLs.
# Call the Main keyword to prevent any dots from appearing in the console
# due to top level keywords.
*** Keywords ***
Log to Console ${SUITE NAME}
Do Test Setup
Call Point Setup
Log Doing ${IPL_TOTAL} IPLs console=True
\ Log ${\n}***Starting IPL ${IPL_COUNT+1} of ${IPL_TOTAL}*** console=True
\ Validate Or Open Connection alias=${master_alias}
\ ${cur_state}= Get Power State
\ ${next_IPL}= Select IPL ${cur_state}
\ Call Point Pre Boot
\ Log We are doing a ${next_IPL}${\n} console=True
\ Update Last Ten ${next_IPL}
\ Run Keyword and Continue On Failure Run IPL ${next_IPL}
\ Call Point Post Boot
\ Run Keyword If '${IPL_STATUS}' == 'PASS'
... Log IPL_SUCCESS: "${next_IPL}" succeeded. console=True
... ELSE Log IPL_FAILED: ${next_IPL} failed. console=True
\ Update Run Table Values ${next_IPL}
\ Log FFDC Dump requested! console=True
\ Log ***Beginning dump of FFDC*** console=True
\ Call Point FFDC
\ Log Defect Information
\ Log Last Ten IPLs
\ Log FFDC Files
\ Log ***Finished dumping of FFDC*** console=True
\ Call Point Stop Check
\ Log FFDC Summary
\ Log Run Table
\ Log ${\n}***Finished IPL ${IPL_COUNT+1} of ${IPL_TOTAL}*** console=True
Do Test Setup
[Documentation] Do any setup that needs to be done before running a series
... of IPLs.
Should Not Be Empty ${AVAIL_IPLS}
Setup Run Table
Log ***Start of status file for ${OPENBMC_HOST}*** console=True
Setup Run Table
[Documentation] For each available IPL, create a variable that stores the
... number of passes and fails for each IPL.
Log to Console Setting up run table.
:FOR ${ipl} IN @{AVAIL_IPLS}
\ Set Global Variable ${${ipl}_PASS} ${0}
\ Set Global Variable ${${ipl}_FAIL} ${0}
Select IPL
[Documentation] Contains all of the logic for which IPLs can be chosen
... given the inputted state. Returns the chosen IPL.
[Arguments] ${cur_state}
# cur_state The power state of the machine, either zero or one.
${ipl}= Run Keyword If ${cur_state} == ${0} Select Power On
... ELSE Run Keyword If ${cur_state} == ${1} Select Power Off
... ELSE Run Keywords Log to Console
... **ERROR** BMC not in state to power on or off: "${cur_state}" AND
... Fatal Error
[return] ${ipl}
Select Power On
[Documentation] Randomly chooses an IPL from the list of Power On IPLs.
@{power_on_choices}= Intersect Lists ${VALID_POWER_ON} ${AVAIL_IPLS}
${length}= Get Length ${power_on_choices}
# Currently selects the first IPL in the list of options, rather than
# selecting randomly.
${chosen}= Set Variable @{power_on_choices}[0]
[return] ${chosen}
Select Power Off
[Documentation] Randomly chooses an IPL from the list of Power Off IPLs.
@{power_off_choices}= Intersect Lists ${VALID_POWER_OFF} ${AVAIL_IPLS}
${length}= Get Length ${power_off_choices}
# Currently selects the first IPL in the list of options, rather than
# selecting randomly.
${chosen}= Set Variable @{power_off_choices}[0]
[return] ${chosen}
[Documentation] Runs the selected IPL and marks the status when complete.
[Arguments] ${ipl_keyword}
[Teardown] Set Global Variable ${IPL_STATUS} ${KEYWORD STATUS}
# ipl_keyword The name of the IPL to run, which corresponds to the
# keyword to run. (i.e "BMC Power On")
Run Keyword ${ipl_keyword}
Log Defect Information
[Documentation] Logs information needed for a defect. This information
... can also be found within the FFDC gathered.
Log Copy this data to the defect: console=True
Log Last Ten IPLs
[Documentation] Logs the last ten IPLs that were performed with their
... starting time stamp.
Log ${\n}----------------------------------${\n}Last 10 IPLs${\n}
... console=True
:FOR ${ipl} IN @{LAST_TEN}
\ Log ${ipl} console=True
Log ----------------------------------${\n} console=True
Log FFDC Files
[Documentation] Logs the files outputted during FFDC gathering.
Log This is where the list of FFDC files would be. console=True
Log FFDC Summary
[Documentation] Logs finding from within the FFDC files gathered.
Log This is where the FFDC summary would go. console=True
Log Run Table
[Documentation] Logs the table of IPLs that have passed and failed based on
... the available IPLs, as well as the total passes and failures.
Log ${\n}IPL type${space*14}Pass${space*3}Fail console=True
Log ================================== console=True
:FOR ${ipl} IN @{AVAIL_IPLS}
\ ${length}= Get Length ${ipl}
\ ${space_num}= Set Variable ${24-${length}}
\ Log ${ipl}${space*${space_num}}${${ipl}_PASS}${space*5}${${ipl}_FAIL}
... console=True
Log ================================== console=True
Log Totals:${space*17}${IPL_PASSED}${space*5}${IPL_FAILED}${\n}
... console=True
Update Run Table Values
[Documentation] Updates the table of IPLs that have passed and failed. See
... the "Log Run Table" keyword for more information.
[Arguments] ${last_ipl}
# last_ipl The name of the last IPL that ran (i.e "BMC Power On").
${cur_value}= Get Variable Value ${${last_ipl}_${IPL_STATUS}}
Set Global Variable ${${last_ipl}_${IPL_STATUS}} ${cur_value+1}
${total_value}= Run Keyword If '${IPL_STATUS}' == 'PASS'
... Get Variable Value ${IPL_PASSED}
... ELSE Get Variable Value ${IPL_FAILED}
Run Keyword If '${IPL_STATUS}' == 'PASS'
... Set Global Variable ${IPL_PASSED} ${total_value+1}
... ELSE Set Global Variable ${IPL_FAILED} ${total_value+1}
Update Last Ten
[Documentation] Updates the list of last ten IPLs
[Arguments] ${last_ipl}
# last_ipl The name of the last IPL that ran (i.e. "BMC Power On")
${time}= Get Time
Append to List ${LAST_TEN} ${time} - Doing "${last_ipl}"