blob: 31042519bb13f653129529464de2114111cdaeee [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test certificate in OpenBMC.
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/certificate_utils.robot
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Test Cases ***
Test Server Certificate Install With Valid Certificate And Valid Private Key
[Documentation] Test server certificate install with valid certificate
... and valid private key.
[Tags] Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate_And_Valid_Private_Key
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Server Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey ok
Test Server Certificate Install With Empty Certificate And Valid Private Key
[Documentation] Test server certificate install with empty certificate
... and valid private key.
[Tags] Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate_And_Valid_Private_Key
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Server Empty Certificate Valid Privatekey error
Test Server Certificate Install With Valid Certificate And Empty Private Key
[Documentation] Test server certificate install with valid certificate
... and empty private key.
[Tags] Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate_And_Empty_Private_Key
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Server Valid Certificate Empty Privatekey error
Test Server Certificate Install With Empty Certificate And Empty Private Key
[Documentation] Test server certificate install with empty certificate
... and empty private key.
[Tags] Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate_And_Empty_Private_Key
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Server Empty Certificate Empty Privatekey error
Test Server Certificate Install With Expired Certificate
[Documentation] Test server certificate install with expired certificate.
[Tags] Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Expired_Certificate
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Server Expired Certificate error
Test Client Certificate Install With Valid Certificate And Valid Private Key
[Documentation] Test client certificate install with valid certificate
... and valid private key.
[Tags] Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate_And_Valid_Private_Key
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Client Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey ok
Test Client Certificate Install With Empty Certificate And Valid Private Key
[Documentation] Test client certificate install with empty certificate
... and valid private key.
[Tags] Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate_And_Valid_Private_Key
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Client Empty Certificate Valid Privatekey error
Test Client Certificate Install With Valid Certificate And Empty Private Key
[Documentation] Test client certificate install with valid certificate
... and empty private key.
[Tags] Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate_And_Empty_Private_Key
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Client Valid Certificate Empty Privatekey error
Test Client Certificate Install With Empty Certificate And Empty Private Key
[Documentation] Test client certificate install with empty certificate
... and empty private key.
[Tags] Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate_And_Empty_Private_Key
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Client Empty Certificate Empty Privatekey error
Test Client Certificate Install With Expired Certificate
[Documentation] Test client certificate install with expired certificate.
[Tags] Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Expired_Certificate
[Template] Certificate Install Via REST
# Certificate type Certificate file format Expected Status
Client Expired Certificate error
Test Delete Server Certificate
[Documentation] Delete server certificate and verify.
[Tags] Test_Delete_Server_Certificate
${cert_file_path}= Generate Certificate File Via Openssl
... Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey
${file_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${cert_file_path}
${cert_file_content}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${cert_file_path}
Install Certificate File On BMC ${SERVER_CERTIFICATE_URI}
... data=${file_data}
# Adding delay after certificate deletion
Sleep 10s
${bmc_cert_content}= Get Certificate Content From BMC Via Openssl
Should Not Contain ${cert_file_content} ${bmc_cert_content}
Test Delete Client Certificate
[Documentation] Delete client certificate and verify.
[Tags] Test_Delete_Client_Certificate
${cert_file_path}= Generate Certificate File Via Openssl
... Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey
${file_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${cert_file_path}
${cert_file_content}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${cert_file_path}
Install Certificate File On BMC ${CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_URI}
... data=${file_data}
# Adding delay after certificate deletion
Sleep 30s
${msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Get Client Certificate File Content From BMC
Should Contain ${msg} No such file or directory ignore_case=True
Test Continuous Server Certificate Install
[Documentation] Stress server certificate installtion.
[Tags] Test_Continuous_Server_Certificate_Install
Repeat Keyword 50 times Certificate Install Via REST
... Server Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey ok
Test Continuous Client Certificate Install
[Documentation] Stress client certificate installtion.
[Tags] Test_Continuous_Client_Certificate_Install
Repeat Keyword 50 times Certificate Install Via REST
... Client Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey ok
Certificate Install Via REST
[Documentation] Test certificate install in the BMC via REST.
[Arguments] ${cert_type} ${cert_format} ${expected_status}
# Description of argument(s):
# cert_type Certificate type (e.g. "Server" or "Client").
# cert_format Certificate file format
# (e.g. Valid_Certificate_Valid_Privatekey).
# expected_status Expected status of certificate installation REST
# request(i.e. "ok" or "error").
${cert_file_path}= Run Keyword if '${cert_format}' == 'Expired Certificate'
... Generate Certificate File Via Openssl ${cert_format} -10
... ELSE Generate Certificate File Via Openssl ${cert_format}
${file_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${cert_file_path}
Run Keyword If '${cert_type}' == 'Server'
... Install Certificate File On BMC ${SERVER_CERTIFICATE_URI}
... ${expected_status} ${1} data=${file_data}
... ELSE IF '${cert_type}' == 'Client'
... Install Certificate File On BMC ${CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_URI}
... ${expected_status} ${1} data=${file_data}
# Adding delay after certificate installation.
sleep 10s
${cert_file_content}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${cert_file_path}
Should Not Be Empty ${cert_file_content}
${bmc_cert_content}= Run Keyword If '${cert_type}' == 'Server'
... Get Certificate Content From BMC Via Openssl
... ELSE IF '${cert_type}' == 'Client'
... Get Client Certificate File Content From BMC
Run Keyword if '${expected_status}' == 'ok'
... Should Contain ${cert_file_content} ${bmc_cert_content}
... ELSE IF '${expected_status}' == 'error'
... Should Not Contain ${cert_file_content} ${bmc_cert_content}