blob: 434843ba5f8d3377f8424ab22c79c4a1d53c430a [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module to test IPMI SEL functionality.
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot
Library ../lib/
Library ../../../lib/
Variables ../data/
Test Setup Test Setup Execution
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Force Tags IPMI_SEL
*** Variables ***
# Based on 13th byte of add SEL entry command as per IPMI spec
# event_dir and event_type variable value needs to be given.
${sel_no_entry_msg} SEL has no entries
${event_type} Lower Non-critical going low
${event_dir} Asserted
*** Test Cases ***
Verify IPMI SEL Version
[Documentation] Verify IPMI SEL's version info.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_SEL_Version
${version_info}= Get IPMI SEL Setting Version
${setting_status}= Fetch From Left ${version_info} (
${setting_status}= Evaluate $setting_status.replace(' ','')
Should Be True ${setting_status} >= 1.5
Should Contain ${version_info} v2 compliant case_insensitive=True
Verify Empty SEL
[Documentation] Verify IPMI sel clear command clears the SEL entry.
[Tags] Verify_Empty_SEL
Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip
# Generate an error log and verify there is one at least.
Create Test PEL Log
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel elist last 1
Log To Console ${resp}
Should Contain Any ${resp} system hardware failure Asserted
... msg=Add SEL Entry failed.
# Send SEL clear command and verify if it really clears up the SEL entry.
Run IPMI Standard Command sel clear
Sleep 5s
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel list
Should Contain ${resp} SEL has no entries case_insensitive=True
Verify Add SEL Entry
[Documentation] Verify add SEL entry.
[Tags] Verify_Add_SEL_Entry
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND Run IPMI Standard Command sel clear
# The IPMI raw command to generate Temp sensor error is no longer working.
# Our aim is to check if the SEL command is listed in IPMI or not.
# Original keyword "Create User Defined SEL" for reference
Create Test PEL Log
# Get last SEL entry.
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel elist last 1
# output:
# 1 | 11/17/2021 | 07:49:20 | System Event #0x01 | Undetermined system hardware failure | Asserted
Run Keywords Should Contain ${resp} system hardware failure AND
... Should Contain ${resp} Asserted msg=Add SEL Entry failed.
Verify Add SEL Entry For Any Random Sensor
[Documentation] Create SEL entry and verify for any given random sensor.
[Tags] Verify_Add_SEL_Entry_For_Any_Random_Sensor
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND Run IPMI Standard Command sel clear
# Get any sensor available from sensor list.
${sensor_name}= Fetch One Threshold Sensor From Sensor List
# Get Sensor ID from SDR get "sensor".
${sensor_data1}= Fetch Sensor Details From SDR ${sensor_name} Sensor ID
${sensor_number}= Get Bytes From SDR Sensor ${sensor_data1}
# Get Sensor Type from SDR get "sensor".
${sensor_data2}= Fetch Sensor Details From SDR ${sensor_name} Sensor Type (Threshold)
${sensor_type_id}= Get Bytes From SDR Sensor ${sensor_data2}
# Add SEL Entry.
# ${sel_entry_id} is the Record ID for added record (LSB First).
${sel_create_resp}= Create SEL ${sensor_type_id} ${sensor_number}
${sel_entry_id}= Split String ${sel_create_resp}
# Get last SEL entry.
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel elist
Should Not Contain ${resp} ${sel_no_entry_msg}
# Output of the Sel elist.
# Below example is a continuous line statement.
# N | MM/DD/YYYY | HH:MM:SS | Sensor_Type Sensor_Name |
# Lower Non-critical going low | Asserted | Reading 0.
${get_sel_entry}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp} ${sensor_name}
${sel_entry}= Get Lines Containing String ${get_sel_entry} ${event_type}
Should Contain ${sel_entry} ${event_dir} msg=Add SEL Entry failed.
# Get SEL Entry IPMI Raw Command.
${entry}= Get SEL Entry Via IPMI ${sel_entry_id[0]} ${sel_entry_id[1]}
# Compare SEL Record ID.
${sel_record_id}= Set Variable ${entry[2:4]}
Should Be Equal ${sel_record_id} ${sel_entry_id}
# Sensor type compare.
Should Be Equal ${sensor_type_id} ${entry[12]}
# Sensor number compare.
Should Be Equal ${sensor_number} ${entry[13]}
Verify Reserve SEL
[Documentation] Verify reserve SEL.
[Tags] Verify_Reserve_SEL
${resp}= Run IPMI Command
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Reserve'][0]}
${reserve_id}= Split String ${resp}
# Execute clear SEL raw command with Reservation ID.
# Command will not execute unless the correct Reservation ID value is provided.
Run IPMI Command
... 0x0a 0x47 0x${reserve_id[0]} 0x${reserve_id[1]} 0x43 0x4c 0x52 0xaa
# Check SEL list.
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel list
Should Contain ${resp} SEL has no entries case_insensitive=True
Verify IPMI SEL Most Recent Addition Timestamp
[Documentation] Verify most recent addition timestamp in SEL info.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_SEL_Most_Recent_Addition_Timestamp
# Get Most Recent Addition Timestamp from SEL Info.
${addition_timestamp}= Get Most Recent Addition Timestamp From SEL Info
IF '${addition_timestamp}' != 'ffffffff'
# Convert to epoch timestamp.
${epoch_addition}= Convert To Integer ${addition_timestamp} 16
# Get SEL List last 1 entry date and time and convert to epoch timestamp.
${sel_epoch_time}= Get SEL Elist Last Entry Date In Epoch
# Compare epoch of sel entry timestamp and last addition timestamp.
${diff}= Evaluate int(${sel_epoch_time}) - int(${epoch_addition})
Should Be True ${diff}<=600
# Get any Sensor available from Sensor list
${sensor_name}= Fetch One Threshold Sensor From Sensor List
# Get Sensor ID from SDR Get "sensor" and Identify Sensor ID.
${sensor_data1}= Fetch Sensor Details From SDR ${sensor_name} Sensor ID
${sensor_number}= Get Bytes From SDR Sensor ${sensor_data1}
# Get Sensor Type from SDR Get "sensor" and Identify Sensor Type.
${sensor_data2}= Fetch Sensor Details From SDR ${sensor_name} Sensor Type (Threshold)
${sensor_type_id}= Get Bytes From SDR Sensor ${sensor_data2}
# Add SEL Entry.
${sel_create_resp}= Create SEL ${sensor_type_id} ${sensor_number}
# Get SEL List last 1 entry date and time and convert to epoch timestamp.
${sel_epoch_time}= Get SEL Elist Last Entry Date In Epoch
# Get Most Recent Addition Timestamp from SEL Info.
${addition}= Get Most Recent Addition Timestamp From SEL Info
${epoch_addition}= Convert To Integer ${addition} 16
# Compare epoch of sel entry timestamp and last addition timestamp.
${diff}= Evaluate int(${epoch_addition}) - int(${sel_epoch_time})
Should Be True ${diff}<=5
Verify IPMI SEL Most Recent Erase Timestamp
[Documentation] Verify Most Recent Erase Timestamp In SEL Info with current
... BMC epoch timestamp.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_SEL_Most_Recent_Erase_Timestamp
# Get BMC Current Time.
${bmc_epoch_time}= Get BMC Time In Epoch
# Get Most Recent Addition Timestamp from SEL Info.
${addition_timestamp}= Get Most Recent Addition Timestamp From SEL Info
Should Be Equal ${addition_timestamp} ffffffff
# Get Most Recent Erase Timestamp from SEL Info.
${erase_timestamp}= Get Most Recent Erase Timestamp From SEL Info
${epoch_erase}= Convert To Integer ${erase_timestamp} 16
# Compare epoch of erase timestamp and current bmc timestamp.
${diff}= Evaluate int(${epoch_erase}) - int(${bmc_epoch_time})
Should Be True ${diff}<=5
Verify Clear SEL With Invalid Reservation ID
[Documentation] Verify clear SEL After generating another reserve ID.
[Tags] Verify_Clear_SEL_With_Invalid_Reservation_ID
# Reserve Sel command - 1.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Reserve'][0]}
${reserve_id}= Split String ${resp}
# Reserve Sel command - 2.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Reserve'][0]}
${cmd}= Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][0]} 0x${reserve_id[0]}
... 0x${reserve_id[1]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][1]}
# Clear SEL command.
${clear_resp}= Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][4]}*
... Run IPMI Command ${cmd}
Should Contain ${clear_resp} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][5]}
Verify Reservation ID Erasure Status
[Documentation] Verify Erasure status by clearing SEL with Reserve ID and verify the response byte,
... whether erasure status is updated in clear sel command response data using new Reserve ID.
[Tags] Verify_Reservation_ID_Erasure_Status
# Generate Reserve ID 1.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Reserve'][0]}
${reserve_id}= Split String ${resp}
${cmd1}= Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][0]} 0x${reserve_id[0]}
... 0x${reserve_id[1]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][1]}
# Execute clear SEL raw command with Reservation ID.
# Command will not execute unless the correct Reservation ID value is provided.
Run IPMI Command ${cmd1}
# Generate Reserver ID 2.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Reserve'][0]}
${reserve_id}= Split String ${resp}
${cmd2}= Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][0]} 0x${reserve_id[0]}
... 0x${reserve_id[1]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][6]}
# Check the Erasure status of Clear SEL.
${data}= Run IPMI Command ${cmd2}
# 00 - Erasure in Progress , 01 - Erasure Complete.
Should Contain Any ${data} 00 01
Verify Clear SEL After Cold Reset
[Documentation] Verify Clear SEL for a reserve SEL ID after Cold Reset.
[Tags] Verify_Clear_SEL_After_Cold_Reset
# Reserve Sel command.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command
... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Reserve'][0]}
${reserve_id}= Split String ${resp}
# Run Cold Reset.
IPMI MC Reset Cold (off)
${cmd}= Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][0]} 0x${reserve_id[0]}
... 0x${reserve_id[1]} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][1]}
# Clear SEL command.
${clear_resp}= Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][5]}*
... Run IPMI Command ${cmd}
Should Contain ${clear_resp} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Clear_SEL'][4]}
Delete Non Existing SEL Event Entry
[Documentation] Delete non existing SEL event entry.
[Tags] Delete_Non_Existing_SEL_Event_Entry
${sel_delete}= Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Run IPMI Standard Command sel delete 100
Should Contain ${sel_delete} Unable to delete entry
... case_insensitive=True
Delete Invalid SEL Event Entry
[Documentation] Delete invalid SEL event entry.
[Tags] Delete_Invalid_SEL_Event_Entry
${sel_delete}= Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Run IPMI Standard Command sel delete abc
Should Contain ${sel_delete} Given SEL ID 'abc' is invalid
... case_insensitive=True
Verify IPMI SEL Event Last Add Time
[Documentation] Verify IPMI SEL's last added timestamp.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_SEL_Event_Last_Add_Time
[Setup] Install Tarball For Error Creation
Create Test Error Log
${sel_time}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel time get
${sel_time}= Convert Date ${sel_time}
... date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S exclude_millis=True
${sel_last_add_time}= Get IPMI SEL Setting Last Add Time
${sel_last_add_time}= Convert Date ${sel_last_add_time}
... date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S exclude_millis=True
... Subtract Date From Date ${sel_last_add_time} ${sel_time}
# Verify if the delay in current time check and last add SEL time
# is less or equals to 2 seconds.
Should Be True ${time_diff} <= 2
*** Keywords ***
Create User Defined SEL
[Documentation] Create a user defined tempearature sensor SEL.
# Create a SEL.
# Example:
# a | 02/14/2020 | 01:16:58 | Temperature #0x17 | | Asserted
Run IPMI Command
... 0x0a 0x44 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x04 0x01 ${sensor_number} 0x00 0xa0 0x04 0x07
Get SEL Entry Via IPMI
[Documentation] Get SEL Entry Via IPMI raw command.
[Arguments] ${record1} ${record2}
# Description of Argument(s):
# ${record1} Record ID for added record, LS Byte
# ${record2} Record ID for added record, MS Byte
# For example, when a first sel entry is added with IPMI raw command, the response will be "01 00".
# Here, ${record1} is 01, and ${record2} is 00.
${cmd}= Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Get_SEL_Entry'][0]} 0x${record1}
... 0x${record2} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Get_SEL_Entry'][1]}
# Get SEL Entry Raw command.
${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${cmd}
${resp}= Split String ${resp}
[Return] ${resp}
Get Most Recent Addition Timestamp From SEL Info
[Documentation] Get Most recent addition timestamp From SEL Info.
# Get SEL Info raw command.
${sel_info}= Get SEL Info Via IPMI
# Get Most Recent Addition timestamp in hex.
${addition_timestamp}= Set Variable ${sel_info[5:9]}
Reverse List ${addition_timestamp}
${addition_timestamp}= Evaluate "".join(${addition_timestamp})
[Return] ${addition_timestamp}
Get Most Recent Erase Timestamp From SEL Info
[Documentation] Get Most recent erase timestamp From SEL Info.
# Get SEL Info Raw command.
${sel_info}= Get SEL Info Via IPMI
# Get Most Recent Erase timestamp in hex.
${erase_timestamp}= Set Variable ${sel_info[9:13]}
Reverse List ${erase_timestamp}
${erase_timestamp}= Evaluate "".join(${erase_timestamp})
[Return] ${erase_timestamp}
Get SEL Elist Last Entry Date In Epoch
[Documentation] Get the time from SEL elist last entry and returns epoch time.
# Get SEL list last entry.
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel elist last 1
# Get date from the sel entry and convert to epoch timestamp.
${sel_entry_date}= Fetch Added SEL Date ${resp}
${epoch_date}= Convert Date ${sel_entry_date} epoch exclude_millis=yes date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S
[Return] ${epoch_date}
Get BMC Time In Epoch
[Documentation] Get the current time from BMC and returns epoch time.
# Get the bmc native bmc date command response.
${date}= Get Current Date from BMC
${epoch_date}= Convert Date ${date} epoch exclude_millis=yes date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S
[Return] ${epoch_date}
Install Tarball For Error Creation
[Documentation] Install tarball for error log creation.
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Logging Test Binary Exist
Run Keyword If ${status} == ${False} Install Tarball
Test Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do test setup tasks.
Run IPMI Standard Command sel clear
Sleep 5s