blob: ed97552f98c3a477117df6d8de543f2439f3ec3c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test Save Area feature of Management Console on BMC.
Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution
*** Variables ***
${MAXIMUM_SIZE_MESSAGE} File size exceeds maximum allowed size[500KB]
${FILE_UPDATED} File Updated
${ERROR_MESSAGE} Error while creating the file
${RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND} Resource Not Found
*** Test Cases ***
Redfish Upload Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Upload_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Redfish Upload Partition File
# file_name
Redfish Fail To Upload Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Fail to upload partition file to BMC using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Fail_To_Upload_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Redfish Fail To Upload Partition File
# file_name
Redfish Upload Multiple Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload multiple partition file to BMC using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Upload_Multiple_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Redfish Upload Partition File
# file_name
Redfish Fail To Upload Multiple Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Fail to upload multiple partition file to BMC using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Fail_To_Upload_Multiple_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Redfish Fail To Upload Partition File
# file_name
Redfish Partition File Persistency On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and is same after reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Partition_File_Persistency_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Partition File Persistency
# file_name
Redfish Multiple Partition File Persistency On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and is same after reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Multiple_Partition_File_Persistency_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Partition File Persistency
# file_name
Redfish Read Partition File On BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content.
[Tags] Redfish_Read_Partition_File_On_BMC
[Template] Redfish Read Partition File
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile False
testfile01,testfile02 False
Redfish Read Partition File On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content after reboot.
[Tags] Check_Redfish_Read_Partition_File_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Read Partition File
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile True
testfile01,testfile02 True
Redfish Update Partition File On BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content.
[Tags] Redfish_Update_Partition_File_On_BMC
[Template] Redfish Update Partition File With Different Content
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01 False
Redfish Update Partition File On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content after the reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Update_Partition_File_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Update Partition File With Different Content
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01 True
Redfish Persistency Update Partition File On BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content.
[Tags] Redfish_Persistency_Update_Partition_File_On_BMC
[Template] Redfish Update Partition File With Same Content
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01 False
Redfish Persistency Update Partition File On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content after the reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Persistency_Update_Partition_File_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Update Partition File With Same Content
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01 True
Redfish Delete Non Existence Of Partition File
[Documentation] Delete the partition file if do not exists.
[Tags] Redfish_Delete_Non_Existence_Of_Partition_File
[Template] Redfish Delete Non Existence Partition File
# file_name
Verify One Thousand Partitions File Upload
[Documentation] Upload 1000 partition file to BMC.
[Tags] Verify_One_Thousand_Partitions_File_Upload
[Template] Redfish Upload Partition File With Range
# range
Non Admin Users Fail To Upload Partition File
[Documentation] Non admin user will fail to upload the partition file.
[Tags] Non_Admin_Users_Fail_To_Upload_Partition_File
[Template] Non Admin User To Upload Partition File
# file_name username password role_id
500KB_file operator_user TestPwd123 Operator
Non Admin User Delete Non Existence Of Partition File
[Documentation] Delete the partion file if does not exists.
[Tags] Non_Admin_User_Delete_Non_Existence_Of_Partition_File
[Template] Non Admin Delete Non Existence Partition File
# file_name username password role_id
500KB_file operator_user TestPwd123 Operator
Redfish Update Wrong Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC by wrong URI using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Update_Wrong_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Verify Update Wrong Partition File To BMC
# file_name
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Suite setup execution.
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Test teardown execution.
Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Suite Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Suite teardown execution.
Delete All Sessions
Delete Local Partition File
[Documentation] Delete local partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${file_exist}= Run Keyword And Return Status OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${conf_file}
Run Keyword If 'True' == '${file_exist}' Remove File ${conf_file}
Create Partition File
[Documentation] Create Partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
Delete Local Partition File ${file_name}
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
@{words}= Split String ${conf_file} _
Run dd if=/dev/zero of=${conf_file} bs=1 count=0 seek=${words}[-0]
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${conf_file}
Delete BMC Partition File
[Documentation] Delete single partition file on BMC via redfish.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${status_code} ${expected_message}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# status_code HTTPS status code.
# expected_message Expected message of URI.
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${data}= Create Dictionary
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Set To Dictionary ${data} headers ${headers}
${resp}= Delete Request openbmc /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/${conf_file} &{data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code}
Run Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.text} ${expected_message}
${description}= Run Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK}
... Return Description Of Response ${resp.text}
Run Keyword If '${description}' != 'None'
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${description} ${expected_message}
Delete All BMC Partition File
[Documentation] Delete multiple partition file on BMC via redfish.
[Arguments] ${status_code}
# Description of argument(s):
# status_code HTTPS status code.
Initialize OpenBMC
${data}= Create Dictionary
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Set To Dictionary ${data} headers ${headers}
${resp}= Post Request openbmc /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/Actions/IBMConfigFiles.DeleteAll &{data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code}
Return Description Of Response
[Documentation] Return description of REST response.
[Arguments] ${resp_text}
# Description of argument(s):
# resp_text REST response body.
# resp_text after successful partition file upload looks like:
# {
# "Description": "File Created"
# }
${message}= Evaluate json.loads('''${resp_text}''') json
[Return] ${message["Description"]}
Upload Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${status_code} ${expected_message} ${flag}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# status_code HTTPS status code.
# expected_message Expected message of URI.
# flag If True run part of program, else skip.
Run Keyword If '${flag}' == '${True}' Initialize OpenBMC
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
# Get the content of the file and upload to BMC.
${image_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${conf_file}
${data}= Create Dictionary data ${image_data}
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Set To Dictionary ${data} headers ${headers}
${resp}= Put Request openbmc /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/${conf_file} &{data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code}
Run Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.text} ${expected_message}
${description}= Run Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK}
... Return Description Of Response ${resp.text}
Run Keyword If '${description}' != 'None'
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${description} ${expected_message}
Verify Partition File On BMC
[Documentation] Verify partition file on BMC.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${Partition_status}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# Partition_status Partition file status on BMC.
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${status} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ls -l /var/lib/obmc/bmc-console-mgmt/save-area/${conf_file} | wc -l
Valid Value ${status} [${Partition_status}]
Redfish Upload Partition File
[Documentation] Upload the partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${num_records}= Get Length ${Partition_file_list}
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Run Keyword If ${num_records} == ${1}
... Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
... ELSE
... Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Fail To Upload Partition File
[Documentation] Fail to uplaod the partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${MAXIMUM_SIZE_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=0
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND} ${RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Partition File Persistency
[Documentation] Upload the partition file and check for persistency after reboot.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${num_records}= Get Length ${Partition_file_list}
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Initialize OpenBMC
Run Keyword If ${num_records} == ${1}
... Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
... ELSE
... Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Verify Redfish Partition File Content
[Documentation] Verify partition file content.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${content_dict} ${status_code}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# content_dict Dict contain the content.
# status_code HTTPS status code.
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${resp}= Get Request openbmc /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/${conf_file}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code}
${Partition_file_data}= Remove String ${resp.text} \\n
${Partition_file_data}= Evaluate json.loads('''${Partition_file_data}''') json
Should Be Equal As Strings ${Partition_file_data["Data"]} ${content_dict['${conf_file}']}
Add Content To Files
[Documentation] Add defined content in partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${index}=${0}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# index Index
${num_records}= Get Length ${file_name}
Set Test Variable ${content-1} Sample Content to test partition file upload
Set Test Variable ${content-2} Sample Content to test partition file upload after reboot
&{content_dict}= Create Dictionary
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${index}= Get Index From List ${file_name} ${conf_file}
${index}= Evaluate ${index} + 1
Run echo "${content-${index}}" > ${conf_file}
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${conf_file}
Set To Dictionary ${content_dict} ${conf_file} ${content-${index}}
[Return] &{content_dict}
Redfish Read Partition File
[Documentation] Read partition file content.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${reboot_flag}=False
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# reboot_flag Reboot flag.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list}
${num_records}= Get Length ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Run Keyword If ${True} == ${reboot_flag}
... Run Keywords Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) AND
... Initialize OpenBMC AND
... Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Run Keyword If ${num_records} == ${1}
... Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
... ELSE
... Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Update Partition File With Same Content
[Documentation] Update partition file with same content.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${reboot_flag}=False
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# reboot_flag Reboot flag.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list} ${0}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Run Keyword If ${True} == ${reboot_flag}
... Run Keywords Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) AND
... Initialize OpenBMC
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list} ${0}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPDATED}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Update Partition File With Different Content
[Documentation] Update partition file with different content.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${reboot_flag}=False
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# reboot_flag Reboot flag.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list} ${0}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Run Keyword If ${True} == ${reboot_flag}
... Run Keywords Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) AND
... Initialize OpenBMC
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list} ${1}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPDATED}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Create File Names
[Documentation] Create partition file names.
[Arguments] ${range}
# Description of argument(s):
# range Range in numbers.
@{file_name_list}= Create List
Set Test Variable ${file_name} rangefile
FOR ${count} IN RANGE ${range}
Append To List ${file_name_list} 200KB_file${count}
[Return] ${file_name_list}
Redfish Upload Partition File With Range
[Documentation] Upload the partition file with the range of files.
[Arguments] ${range}
# Description of argument(s):
# range Range in numbers.
${Partition_file_list}= Create File Names ${range}
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Delete Non Existence Partition File
[Documentation] Delete the partition file if do not exists.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND} ${RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND}
Non Admin User To Upload Partition File
[Documentation] Non admin user to uplaod the partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${username} ${password} ${role} ${enabled}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# username Username.
# password Password.
# role Role of user.
# enabled Value can be True or False.
Redfish Create User ${username} ${password} ${role} ${enabled}
Delete All Sessions
Initialize OpenBMC rest_username=${username} rest_password=${password}
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} ${FORBIDDEN_MESSAGE} ${False}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}
Non Admin Delete Non Existence Partition File
[Documentation] Non admin user to uplaod the partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${username} ${password} ${role} ${enabled}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# username Username.
# password Password.
# role Role of user.
# enabled Value can be True or False.
Redfish Create User ${username} ${password} ${role} ${enabled}
Delete All Sessions
Initialize OpenBMC rest_username=${username} rest_password=${password}
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} ${FORBIDDEN_MESSAGE}
Verify Update Wrong Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload the wrong partition file to BMC.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
${resp}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Redfish.Put /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/../../../../../etc/resolv.conf body={"data": "test string"}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp} False