| *** Settings *** |
| |
| Documentation Websocket functionality test. |
| |
| # Test Parameters: |
| # OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address. |
| # OPENBMC_USERNAME The username for the BMC login. |
| # OS_HOST The OS host name or IP address. |
| # OS_USERNAME The username for the OS login. |
| # OS_PASSWORD The password for OS_USERNAME. |
| |
| Resource ../../lib/esel_utils.robot |
| Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot |
| Resource ../../lib/logging_utils.robot |
| Library ../../lib/gen_cmd.py |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| |
| |
| Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution |
| Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution |
| Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution |
| |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| |
| ${monitor_pgm} bin/websocket_monitor.py |
| ${monitor_file} websocket_monitor_out.txt |
| ${expected_string} eSEL received over websocket interface |
| ${min_number_chars} 22 |
| ${monitor_cmd} ${monitor_pgm} ${OPENBMC_HOST} --openbmc_username ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} |
| |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| |
| |
| Test BMC Websocket Interface |
| [Documentation] Verify eSELs are seen over the websocket interface. |
| [Tags] Test_BMC_Websocket_Interface |
| |
| # Spawn the websocket monitor program and then generate an eSEL. |
| # The monitor should asynchronously receive the eSEL through the |
| # websocket interface and report this fact to standard output. |
| |
| Start Websocket Monitor |
| |
| ${initial_esel_count}= Get Number Of Event Logs |
| |
| # Generate eSEL (e.g. typically "CPU 1 core 3 has failed"). |
| Create eSEL |
| |
| ${current_esel_count}= Get Number Of Event Logs |
| |
| Run Keyword If ${initial_esel_count} == ${current_esel_count} |
| ... Fail msg=System failed to generate eSEL upon request. |
| |
| ${line}= Grep File ${monitor_file} ${expected_string} |
| # Typical monitor_file contents: |
| # --------------- ON_MESSAGE:begin -------------------- |
| # {"event":"PropertiesChanged","interface":"xyz.openbmc_project.Logging. |
| # Entry","path":"/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/5","properties":{"Id":5}} |
| # eSEL received over websocket interface. |
| |
| ${num_chars}= Get Length ${line} |
| Run Keyword If ${num_chars} < ${min_number_chars} Fail |
| ... msg=No eSEL notification from websocket_monitor.py. |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| |
| Start Websocket Monitor |
| [Documentation] Fork the monitor to run in the background. |
| |
| # Delete the previous output file, if any. |
| Remove File ${monitor_file} |
| |
| # Start the monitor. Fork so its a parallel task. |
| Shell Cmd |
| ... ${monitor_cmd} --openbmc_password ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} 1>${monitor_file} 2>&1 fork=${1} |
| |
| # Allow time for the monitor to initialize. |
| Sleep 5s |
| |
| |
| Find Websocket Monitor |
| [Documentation] Return the process Id(s) of running websocket monitors. |
| |
| ${cmd}= Catenate ps -ef | grep '${monitor_cmd}' |
| ... | grep -v grep | grep -v bash | cut -c10-14 |
| ${shell_rc} ${pid}= Shell Cmd ${cmd} |
| # There may be more than one pid returned if there is an instance |
| # of a monitory_pgm running from a previous run. |
| @{pid_list}= Split String ${pid} |
| [Return] ${pid_list} |
| |
| |
| Kill Websocket Monitor |
| [Documentation] Terminate running websocket monitor. |
| |
| ${pid_list}= Find Websocket Monitor |
| FOR ${pid} IN @{pid_list} |
| Shell Cmd kill -s SIGTERM ${pid} |
| END |
| |
| |
| Print Websocket Monitor Log |
| [Documentation] Show the contents of the monitor output file. |
| |
| ${websocket_monitor_log}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${monitor_file} |
| Log to Console websocket_monitor_log: |
| Log to Console ${websocket_monitor_log} |
| |
| |
| Suite Setup Execution |
| [Documentation] Do the suite setup tasks. |
| |
| Run Keyword Redfish Power On stack_mode=skip |
| |
| Redfish.Login |
| |
| Delete All Error Logs |
| Kill Websocket Monitor |
| |
| # Allow time for Error Logs to be deleted. |
| Sleep 5s |
| |
| |
| Test Teardown Execution |
| [Documentation] Do teardown tasks after a test. |
| |
| FFDC On Test Case Fail |
| Run Keyword If '${TEST_STATUS}' == 'FAIL' Print Websocket Monitor Log |
| Kill Websocket Monitor |
| |
| |
| Suite Teardown Execution |
| [Documentation] Do the post-suite teardown. |
| |
| Delete All Error Logs |
| Run Keyword and Return Status Redfish.Logout |