blob: 02f0d9e2ecdac219a9ac988e8b03a1a5ae03e4c8 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Cleanup user patches from BMC.
Library ../lib/
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../extended/obmc_boot_test_resource.robot
*** Variables ***
# User defined path to cleanup.
# List that holds space separated filepaths to skip from cleanup.
# Number of files before cleanup.
*** Test Cases ***
Cleanup User Patches
[Documentation] Do the cleanup in cleanup directory path.
Should Not Be Empty ${CLEANUP_DIR_PATH}
Open Connection And Log In
Remove Files
*** Keywords ***
Remove Files
[Documentation] Remove leftover files in cleanup directory path.
Should Not Be Empty ${SKIP_LIST}
@{skip_list}= Set Variable ${SKIP_LIST.split()}
${skip_list_string}= Set Variable ${EMPTY}
:FOR ${file} IN @{skip_list}
\ ${skip_list_string}= Set Variable ${skip_list_string} ! -path "${file}"
${file_count1}= Execute Command On BMC find ${CLEANUP_DIR_PATH} | wc -l
Set Global Variable ${file_count1}
Write find ${CLEANUP_DIR_PATH} \\( ${skip_list_string} \\) | xargs rm
Write find ${CLEANUP_DIR_PATH} \\( ${skip_list_string} \\) | xargs rmdir
${file_count2}= Execute Command On BMC find ${CLEANUP_DIR_PATH} | wc -l
Run Keyword If ${file_count2} < ${file_count1}
... Reboot And Verify
Reboot And Verify
[Documentation] Reboot BMC and verify cleanup.
Run Key U OBMC Boot Test \ OBMC Reboot (off)
${file_count2}= Execute Command On BMC find ${CLEANUP_DIR_PATH} | wc -l
Should Be True ${file_count2} < ${file_count1}