blob: e64dfc9fc59d2400caea8295c885aeed54c8ea19 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test Save Area feature of Management Console on BMC.
Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution
*** Variables ***
${MAXIMUM_SIZE_MESSAGE} File size exceeds maximum allowed size[500KB]
${FILE_UPDATED} File Updated
${ERROR_MESSAGE} Error while creating the file
${RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND} Resource Not Found
${content-1} Set Test Variable Sample Content to test partition file upload
... Sample Content to test partition file upload
... Sample Content to test partition file upload
${content-2} Set Test Variable Sample Content to test partition file upload after reboot
... Sample Content to test partition file upload after reboot
... Sample Content to test partition file upload after reboot
*** Test Cases ***
Redfish Upload Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Upload_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Redfish Upload Partition File
# file_name
Redfish Fail To Upload Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Fail to upload partition file to BMC using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Fail_To_Upload_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Redfish Fail To Upload Partition File
# file_name
Redfish Upload Multiple Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload multiple partition file to BMC using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Upload_Multiple_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Redfish Upload Partition File
# file_name
Redfish Fail To Upload Multiple Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Fail to upload multiple partition file to BMC using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Fail_To_Upload_Multiple_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Redfish Fail To Upload Partition File
# file_name
Redfish Upload Same Partition File To BMC In Loop
[Documentation] Upload same partition file to BMC using redfish in loop.
[Tags] Redfish_Upload_Same_Partition_File_To_BMC_In_Loop
[Template] Redfish Upload Partition File In Loop
# file_name
Redfish Upload And Delete Same Partition File To BMC In Loop
[Documentation] Upload same partition file to BMC using redfish in loop.
[Tags] Redfish_Upload_And_Delete_Same_Partition_File_To_BMC_In_Loop
[Template] Redfish Upload And Delete Partition File In Loop
# file_name
Redfish Partition File Upload Post BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish, after the BMC reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Partition_File_Upload_Post_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Verify Partition File Upload Post BMC Reboot
# file_name
Redfish Partition File Persistency On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and is same after reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Partition_File_Persistency_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Partition File Persistency
# file_name
Redfish Multiple Partition File Persistency On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and is same after reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Multiple_Partition_File_Persistency_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Partition File Persistency
# file_name
Redfish Read Partition File On BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content.
[Tags] Redfish_Read_Partition_File_On_BMC
[Template] Redfish Read Partition File
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01-file False
testfile01-file,testfile02-file False
Redfish Read Partition File On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content after reboot.
[Tags] Check_Redfish_Read_Partition_File_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Read Partition File
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01-file True
testfile01-file,testfile02-file True
Redfish Update Partition File On BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content.
[Tags] Redfish_Update_Partition_File_On_BMC
[Template] Redfish Update Partition File With Different Content
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01-file False
Redfish Update Partition File On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content after the reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Update_Partition_File_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Update Partition File With Different Content
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01-file True
Redfish Persistency Update Partition File On BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content.
[Tags] Redfish_Persistency_Update_Partition_File_On_BMC
[Template] Redfish Update Partition File With Same Content
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01-file False
Redfish Persistency Update Partition File On BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC using redfish and verify the content after the reboot.
[Tags] Redfish_Persistency_Update_Partition_File_On_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Redfish Update Partition File With Same Content
# file_name reboot_flag
testfile01-file True
Redfish Delete Non Existence Of Partition File
[Documentation] Delete the partition file if do not exists.
[Tags] Redfish_Delete_Non_Existence_Of_Partition_File
[Template] Redfish Delete Non Existence Partition File
# file_name
Verify One Thousand Partitions File Upload
[Documentation] Upload 1000 partition file to BMC.
[Tags] Verify_One_Thousand_Partitions_File_Upload
[Template] Redfish Upload Partition File With Range
# range
Non Admin Users Fail To Upload Partition File
[Documentation] Non admin user will fail to upload the partition file.
[Tags] Non_Admin_Users_Fail_To_Upload_Partition_File
[Template] Non Admin User To Upload Partition File
# file_name username password role_id
500KB-file operator_user TestPwd123 Operator
Non Admin User Delete Non Existence Of Partition File
[Documentation] Delete the partition file if does not exists.
[Tags] Non_Admin_User_Delete_Non_Existence_Of_Partition_File
[Template] Non Admin Delete Non Existence Partition File
# file_name username password role_id
500KB-file operator_user TestPwd123 Operator
Redfish Update Wrong Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC by wrong URI using redfish.
[Tags] Redfish_Update_Wrong_Partition_File_To_BMC
[Template] Verify Update Wrong Partition File To BMC
# file_name
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Suite setup execution.
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Test teardown execution.
Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Suite Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Suite teardown execution.
Delete All Sessions
Delete Local Partition File
[Documentation] Delete local partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${file_exist}= Run Keyword And Return Status OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${conf_file}
Run Keyword If 'True' == '${file_exist}' Remove File ${conf_file}
Create Partition File
[Documentation] Create Partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
Delete Local Partition File ${file_name}
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
@{words}= Split String ${conf_file} -
Run dd if=/dev/zero of=${conf_file} bs=1 count=0 seek=${words}[-0]
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${conf_file}
Delete BMC Partition File
[Documentation] Delete single partition file on BMC via redfish.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${status_code} ${expected_message}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# status_code HTTPS status code.
# expected_message Expected message of URI.
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${data}= Create Dictionary
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Set To Dictionary ${data} headers ${headers}
${resp}= Delete Request openbmc /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/${conf_file} &{data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code}
Run Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.text} ${expected_message}
${description}= Run Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK}
... Return Description Of Response ${resp.text}
Run Keyword If '${description}' != 'None'
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${description} ${expected_message}
Delete All BMC Partition File
[Documentation] Delete multiple partition file on BMC via redfish.
[Arguments] ${status_code}
# Description of argument(s):
# status_code HTTPS status code.
Initialize OpenBMC
${data}= Create Dictionary
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Set To Dictionary ${data} headers ${headers}
${resp}= Post Request openbmc /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/Actions/IBMConfigFiles.DeleteAll &{data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code}
Return Description Of Response
[Documentation] Return description of REST response.
[Arguments] ${resp_text}
# Description of argument(s):
# resp_text REST response body.
# resp_text after successful partition file upload looks like:
# {
# "Description": "File Created"
# }
${message}= Evaluate json.loads('''${resp_text}''') json
[Return] ${message["Description"]}
Upload Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload partition file to BMC.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${status_code} ${expected_message} ${flag}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# status_code HTTPS status code.
# expected_message Expected message of URI.
# flag If True run part of program, else skip.
Run Keyword If '${flag}' == '${True}' Initialize OpenBMC
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
# Get the content of the file and upload to BMC.
${image_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${conf_file}
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} Content-Type=application/octet-stream
${kwargs}= Create Dictionary data=${image_data}
Set To Dictionary ${kwargs} headers ${headers}
${resp}= Put Request openbmc /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/${conf_file} &{kwargs} timeout=10
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code}
Run Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.text} ${expected_message}
${description}= Run Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK}
... Return Description Of Response ${resp.text}
Run Keyword If '${description}' != 'None'
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${description} ${expected_message}
Verify Partition File On BMC
[Documentation] Verify partition file on BMC.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${Partition_status}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# Partition_status Partition file status on BMC.
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${status} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ls -l /var/lib/bmcweb/ibm-management-console/configfiles/${conf_file} | wc -l
Valid Value ${status} [${Partition_status}]
Redfish Upload Partition File
[Documentation] Upload the partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${num_records}= Get Length ${Partition_file_list}
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Run Keyword If ${num_records} == ${1}
... Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
... ELSE
... Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Fail To Upload Partition File
[Documentation] Fail to upload the partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${MAXIMUM_SIZE_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=0
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND} ${RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Upload Partition File In Loop
[Documentation] Upload the same partition file multiple times in loop to BMC.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
FOR ${count} IN RANGE 1 11
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPDATED}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Initialize OpenBMC
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Upload And Delete Partition File In Loop
[Documentation] Upload the same partition file multiple times in loop to BMC.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
FOR ${count} IN RANGE 1 11
Redfish Upload Partition File ${file_name}
Verify Partition File Upload Post BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Upload the partition file, after BMC reboot.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
${before_reboot_xauth_token}= Set Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Redfish BMC Reset Operation
Set Global Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${before_reboot_xauth_token}
Is BMC Standby
Redfish Upload Partition File ${file_name}
Redfish Partition File Persistency
[Documentation] Upload the partition file and check for persistency after reboot.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${num_records}= Get Length ${Partition_file_list}
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
${before_reboot_xauth_token}= Set Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Redfish BMC Reset Operation
Set Global Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${before_reboot_xauth_token}
Is BMC Standby
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Initialize OpenBMC
Run Keyword If ${num_records} == ${1}
... Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
... ELSE
... Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Verify Redfish Partition File Content
[Documentation] Verify partition file content.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${content_dict} ${status_code}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# content_dict Dict contain the content.
# status_code HTTPS status code.
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${resp}= Get Request openbmc /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/${conf_file}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code}
${Partition_file_data}= Remove String ${resp.text} \\n
${Partition_file_data}= Evaluate json.loads('''${Partition_file_data}''') json
Should Be Equal As Strings ${Partition_file_data["Data"]} ${content_dict['${conf_file}']}
Add Content To Files
[Documentation] Add defined content in partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${index}=${0}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# index Index
${num_records}= Get Length ${file_name}
&{content_dict}= Create Dictionary
FOR ${conf_file} IN @{file_name}
${index}= Get Index From List ${file_name} ${conf_file}
${index}= Evaluate ${index} + 1
Run echo "${content-${index}}" > ${conf_file}
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${conf_file}
Set To Dictionary ${content_dict} ${conf_file} ${content-${index}}
[Return] &{content_dict}
Redfish Read Partition File
[Documentation] Read partition file content.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${reboot_flag}=False
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# reboot_flag Reboot flag.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list}
${num_records}= Get Length ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
${before_reboot_xauth_token}= Set Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Run Keyword If ${True} == ${reboot_flag}
... Run Keywords Redfish BMC Reset Operation AND
... Set Global Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${before_reboot_xauth_token} AND
... Is BMC Standby AND
... Initialize OpenBMC AND
... Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Run Keyword If ${num_records} == ${1}
... Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
... ELSE
... Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Update Partition File With Same Content
[Documentation] Update partition file with same content.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${reboot_flag}=False
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# reboot_flag Reboot flag.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list} ${0}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
${before_reboot_xauth_token}= Set Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Run Keyword If ${True} == ${reboot_flag}
... Run Keywords Redfish BMC Reset Operation AND
... Set Global Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${before_reboot_xauth_token} AND
... Is BMC Standby AND
... Initialize OpenBMC
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list} ${0}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPDATED}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Update Partition File With Different Content
[Documentation] Update partition file with different content.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${reboot_flag}=False
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# reboot_flag Reboot flag.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list} ${0}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
${before_reboot_xauth_token}= Set Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN}
Run Keyword If ${True} == ${reboot_flag}
... Run Keywords Redfish BMC Reset Operation AND
... Set Global Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${before_reboot_xauth_token} AND
... Is BMC Standby AND
... Initialize OpenBMC
${content_dict}= Add Content To Files ${Partition_file_list} ${1}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPDATED}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Verify Redfish Partition File Content ${Partition_file_list} ${content_dict} ${HTTP_OK}
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Create File Names
[Documentation] Create partition file names.
[Arguments] ${range}
# Description of argument(s):
# range Range in numbers.
@{file_name_list}= Create List
Set Test Variable ${file_name} rangefile
FOR ${count} IN RANGE ${range}
Append To List ${file_name_list} 1KB-file${count}
[Return] ${file_name_list}
Redfish Upload Partition File With Range
[Documentation] Upload the partition file with the range of files.
[Arguments] ${range}
# Description of argument(s):
# range Range in numbers.
${Partition_file_list}= Create File Names ${range}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_OK} ${FILE_UPLOAD_MESSAGE}
Verify Partition File On BMC ${Partition_file_list} Partition_status=1
Delete All BMC Partition File ${HTTP_OK}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish Delete Non Existence Partition File
[Documentation] Delete the partition file if do not exists.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND} ${RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND}
Non Admin User To Upload Partition File
[Documentation] Non admin user to upload the partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${username} ${password} ${role} ${enabled}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# username Username.
# password Password.
# role Role of user.
# enabled Value can be True or False.
Redfish Create User ${username} ${password} ${role} ${enabled}
Delete All Sessions
Initialize OpenBMC rest_username=${username} rest_password=${password}
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Create Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Upload Partition File To BMC ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} ${FORBIDDEN_MESSAGE} ${False}
Delete Local Partition File ${Partition_file_list}
Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}
Non Admin Delete Non Existence Partition File
[Documentation] Non admin user to upload the partition file.
[Arguments] ${file_name} ${username} ${password} ${role} ${enabled}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
# username Username.
# password Password.
# role Role of user.
# enabled Value can be True or False.
Redfish Create User ${username} ${password} ${role} ${enabled}
Delete All Sessions
Initialize OpenBMC rest_username=${username} rest_password=${password}
@{Partition_file_list} = Split String ${file_name} ,
Delete BMC Partition File ${Partition_file_list} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} ${FORBIDDEN_MESSAGE}
Verify Update Wrong Partition File To BMC
[Documentation] Upload the wrong partition file to BMC.
[Arguments] ${file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# file_name Partition file name.
${resp}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Redfish.Put /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/../../../../../etc/resolv.conf body={"data": "test string"}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp} False