| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation This suite is for testing Open BMC full test suite. |
| ... Maintains log.html output.xml for each iteration and |
| ... generate combined report |
| |
| Resource ../lib/utils.robot |
| Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library DateTime |
| |
| Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In |
| Suite Teardown Close All Connections |
| |
| Force Tags Full_Suite_Regression |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${ITERATION} 10 |
| ${RESULT_DIR_NAME} logsdir |
| ${LOOP_TEST_COMMAND} tests |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| Validate BMC Model |
| [Documentation] Check that OPENBMC_MODEL is correct. |
| [Tags] Validate_BMC_Model |
| ${bmc_model}= Get BMC System Model |
| ${status}= Verify BMC System Model ${bmc_model} |
| Run Keyword If '${status}'=='False' Fatal Error Wrong System |
| |
| Run Entire Test Suite Multiple Time |
| [Documentation] Multiple iterations of Full Suite |
| |
| Should Be True 0<${ITERATION} |
| |
| ${timestamp}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y%m%d%H%M%S |
| ${tmp_result_dir_path}= Catenate ${RESULT_DIR_NAME}${timestamp} |
| Set Suite Variable ${RESULT_DIR_PATH} ${tmp_result_dir_path} |
| Log To Console ${RESULT_DIR_PATH} |
| Create Directory ${RESULT_DIR_PATH} |
| |
| \ Log To Console \n Iteration: no_newline=True |
| \ Log To Console ${INDEX} |
| \ Run sed -i 's/'${OPENBMC_HOST}'/DUMMYIP/g' output.xml |
| \ Copy File output.xml ${RESULT_DIR_PATH}/output${INDEX}.xml |
| \ Copy File log.html ${RESULT_DIR_PATH}/log${INDEX}.html |
| |
| Create Combined Report |
| [Documentation] Using output[?].xml and create combined log.html |
| [Tags] Create_Combined_Report |
| |
| Run rebot --name ${OPENBMC_SYSTEMMODEL}CombinedReport ${RESULT_DIR_PATH}/output*.xml |
| |
| ${combined_report_file}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${RESULT_DIR_PATH} |
| ... /log${OPENBMC_SYSTEMMODEL}CombinedIterations ${ITERATION}Report.html |
| Copy File log.html ${combined_report_file} |
| |
| Convert HTML To PDF ${combined_report_file} |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Convert HTML To PDF |
| [Documentation] Convert HTML to PDF in order to support GitHub |
| ... attachment. |
| [Arguments] ${combined_report_html_file_path} |
| # Description of arguments: |
| # combined_report_html_file_path Combined report file in HTML format. |
| |
| Log To Console \n ${combined_report_html_file_path} |
| ${combined_report_pdf_file_path}= |
| ... Fetch From Left ${combined_report_html_file_path} . |
| # Compose combined_report_pdf_file_path. |
| ${combined_report_pdf_file_path}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... ${combined_report_pdf_file_path} .pdf |
| # wkhtmltopdf tool is to convert HTML to PDF |
| ${output}= Run which wkhtmltopdf |
| Should Not Be Empty ${output} |
| ... msg=wkhtmltopdf not installed, Install from http://wkhtmltopdf.org |
| ${output}= |
| ... Run wkhtmltopdf ./${combined_report_html_file_path} ./${combined_report_pdf_file_path} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${output} |
| OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${combined_report_pdf_file_path} |
| |
| |